CBSE Class 12 Geography Deleted syllabus 2022-23: List of deleted theory and map work

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 12 Geography Deleted syllabus 2022-23: Get the complete list of deleted theory and map work from the current syllabus of CBSE Class 12 Geography.

CBSE Class 12 Geography Deleted syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 12 Geography Deleted syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 12 Geography Deleted syllabus 2022-23: To expand and deepen the understanding of candidates in Geography, CBSE, in its senior secondary level of schooling, focuses on exploring the relationship between environment and people. Studies of physical and human environments, their interactions at different scales-local, state/region, nation and the world and the practical applications through case studies forms a major part of the syllabus.

For the academic session of 2022-23, students have been gifted with a reduced syllabus. Some of the theory and map work portions have been reduced to cater to the students who had to study through the pandemic. 

In this article, we are going to have a look at the list of deleted topics from each unit and chapter.



Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit 2: People

Population Composition


Unit 3: Human Activities

people engaged in secondary

activities – some examples from selected countries


Unit 5: Human settlements 

Whole chapter deleted


India: People and Economy

Unit 6: People


Human development

Population, environment and development


Unit 8: Resources and Development



Practical Work

Data analysis and generation of diagrams, graphs and other visual diagrams using computers

Field visit and study


Fundamentals of Human Geography

Class XII – Textbook I (NCERT)

Map Items for identification only on outline political map of the World.





Ch. 5 to 7

Primary Activities: Major areas of Mediterraneanagriculture of the World

Secondary Activities: Ruhr region, Silicon Valley, Appalachian region, Great lakesregion

Unit – 5

Ch. 10 

Mega cities of the world – Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai,

Mumbai, Saopaulo

Meanwhile, candidates can download the latest CBSE Class 12 Geography syllabus 2022-23 by clicking here.

India – People and Economy

Class XII-Textbook II (NCERT)

Map Items for locating and labelling only on the outline political map of India




Units – 6 & 7

Ch. 1 to 4

One state with highest level of HDI & One lowest level ofHDI

One out migrating state

One in migrating state

Unit – 8

Ch. 5 TO 9 

Leading producing states of (C) Jowar

Iron and Steel Plants

Cotton Textile

Software Technology Parks

Students should check out CBSE Class 12 Geography sample question paper 2022-23 to get an idea of how questions will be asked form the theory and map portions.

DOWNLOAD CBSE Class 12 Geography sample question paper 2022-23 .


All the best!


Is there any reduction in Geography syllabus of class 12 CBSE 2022-23?

Yes, in this article we have provided a list of the topics which have been reduced from syllabus of CBSE Geography class 12 2022-23?

How many units are there in CBSE 12 Geography Syllabus 2023?

CBSE Class 12 Geography Syllabus for the session 2022-23 has a total of 9 chapters divided into Part A and Part B. There are map works listed in Part C which is divided into two.

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