CBSE Class 11 NCC Syllabus 2023-24: Download PDF 

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 11 NCC Syllabus 2024: Get here an updated and detailed 2023-24 syllabus for CBSE NCC Class 11. Download the 2023-24 unit-wise syllabus pdf and check deleted units.

CBSE Class 11 NCC syllabus 2023-24: Download PDF for all Common and Specialized Subjects

CBSE Class 11 NCC syllabus 2023-24: Download PDF for all Common and Specialized Subjects

CBSE NCC Syllabus for Class 11: As you have already read the heading, this article is in regard to the CBSE Class 11 NCC syllabus 2023-24. After the beginning of the new academic session 2023-24, it’s the right time for the students to explore the syllabi. NCC (National Cadet Corps) is one of the academic electives offered by the Central Board of Secondary Education. Students with an interest in active lifestyle and defence generally opt for this. Let us take you through the basic knowledge about NCC. It is a youth development movement to which any student of school and college join. Being a part of NCC does not give the surety of your selection to any defence forces but its certification plays an important role in the selection. The NCC curriculum is divided into common and specialised subjects. There are three specialised subjects (Army, Navy and Air force) and students can pick any one of these. The subject code for the CBSE NCC course is 076. Read this complete article to check the CBSE Class 11 NCC syllabus 2023-24. 

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CBSE Class 11 NCC Syllabus 2023-24

(CODE: 076)

Common Subjects



Unit-1: The NCC

  • Aims and Objectives of NCC
  • Organization and Training and NCC Song
  • Incentives

Unit-2: National Integration and Awareness

  • National Integration: Importance and Necessity
  • Freedom Struggle and Nationalist Movement in India

Unit-3 : Drill 

Unit-4: Weapon Training 

  • Characteristics of a Rifle and its Ammunition
  • Stripping, assembling, care and cleaning of 22 Rifle
  • Loading, cocking and unloading
  • Different positions for holding and aiming

Unit-5: Personality Development and Leadership

Introduction to Personality development

  • Communication skills
  • Leadership traits
  • Time management

Unit-6: Disaster Management and Civil Affairs

  • Types of Emergencies and Natural Disasters
  • Assistance during natural and other calamities: Floods, Cyclones,
  • Earthquakes, Accidents

Unit-7: Social Awareness Community Development 

  • Basics of Social Service and its needs
  • Contribution of youth towards social welfare
  • Civic responsibilities

Unit-8: Health and Hygiene

  • Hygiene and sanitation
  • Infectious and contagious diseases and its prevention

Unit- : Adventure and Obstacle Training

Unit-10: Environment Awareness and Conservation

  • Natural resources – conservation and management
  • Water conservation and rainwater harvesting



Specialized Subject (Army)

Unit 1: Armed Forces

Aim: To acquaint cadets with the Armed Forces

Scope: Introductory and general information about the Armed Forces

  • Basic organization of Armed Forces
  • Organization of the Army

Unit 2: Map Reading

Aim: To teach cadets elementary map reading

Scope: Basic understanding of map sheets and map reading instruments

and development of the capability to use them to carry out simple map reading

• Introduction to types of Maps and conventional signs

• Scales and grid system

• Topographical forms and technical terms

• Types of bearings and use of service protractor

• Prismatic compass and its use and GPS

Unit -3: Field Craft and Battle Craft 

Aim: To teach cadets elementary field crafts and battle craft

Scope: Basic field craft and battle craft

• Judging distance

• Description of ground

Unit-6: Communication

Aim: To introduce cadets to the latest trends in the field of communications

Scope: Types of communications and future trends

• Types of communication

• Characteristics of wireless technology (mobile, Wi-Fi etc.)

Unit-5: Military History

Aim: To provide knowledge of renowned Military Generals, PVCs and Indo-Pak


Scope: Introduction to biographies, famous Indian battles and gallantry awards

• Biographies of renowned generals (Carriappa/ Manekshaw)

Unit-6: Communication

Aim: To introduce cadets to the latest trends in the field of communications

Scope: Types of communications and future trends

• Types of communication

• Characteristics of wireless technology (mobile, Wi-Fi etc.)



Specialized Subject (Navy)

Unit-1: Naval Orientation and service subjects

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about Navy

Scope: Basic knowledge, history, current organization and role of different branches

• History of the Navy – pre and post-independence, gallantry award winners

• Organization of the Navy, NHQ, commands and fleets

• Types of War ships and role

• Rank of officers and sailors and their equivalent in other services

Unit-2: Naval Communication

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about naval communication

Scope: To impart basic knowledge about naval communication, semaphore and

wearing of flags

• Introduction to modern naval communication, purpose and principles

Unit-3: Seamanship

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about navigation

Scope: Basic navigation tactics and methods

  • Parts of Anchor, cable and its identification

Unit-4: Rigging

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about ropes, rigging and shackles

Scope: Basic rope work and introduction to ropes, bends and hitches

• Types of ropes and breaking strength – stowing, maintenance and securing

• Practical bends and hitches

Unit-5: Boat Work

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about boats and its parts and steering of boats

Scope: Introduction to boats and its parts including steering of boats and boat


• Parts of a boat and parts of an oar

• Instructions on boat pulling

Unit-6: Ship and Boat Modeling

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about ship modelling to the cadets

Scope: To impart basic knowledge about ship construction and boat modelling

• Principles of Ship Modelling

Unit-7: Search and Rescue 

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about search and rescue

Scope: To impart knowledge about SAR organization and role of Coast Guard

  • SAR Organization in the Indian Ocean



Specialized Subject (Air Force) 

Unit-1: General Service Knowledge

Aim: To impart basic knowledge of IAF

Scope: History and Organization of IAF

• Development of Aviation

History of IAF

Unit-2: Principles of Flight

Aim: To introduce principles of flight

Scope: To impart knowledge about basic principles on which aviation is based

  • Laws of Motion
  • Glossary of Terms

Unit-3 : Airmanship 

Aim: To introduce the concept of airmanship

Score: Airfield layout, Rules of the air, ATC procedures and basics of aviation


• Airfield Layout

• Rules of the Air

• Circuit Procedure

Unit-4 : Aero Engines

Aim: To introduce basic knowledge of aero engines

Scope: Introduction to aero engines

Unit-5 : Air frames

Aim: To introduce basic structure of an aircraft

Scope: Introduction to various aircraft controls and landing gear

• Aircraft Controls

• Landing Gear

Unit-6 : Instruments 

Aim: To provide knowledge of aircraft instruments

Scope: To teach basics about flight instruments

• Basic flight instruments

Unit 7:AircraftParticulars

Aim: To provide knowledge of aircraft Instruments

Scope: Knowledge about the aircraft to be flown including checks and procedures

  • Aircraft particular type specific

Unit-8 : Aero-modeling 

Aim: To provide knowledge about aero modelling

Scope: History of aero modelling, materials used in different types of models

• History of Aero-modelling

• Types of aero-models


We hope now the  NCC syllabus is clear to you. If you want to download the complete syllabus in pdf format then go to the link provided below and download the free pdf.




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