CBSE extends registration data submission date for Class 9, 11, notice here

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Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE has extended the registration data submission date for Class 9, 11. Candidates can check the official notice on the official website of CBSE at

CBSE extends registration data submission date for Class 9, 11, notice here

The decision to extend the dates have been taken after considering various representations received from schools. The last date to submit the data without late fees is till October 25, 2023 and with late fees is from October 26 to October 29, 2023.

The Board has further directed that it will not entertain any subject change in the submitted LOC to ensure timely preparation of the examinations.

As per notice dated September 12, 2023, the data of the Class 9, 11 students will have to be filled in the OASIS platform. But before proceeding with the registration of the students, existing schools will have to update the data on the OASIS and HPE portal.

Once the details is filled, no window for correction in the uploaded data will be made available. Uploading of correct data is the responsibility of the school concerned. The spelling of name of the student, mother, father, guardian, date of birth should be correct and as per admission and withdrawal register maintained by the school. For more related details candidates can check the official site of CBSE.

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By bpci

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