CBSE Class 12 German Syllabus 2023-24: Download Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 12 German Syllabus 2024: The article provides the updated and detailed syllabus for CBSE German Class 12. Download the 2023-24 unit-wise syllabus pdf.

Download CBSE Board Class 12 German Syllabus PDF for session 2023-24

Download CBSE Board Class 12 German Syllabus PDF for session 2023-24

CBSE German Syllabus for Class 12: CBSE, also known by its full form Central Board of Secondary Education is an Indian educational board that provides education to millions of students through its affiliation to hundreds of schools all over the country. It releases syllabi, sample papers, practice papers and marking schemes as well to help students in their studies and make the process smooth. Now as the new academic year 2023-24 has started CBSE has already released the new syllabi of almost all the subjects covered under academic electives and languages. German is one of the language electives for CBSE class 12 students. Thus, Class 12 students can now have access to the German syllabus and start their studies accordingly. The subject code for German is 120. Read this article to understand the CBSE Class 12 German syllabus 2023-24 along with other important highlights. The students can download the syllabus pdf as well. 

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Learning Outcomes from the German CBSE Class 12 Syllabus

The following learning objectives apply for classes 11 and 12.

1. Listening and responding

By the end of class 12 students should be able to:

  • listen and understand details from an extended dialogue or an informative text
  • listen to an audio text, comprehend
  • listen to the conversation and judge someone by their behaviour

2. Speaking

By the end of class 12 students should be able to:

  • talk about a topic explaining the pros and cons of an action or product
  • debate on a given topic/ participate in group discussions
  • talk about perspectives and probabilities in the future
  • talk about historical and personal events in simple language and express opinions
  • be a part of a formal or informal interview

3. Reading and responding

By the end of class 12 students should be able to:

  • read simple literary texts and comprehend them
  • understand rules and regulations and respond
  • read a text/blog and formulate a response with the given information

4. Writing

By the end of class 12 students should be able to:

  • write experiential texts
  • write about future plans and feelings
  • formulate texts as per the norms followed in German-speaking countries

5. Intercultural awareness

By the end of class 12 students should be able to:

  • evaluate various record-breaking events in German-speaking countries and discuss those in India.
  • compare the school situations, youth scene, social concerns, and social life in German-speaking countries and India

6. Knowledge about language

By the end of class 12, the students should be able to:

  • understand the importance of grammar in expressing oneself better
  • understand and draw comparisons with unrealistic situations
  • understand the relation between structures and certain activities (e.g. passive for technical processes or subjunctive structures to express wishes)
  • understand the sentence structure using subordinate clause

7. Language learning strategies

By the end of class 12, the students should be able to:

  • use their knowledge of context and grammar to understand texts involving complex language
  • understand the importance of typical characteristics of text types and use them to understand spoken or written texts and to form new texts.

CBSE Class 12 German Syllabus 2023-24

Lesson numbers 1 to 14 were already covered in class 11. The class 12 syllabus starts with lesson 15.





Lesson 15

Science fiction

  • To talk about future plans
  • To make predictions
  • To speculate
  • To draw a comparison with  unrealistic situations
  • Future tense –‘werden’ + infinitive  
  • ‘als ob’ + subjunctive(K II)  
  • reposition ‘von’ – in place of genitive 

Lesson 16 


  • To talk about the consequences  
  • To suggest an alternative  
  • To describe an event
  • Subordinate clause : ‚sodass‘/‘so…,dass‘
  • Passive – present tense and past tense
  • Subordinate clauses- ‘(an)statt dass and ‘(an)statt … zu + infinitive

Lesson 17 

Setting up a House

  • To formulate rules
  • To express one’s feelings
  • To judge someone by their behaviour
  • Passive in present tense with modal verbs



Lesson 18

Tourism and cultural exchange

  • To give reasons
  • To lay down a condition
  • To negotiate
  • Subordinate clause – ‘da’
  • Personal pronouns in sentences with accusative and dative
  • Subordinate clause – ‘falls’
  • Adjectives and past participles as nouns


Assessment Scheme for Class 12 German 2023-24


Annual Examination

Max Marks: 80

Section A – Reading 

15 Marks

1. Comprehension (unseen passage) 


2. Comprehension (unseen passage)


Section B – Writing

10 Marks

3. Based on the stimulus compose an E-mail (approx. 80 words)


4. Based on the stimulus compose a dialogue


Section C – Applied Grammar

40 Marks

5. Passive voice (Passiv Präsens, Passiv Präteritum)


6. Subordinate clauses (als ob, da, falls, sodass, statt dass, statt…zu)


7. Adjectives and participles as nouns


8. Future tense (Futur I – werden + Infinitiv)


9. Personal pronouns in the accusative and dative case


Section D – Textbook

15 Marks

10. Completing a passage with the vocabulary provided (from the textbook)


11. Completing a passage with the vocabulary provided (from the textbook)


12. Comprehension (from the textbook)



Internal Assessment German Class 12 CBSE 2023-24

  1. Listening comprehensions (05 Marks)
  2. Speaking activities (debate, express one’s views, presentations, recitation) (could be conducted as individual or group activity) (05 Marks)
  3. Project Work (10 Marks)

An internet research-based project. It may be a PowerPoint presentation or an illustrated file.

It can be individual or group, on topics related to the history and culture of Germany.


Get the complete syllabus from the link below:




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