Board Exams 2023: Get Exam Results updates, Date Sheet, Syllabus, Time table of CBSE and State Board Exams | Hindustan Times
CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2023: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is going to hold board exam for the Class 12 History paper tomorrow, March 29. Timings for CBSE Class 12 History exam is 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and the gate closing time is 10 am.
The board had earlier released sample question papers and marking schemes for all board exam subjects of Class 10 and 12. These are available on
As per the SQP, the History paper carries 80 marks. The paper is divided into five sections – A, B, C, D and E. There are 34 questions in total and all of those are compulsory.
Section A – question numbers 1 to 21 – is of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) carrying 1 mark each. Section B or question numbers 22 to 27 are short answer type questions of 3 marks each. Answers to each of these questions should be between 60-80 words.
Section C (question no. 28 to 30) comprises of long answer type questions carrying 8 marks each. These are to be answered in 300-350 words. Section D – Questions 31 to 33 – are source based questions with three sub questions and are of 4 marks each
In Section E (Question no. 34) there is a map-based question for 5 marks that includes the identification and location of significant test items. Candidates need to attach the map with the answer book.
While there is no overall choice in the question paper, internal choices may be provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.
The main exam question paper will carry separate instructions in each section and question, wherever necessary.
CBSE Class 12 board exam started on February 15 and will continue till April 5. Remaining papers are History, Accountancy, Home Science, Sociology and Psychology.
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