Jagran Josh
CBSE Class 10 Spanish Syllabus 2023-24: Class 10 Syllabus of Spanish language by CBSE is provided here for PDF download. Check this latest syllabus to know course structure, course contents and exam pattern for CBSE Class 10 Spanish Exam 2024.
CBSE Spanish Syllabus Class 10 2023-24: In CBSE Class 10, Spanish is offered as an option for the third language course among French, German, Russian and a few others. The CBSE curriculum for Spanish language focuses on introducing the learners to the basic elements of language and culture based on the promotion of language acquisition. By going through the complete syllabus, students will get the right guidance to grasp the language flow in a smooth and effective manner. In this article of Jagran Josh, you will get to know the new CBSE syllabus of Class 10 Spanish that has been released by the board for the current academic session, 2023-24. This syllabus will let you know the course structure, course contents, examination scheme, question paper design and details of internal assessment for Spanish language.
CBSE Class 10 Spanish Syllabus 2023-24 is divided into four sections as per the following marking scheme:
(A)Reading Section – 15 marks
(B)Writing Section – 15 marks
(C)Applied Grammar – 15 marks
(D)Culture / Civilization /Literature – 15 marks
Check the complete syllabus below to know the list of topics prescribed under each section and other important curriculum details.
CBSE Class 10 Spanish (Code 096) Syllabus 2023-24
Course Structure:
Annual Board Examination |
80 Marks |
Internal Assessment |
30 Marks |
Total |
100 Marks |
(A) Reading Section:
A learner should be able to:
(i) identify the logical argument of a simple text; and
(ii) understand the ideas implicit in the argument and extract key points from text, visual materials and graphics.
(B) Writing Section:
A learner should be able to:
(i) write short compositions on everyday life situations on family, friends, festivals, cultural events, city, etc. with emphasis on developing sentences with logical sequences;
(ii) reproduce the grammatical components identified in the syllabus through written exercises; and
(iii) use language appropriate to purpose and audience.
(C) Applied Grammar:
- Reflexive tense and impersonal ‘Se’
- Revision of the concept of comparison of equality, superiority and inferiority
- The direct and indirect object pronoun
- Conjunction: además, es que, etc.
- Expressions such as: Deber + infinitivo / Tener que + infinitivo / Hay que + infinitivo / Se puede + infinitivo? / ¿Me das + …?
- Use of the verb Doler and expressions with Tener dolor de + sustantivo
- Prepositions: Por / Para
- Use of verbs Pensar and Creer to express an opinion
- Contrast muy / mucho
- Present perfect tense (pretérito perfecto) and past indefinite tense (pretérito indefinido)
- Past imperfect tense (pretérito imperfecto)
- Contrast between pretérito perfecto, pretérito indefinido and pretérito imperfecto
- Paraphrase: Pensar + infinitivo, Haber que + infinitivo
- Consecutive conjunction: por eso
- Revision of the concept of direct and indirect object pronouns
- Negative command (singular/plural) + direct/indirect object pronoun
- Idea of the subjunctive mood
- Simple conditional (not involving the past tense)
(D) Culture/Civilization/Literature:
(i) Elementary familiarity with cultural information such as important events and days, monuments, festivals, cuisines, touristic spots, famous personalities, political and geographical aspects relating to Spain and rest of the Latin American countries, besides the ones prescribed in Class IX: Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, República Dominica, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Perú, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
(ii) Besides the ones prescribed in Class IX, the following authors may be added (biography and two of their most well-known works):
a) Félix Lope de Vega, such as La Dorotea and Fuenteovejuna,
b) Camilo José Cela, such as La familia de Pascual Duarte and La Colmena,
c) Gabriel García Márquez, such as Cien años de soledad and La increíble y triste historia de Eréndira y se su abuela desalmada,
d) Jorge Luis Borges, works such as Ficciones and El Aleph,
e) Mario Vargas Llosa, works such as Los jefes and La ciudad y los perros,
f) Nicolás Guillén, works such as Motivos de son and Poemas mulatos.
Prescribed book:
Continuation of Aula Internacional 1 textbook with new exercises to be framed by the teacher. Relevant chapters from the following textbook may be referred to for use as per the prescribed syllabus.
- Aula International 2 (CD+workbook) by Jaime Corpas et.al, Difusión, Madrid
Reference books:
- Collins Gem Spanish School Dictionary, Collins
- Learn Spanish through games and activities (Level 1), by Pablo Rocío Domínguez, ELI Publishing
- en acción A2, (CD + workbook) by Elena Verdía, Marisa González, et. al., enClave ELE
- Compañeros 2, (CD+Workbook) by Francisca Castro et.al., SGEL
- En directo nivel elemental & nivel medio (CD + Workbook) by Aquilino Sánchez Pérez
- “Mi mundo en palabras”: https://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/mimundo/default.htm
- “Lecturas paso a paso” (lecturas adaptadas con actividades interactivas): https://cvc.cervantes.es/aula/lecturas/
- “Pasatiempos de Rayuela” (actividades interactivas): https://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/pasatiempos/default.php
- “En sintonía con el español” (podcast en español): https://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/ese/default.htm
CBSE Class 10 Spanish Question Paper Design 2023-24
Download the full syllabus of Spanish for CBSE Class 10 from the following link:
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