CBSE Class 11 Spanish Syllabus 2023-24: Download Class 11th Spanish Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh

(i) Revision of elementary grammatical categories like articles, nouns, pronouns (personal, demonstrative and interrogative), gender, number, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions of verbs, auxiliary verbs, possessive, prepositions etc. 

(ii) Revision of uses of present tense: “Ser + adjetivo”, “Estar + adjetivo”, “Gustar, molestar + infinitivo”, Preferir. 

(iii) Revision of uses of Se: Se + 3ª persona singular. 

(iv) Verbs with prepositions: acostumbrarse a, interesarse por, pensar en, ir a, acordarse de, etc. 

(v) Verbal parafrases: “Empezar a + infinitivo”, “Seguir + gerundio”, “Me parece/resulta + adjetivo + infinitivo”, “Creo que /pienso que + presente de indicativo”, “Me hace falta/lo que necesito es /me gustaría + infinitivo”, “Hace falta /Es necesario /Es importante /Se necesita /hay que /lo que hay que hacer + infinitivo”, “a lo mejor/quizá (s) + infinitivo”, “Se puede + infinitivo”, “Es posible + infinitivo”. 

(vi) Different forms of past tense (pretérito indefinido/imperfecto), including the perfect tense with the auxiliary verb ‘haber’ (pretérito perfecto /pluscuamperfecto). 

(vii) Imperative verbal mood -command and entreaties: revision of affirmative and negative commands. 

(viii) Direct and Indirect speech 

(ix) Use of very common idiomatic expressions (as contained in the prescribed book) 

(x) Future (“Supongo que/ creo que + futuro”, “seguro que + futuro”) and Conditional tenses (“yo en tu lugar + conditional”) 

(xi) Present Subjunctive mood and the difference between the indicative mood and the subjunctive mood.


• Besides the cultural and civilizational information relating to Spanish-speaking countries acquired in Class IX and X, learners are expected to have basic information on some aspects of Spanish history like the Roman Empire, the Moorish domination, the consolidation of the Spanish kingdom after the reconquest (la reconquista), the Civil War, and transition to democracy. Learners are expected to know simple facts about dates, reason and consequences. 

• Learners will also explore different aspects of Spanish customs and traditions. 

• The teacher is expected to make choices of texts as per the general competence of the class. 

• Learners will learn about some important literary figures from Spain. The following additional choice of authors is added in addition to the ones prescribed in Classes IX and X: 

a) Pedro Calderón de la Barca, works such as El príncipe constante and La vida es sueño 

b) Antonio Buero Vallejo, works such as Historia de una escalera and Hoy es fiesta.


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