CBSE Class 9 MCQs of History Chapter 2 – Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Jagran Josh

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution: Chapter 2 of Class 9 NCERT History, “The Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution”, delves into the historical journey of socialism’s rise in Europe and the epoch-making event of the Russian Revolution. This summary highlights the key takeaways from the article in the form of 15 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) drawn from the Class 9 NCERT History curriculum. Get ready to test your knowledge and deepen your understanding of this chapter! 


Unraveling the complex tapestry of Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution, the article delves into a pivotal chapter in history that shaped the course of modern socio-political ideologies. Class 9 NCERT History introduces students to this transformative period, wherein ideas of equitable wealth distribution and worker empowerment emerged as potent forces. Through a set of thought-provoking Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), this article aims to test the readers’ knowledge and understanding of the key events, ideologies, and personalities that played instrumental roles in the rise of socialism and the epochal Russian Revolution. Join us on this enlightening journey to grasp the essence of these momentous historical events and their lasting impact on the world. 

Also Read – CBSE Class 9 MCQs of History Chapter 1 – The French Revolution

15 MCQs on Chapter 2 – Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

1. Who wrote the book “The Communist Manifesto,” which laid the foundation for socialist ideas?

a) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

b) Vladimir Lenin

c) Joseph Stalin

d) Leon Trotsky

2. The term “proletariat” refers to:

a) The middle-class intellectuals

b) The working class

c) The land-owning aristocracy

d) The ruling monarchs

3. Which country was the birthplace of socialism?

a) France

b) Russia

c) Germany

d) England

4. Socialism aimed to establish a society based on:

a) Private ownership of the means of production

b) State ownership of the means of production

c) Individual wealth accumulation

d) Feudal principles

5. The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the overthrow of which regime?

a) Democratic government

b) Fascist government

c) Monarchic government

d) Military dictatorship

Also Read – CBSE Chapterwise MCQs for Economics Class 9 NCERT from the Revised Syllabus (2023 – 2024)

6. Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party during the Russian Revolution?

a) Vladimir Lenin

b) Joseph Stalin

c) Leon Trotsky

d) Alexander Kerensky

7. The event that triggered the February Revolution in Russia was:

a) The October Manifesto

b) The Bloody Sunday massacre

c) The storming of the Winter Palace

d) The abdication of Tsar Nicholas II

8. The Bolsheviks, under Lenin’s leadership, promised the people:

a) A capitalist economy

b) “Peace, Land, and Bread”

c) To maintain the monarchy

d) More power to the aristocracy

9. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, signed in 1918, resulted in Russia:

a) Gaining territory from Germany

b) Losing territory to Germany

c) Remaining neutral in the war

d) Forming an alliance with Germany

10. The Red Army and the White Army were two opposing sides in the:

a) American Civil War

b) French Revolution

c) Russian Civil War

d) Spanish Civil War

Also Read – CBSE Chapterwise MCQs for Class 9 NCERT Democratic Politics from the Revised Syllabus (2023 – 2024)

11. The Bolsheviks later renamed themselves as the:

a) Socialist Party

b) Communist Party

c) Democratic Party

d) Fascist Party

12. The New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced by Lenin aimed to:

a) Promote large-scale industries

b) Return to the capitalist system

c) Implement land reforms

d) Rebuild the socialist economy after the civil war

13. Which of the following was NOT a feature of the socialist economy introduced by the Bolsheviks?

a) Collective farming

b) Nationalization of industries

c) Central planning

d) Private ownership of banks

14. The Russian Revolution had a significant impact on the world, inspiring revolutionary movements in:

a) Europe and Asia

b) Africa and North America

c) South America and Australia

d) Antarctica and Oceania

15. Who succeeded Vladimir Lenin as the leader of the Soviet Union after his death?

a) Joseph Stalin

b) Leon Trotsky

c) Mikhail Gorbachev

d) Nikita Khrushchev

Also Read – CBSE Chapterwise MCQs for Geography Class 9 NCERT Contemporary India from the Revised Syllabus (2023 – 2024)

Also read: What is Democracy? Why Democracy? CBSE Class 9 Political Science Chapter 1 Notes, Download PDF 


1. a) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

2. b) The working class

3. a) France

4. b) State ownership of the means of production

5. c) Monarchic government

6. a) Vladimir Lenin

7. b) The Bloody Sunday massacre

8. b) “Peace, Land, and Bread”

9. b) Losing territory to Germany

10. c) Russian Civil War

11. b) Communist Party

12. d) Rebuild the socialist economy after the civil war

13. d) Private ownership of banks

14. a) Europe and Asia

15. a) Joseph Stalin

Also read: Maps of Countries mentioned in Ch-1: What is Democracy? Why Democracy? 



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