Board Exam Results 2025: Check BSEB, UP, CBSE & State Board Result Live Updates | Hindustan Times
Central Board of Secondary Education conducted CBSE Class 12 Political Science Exam 2025 on March 22, 2025. The examination across the country was held in single shift- from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm.
The duration of the exam was 3 hours and the total marks was 80. The question paper had internal choices with a mix of competency-based and moderate questions.
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Teachers said that the Political Science paper was well balanced and the difficulty level was moderate. Check reviews by PGTs here.
Vishwajeet Pandey, PGT Political Science, JAIN International Residential School (JIRS), Bengaluru said, “The CBSE Board Question Paper for Political Science, held on 22nd March 2025, was a well-balanced paper that catered to a wide range of students. The difficulty level of the paper was moderate, striking a good balance between easy and standard questions. It reflected an appropriate understanding of the syllabus and was largely based on the NCERT textbooks, which ensured its relevance and alignment with the prescribed curriculum.”
Sapna Goswami, PGT Political Science at Silverline Prestige School, Ghaziabad said, “The paper was of average difficulty, with a focus on assessing the application of knowledge. MCQs and competency-based questions were of average difficulty. Students completed the paper within the allotted time and expressed satisfaction with the paper’s level. All sets were reportedly easy.”
Shivani Singh, Educator, Shiv Nadar School, Noida said, “The paper was set keeping the students who score average in mind. It is a scoring paper.2 and 4 markers needed careful analysis before attempting. There were 2 mcqs that confused students, one that had all treaties and the other that had all middle east countries.The paper was balanced. Most of the questions were direct Although a few subjective.”
GSEB Gujarat Board HSC Answer Key 2025 for science stream out at, download link here
Ahana Kumar, Grade 12 Student of Shiv Nadar School Noida was very happy with the paper. The 6 markers were good, and mcqs were not confusing and straightforward, she said.
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