CBSE Class 12 French Syllabus 2023-24: Download PDF

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 12 French Syllabus 2024: The article provides the updated and detailed syllabus for CBSE French Class 12. Download the 2023-24 unit-wise syllabus pdf.

Download CBSE Board Class 12th French Syllabus PDF for session 2023-24

Download CBSE Board Class 12th French Syllabus PDF for session 2023-24

CBSE French Syllabus for Class 12: The CBSE curriculum is vast and is divided into academic, language and skill subjects. All these are important for the overall development of the students. This is the main reason CBSE has incorporated them into the curriculum. Language subjects are interesting and beneficial as they add more languages to the skills. The syllabus of language subjects is not very huge as they primarily focus on providing a foundation to know the new language. French is one of the languages CBSE offers to students. It is fancy and well-appreciated language. The scope of knowing a different language is bright as one can pursue their career in the same. This article elaborates on the CBSE Class 12 French syllabus 2023-24 (Subject Code-118). Students can read the syllabus and exam structure from here and can also download the pdf for the same. 

CBSE Class 12 French Syllabus 2023-24



A) Comprehension/ Reading:


  • One passage from the prescribed book


  • One unseen passage (Factual/Descriptive) (with a picture/diagrammatically represented data) 


B) Writing Skills/Compositions:


  • Writing a story based on the outlines provided (about 120 words)


  • Informal letter (about 80 words) 


C) Applied Grammar


The following grammar topics will be tested through filling in the blanks/ transformation and re-ordering of sentences/ sentence correction (not involving punctuation and spelling) 

● Prepositions ● Interrogative adjectives and pronouns ● Relative pronouns (simple and composed) ● Personal pronouns ● Tenses (excluding passé antérieur and passé simple) ● Direct and reported speech ● Negations  


D) Culture

(Lessons 18 – 23) 



5 X 2 = 10  

Fill in the blanks based on general information in the lessons

5 X 1 = 5  

E) Internal Assessment


It may be divided into two parts

a. ASL [Listening  and speaking]

b. Project work

Listening 5 Marks, Speaking 5 Marks, Project 10 Marks

(It may be a powerpoint presentation or an illustrated file) The project may be on one of the following themes: 

1. A French/ francophone writer 

2. A Francophone country 

3. French cuisine 

4. A French region  


( Please refer to the latest guidelines issued by the CBSE on their website from time to time) It is recommended that listening and speaking skills be regularly practised and art-integrated projects based on activities like role play, skit, dramatisation etc. be encouraged.

CBSE Class 12 French Examination Structure 2023-24

The Question Paper will be divided into 4 Sections:

  • Section A Comprehension 20
  • Section B Writing skills 20
  • Section C Grammar 25
  • Section D Culture and Civilisation 15
  • Time: 3 Hours
  • Marks: 80+20

Exam structure CBSE Class 12 French 2024

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