Jagran Josh
CBSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper 2023-24: The CBSE sample paper of class 10 Science for the 2023-24 board examination is out now. With the help of the sample paper, students will be able to understand the format of questions and their difficulty level for the year-end board exams. Knowing the details of question paper pattern for the board exam this early in the year is going to be very helpful to plan studies for Science exam in the right way. Now, students have enough time to practice similar questions of Mathematics and learn the step-wise method of answering questions as suggested in CBSE marking scheme.Check and download the complete sample paper and marking scheme PDFs below.
CBSE Class 10 Science (Code No.086) Sample Question Paper 2023-24
Max. Marks: 80
Time Allowed: 3 hours
General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
ii. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
iii. Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
iv. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
v. Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
vi. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
vii. Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts.
Also Read: CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus 2023-24
Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the questions 1-20. There is no negative mark for incorrect response.
Identify the product which represents the solid state in the above reaction.
a) Barium chloride
b) Barium sulphate
c) Sodium chloride
d) Sodium sulphate
2 The colour of the solution observed after 30 minutes of placing zinc metal to copper sulphate solution is
a) Blue
b) Colourless
c) Dirty green
d) Reddish Brown
3 Mild non-corrosive basic salt is
a) Ca (OH)2
b) NaCl
c) NaOH
d) NaHCO3
4 On adding dilute sulphuric acid to a test tube containing a metal ‘X’, a colourless gas is produced when a burning match stick is brought near it. Which of the following correctly represents metal ‘X’?
a) Sodium
b) Zinc
c) Copper
d) Silver
5 Which one of the following correctly represents Sodium oxide?
6 An element with atomic number_____ will form a basic oxide.
a) 7 (2,5)
b) 17 (2,8,7)
c) 14 (2,8,4)
d) 11 (2,8,1)
7 An element ‘M’ has 50% of the electrons filled in the 3rd shell as in the 2nd shell. The atomic number of ‘M’ is:
a) 10
b) 12
c) 14
d) 18
8 Generally food is broken and absorbed within the body of organisms. In which of the following organisms is it done outside the body?
a) Amoeba
b) Mushroom
c) Paramoecium
d) Lice
9 Receptors are usually located in sense organs. Gustatory receptors are present in
a) tongue
b) nose
c) eye
d) ear
10 A farmer wants to grow banana plants genetically similar enough to the plants already available in his field. Which one of the following methods would you suggest for this purpose?
a) Regeneration
b) Budding
c) Vegetative propagation
d) Sexual reproduction
11 Height of a plant is regulated by:
a) DNA which is directly influenced by growth hormone.
b) Genes which regulate the proteins directly.
c) Growth hormones under the influence of the enzymes coded by a gene.
d) Growth hormones directly under the influence a gene.
12 A sportsman, after a long break of his routine exercise, suffered muscular cramps during a heavy exercise session. This happened due to:
a) lack of carbon dioxide and formation of pyruvate.
b) presence of oxygen and formation of ethanol.
c) lack of oxygen and formation of lactic acid.
d) lack of oxygen and formation of carbon dioxide.
13 An object is placed in front of a convex mirror. Its image is formed:
a) at a distance equal to the object distance in front of the mirror.
b) at twice the distance of the object in front of the mirror.
c) half the distance of the object in front of the mirror.
d) behind the mirror and its position varies according to the object distance.
14 When light enters the atmosphere it strikes on extremely fine particles, which deflect the rays of light in all possible directions, This is due to –
a) reflection of light
b) atmospheric refraction
c) scattering of light
d) dispersion of light
15 In 1987, an agreement was formulated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to freeze the production of “X” to prevent depletion of “Y”. “X” and “Y” respectively referred here are:
a) Ozone; CFCs
b) CFCs; rays UV
c) CFCs; Ozone
d) UV rays; Diatomic oxygen
16 Which of the following features relates to biodegradable substances?
a) Broken down by biological processes
b) Remain inert
c) Persist in environment for long time
d) May harm the ecosystem
Question No. 17 to 20 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
17 Assertion: Rusting of Iron is endothermic in nature.
Reason: As the reaction is slow, the release of heat is barely evident.
18 Assertion: Probability of survival of an organism produced through sexual reproduction is more than that of organism produced through asexual mode.
Reason: Variations provide advantages to individuals for survival.
19 Assertion: A compass needle is placed near a current carrying wire. The deflection of the compass needle decreases when the magnitude of the current in the wire is increased.
Reason : The strength of a magnetic field at a point near the conductor increases on increasing the current.
20 Assertion: Biodegradable substances result in the formation of compost and natural replenishment.
Reason: It is due to breakdown of complex inorganic substances into simple organic substances.
Question No. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions
21 Dil. HCl is added to Zn granules. How will you prove that chemical change has taken place here? Support your response with two arguments.
22 State the post-fertilisation changes that lead to fruit formation in plants.
23 What is the purpose of making urine in the human body? Name the organs that stores and releases the urine.
Why do arteries have thick and elastic walls whereas veins have valves?
24 The refractive indices of three media are given below:
Medium |
Refractive Index |
A |
1.6 |
B |
1.8 |
C |
1.5 |
A ray of light is travelling from A to B and another ray is travelling from B to C.
(a) In which of the two cases the refracted ray bends towards the normal?
(b) In which case does the speed of light increase in the second medium? Give reasons for your answer.
25 A piece of wire of resistance R is cut into three equal parts. These parts are then connected in parallel. If the equivalent resistance of this parallel combination is R1, what is the value of the ratio R1 : R?
Refer to the image below and state how the magnetic field pattern indicates regions where the magnetic field is stronger outside the magnet? What happens to the magnetic field when the current in the circuit is reversed?
26 Study the food chain given below and answer the questions that follow:
a)If the amount of energy available at the third trophic level is 100 joules, then how much energy will be available at the producer level? Justify your answer.
b) Is it possible to have 2 more trophic levels in this food chain just before the fourth trophic level? Justify your answer.
To check all questions, download the full sample paper and its marking scheme from the links given below:
Also Read:
CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers for Board Exam 2024 (All Subjects)
CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-2024 (All Subjects)
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