Jagran Josh
CBSE Class 11 Japanese Syllabus 2024: The article provides the updated and detailed syllabus for CBSE Japanese Class 11. Download the 2023-24 unit-wise syllabus pdf.
CBSE Japanese Syllabus for Class 11: Learning a new language is complicated and even more difficult when you don’t know what needs to be taught or studied. Here comes the role of a syllabus. The Central Board of Secondary Education has already released syllabi for all the language subjects including Japanese. The combined Class 11 and Class 12 Japanese syllabus can be found on the official website of CBSE. Here in this post, we will be discussing solely the Japanese syllabus for CBSE Class 11. Read the complete article to know more about the CBSE Class 11 Japanese syllabus. You can download the syllabus pdf as well.
CBSE Class 11 Japanese Syllabus 2023-24
Subject code: 194
Duration: (APRIL 2023 – MARCH 2024)
Maximum Marks: 80
Topics |
Marks |
Periods |
1. Course content: A-D- summative |
(Class – XI: 6-7 periods x30 weeks=180-210 periods (1 period = 35-40 min) |
A) Reading comprehension: |
20 |
40 |
Unseen passages related to the syllabus (explanatory, opinion text)-short stories, articles |
B) Writing skills: |
20 |
40 |
Guided paragraph writing on the following topics in about 400 characters. No marks deducted for spelling mistakes. 1st Term • すきな スポーツ • Completing conversation passages 2nd Term • わたしが ほしい もの。 • しゅうがくりょこうの おしらせ :ポスター つくり(poster making) • Completing conversation passages |
C) Grammar: |
20 |
50 |
1st term lesson 21- 24 (4 lessons) 2nd term-lesson 25-28 (4 lessons) |
とおもいます、といいます、でしょう、NでNがあります、 Vないとnoun modification , 時間/約束/用事があります、とき、と、 くれます、あげます、もらいます、たら、Vて、けいようし-くて、 くても、もし、いくら、んです、いただけませんか、Vたらいいですか、 すき、きらい、上手、下手 Potential verbs, potential verb sentences. しかあり ません、 ながら、–し—し、 ましょう、それに, それで、よく、 V ています. |
D) Script: 101-150 kanji (N4 list, both reading and writing) |
20 |
45 |
E) Culture: (Internal Assessment ) |
Efforts should be made to introduce to the students’ Japanese customs, habits, festivals in 1st term. |
Prescribed Books:
- Minnano Nihongo part 1-2,2-1,- textbook, grammar books, cd (audio) -published by GOYALPUBLISHERS – in india – 2nd edition 2018
- Nihongo challenge – kanji N4-5
A – Periodic Tests Total Weightage 10 out of 20 |
Tests may be based on grammar/vocabulary/kanji/script |
B – Notebook Submission Total Weightage 05 out of 20 |
Students are expected to maintain notebooks for classwork and other home-based enrichment exercises. Assessment may be done on the basis of Regularity Assignment Completion Neatness and upkeep of Notebook |
C –Subject Enrichment PBL Total Weightage 05 out of 20 |
The teacher should assess students on the skills of language learning namely, Listening and Speaking. The assessment should be done on 10 and then reduced to 5 marks. The topics for Listening and Speaking may be taken from the themes of the lessons in the syllabus. The details of this component are as follows: Components & Weightage Suggested Activities Total 5 marks Listening to small narrations and analysing. Speaking Conversations & Dialogues, spontaneous question-answers, recitation and narration. PBL(project-based learning ) Any one of the following topics in Japanese: 1. おとしよりのひと 2. こうつうきかん(Transport system of India) 3. インドのしょくじ-けんこうにいい?(Healthy food habits in INDIA |
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