Board Exams 2023: Get Exam Results updates, Date Sheet, Syllabus, Time table of CBSE and State Board Exams | Hindustan Times
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the class 12th board exam date sheet. The class 10th and 12th examinations will commence on February 15. The class 12th board examination will conclude on April 2. The CBSE class 10th and 12th Board examination will commence from 10:30 am. The class 10th board examination will conclude on March 13.
The class 12th examination will commence with the Entrepreneurship, Kokbook, Capital Market Option and Physical Activity Trainer examinations. The 12th examination will conclude with Information Practices, Computer Science and Information Technology exams.
The class 12th Hindi core and Hindi elective examinations will be conducted on February 19. The English core, English elective and English Elective CBSE ( Functional English) exam will be conducted on February 22.
The class 12th chemistry examination will be conducted on February 27, Geography exam on February 29. The Biology examination will be conducted on March 19.
All affiliated schools in India and overseas will start taking the CBSE practical exams on January 1, 2024, except those located in winter-bound areas. The practical exam for winter-bound schools will start on November 14 and will conclude on December 14, 2023.
Candidates can check the detailed class 12th examination timetable below:

#CBSE #class #12th #date #sheet #released #check #schedule