CBSE Class 11 Geography Deleted Syllabus 2023-24

Jagran Josh

CBSE has published the curriculum for the 2023 – 24 exams, and many topics have been dropped from the syllabus. Check here the detailed syllabus and rationalised topics for the CBSE class 11 geography subject.

Get here the CBSE Class 11 Geography deleted syllabus 2023-24

Get here the CBSE Class 11 Geography deleted syllabus 2023-24

CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus 2023-24: The Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) is the topmost education body in India and has released the latest syllabus for class 11. In the last couple of years, the CBSE board has reduced and rationalised the syllabus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Keeping in mind the positive feedback and less stress on students, the board has kept the changes.

It’s important to know the latest and correct syllabus before you begin your preparation for the ongoing session year. The CBSE class 11 geography syllabus has been modified the most, and several topics have been trimmed or deleted. The NCERT books have been changed as well. 

The rationalisation is a long-overdue measure as many parts of the curriculum were outdated, and the CBSE board also intends for the overall development of students with added emphasis on extracurricular activities and sports in addition to studies.

Career Counseling

You can check the updated syllabus with all the rationalised topics below. But first, take a look at the complete 2023-24 CBSE class 11 Geography syllabus.

Read More: CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus 2023-24: Class 11th Geography Syllabus Download PDF

CBSE Class 11 Geography Rationalized NCERT books

Check the list of topics and chapters removed from the NCERT book as part of the rationalization process. Below is the content deleted from the following NCERT Geography text books.

 Fundamental of Physical Geography.


Page No.

Deleted/Dropped Topics

Unit I: Geography as a Discipline

Chapter 1: Geography as a Discipline

5 – 7

Physical Geography and Natural Science, Geography and Social Sciences

Unit II: The Earth

Chapter 2: The Origin and Evolution of the Earth  


Our Solar System, The Moon, Geological Time Scale

Chapter 3: Interior of the Earth


Activity— Locating an Epicentre

Unit III: Landforms

Chapter 5: Minerals and Rocks


Full Chapter

Unit VI: Life on the Earth

Chapter 15: Life on the Earth


Full Chapter

Note: The questions given in the exercises related to the deleted content of different chapters should not be considered.

India: Physical Environment


Page No.

Deleted/Dropped Topics

Unit II: Physiography

Chapter 2: Structure and Physiography  


Large Scale Variations within the Himalayas. Five subdivisions have been deleted and Figures 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9

Chapter 3: Drainage System


Smaller Rivers Flowing towards the West, Smaller Rivers Flowing towards the East, River Regimes, Table 3.1 of comparison between the Himalayan and the Peninsular rivers

Unit III: Climate, Vegetation and Soil

Chapter 4: Climate

34–38 40–44 46–47 49–50 53–54

Two groups mentioned under Factors Determining the Climate of India and heading factors related to location and relief, factors related to air pressure and wind, mechanism of weather in the winter season, mechanism of weather in the summer season, rain-bearing system and rainfall distribution, characteristics of monsoonal rainfall, variability of rainfall, climatic regions of India. Related figures 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.13 and Table 4.1

Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation

61–62, 66

Forest cover in India, data related to districts in Forest and Life box, details of Nilgiri, Nanda Devi, Sunderban and Gulf of Munnar biosphere reserves

Chapter 6: Soils


Full Chapter

Unit IV: Natural Hazards and Disasters: Causes, Consequences and Management

Chapter 7: Natural Hazards and Disasters

79 84

Table 7.1 and 7.2, Structure of Tropical Cyclone


I. States, Their Capitals, Number of Districts, Area and Population


All appendices

II. Union Territories, Their Capitals, Area and Population

III. Important River Basins

IV. State/Union Territory wise Forest Cover.

V. National Parks of India

Note: The questions given in the exercises related to the deleted content of different chapters should not be considered

Practical Work in Geography – Part I


Page No.

Deleted/Dropped Topics

Chapter 6: Introduction to Aerial Photographs  


Full Chapter

Chapter 8: Weather Instruments, Maps and Charts

107 – 123

Full Chapter

Note: The questions given in the exercises related to the deleted content of different chapters should not be considered.


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