Jagran Josh
Federalism Class 11 MCQs: As students of Political Science and also as informed and responsible citizens of the country, all of us must know about the principles and ideas of the Constitution of India which stands as the base of the laws, rights, duties and responsibilities for the Indian Citizens and the Indian government. This article provides a comprehensive list of 10 MCQs prepared for revision of Chapter 7 – Federalism of the Class 11 NCERT book on Indian Constitution at Work. The PDF is also available to download. Click the link at the end of the article to download the PDF.
This article presents a set of 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to test and reinforce understanding of the fundamental concepts covered in Chapter 7 – Federalism of the NCERT Indian Constitution at Work book of Class 11. These questions will help the students in their preparation for the upcoming examinations. Use these questions for revision; also check the answers in the answer key provided at the end of the article.
10 MCQs on Ch 7 – Federalism
Here are 10 multiple-choice questions based on Chapter 7 – Federalism from the NCERT book for Class 11 – Indian Constitution at Work:
1. Which of the following in the Indian Constitution deals with the division of powers between the Union and the States?
a) Preamble
b) Seventh Schedule
c) Article 370
d) Article 300
2. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Indian federalism?
a) Supremacy of the Constitution
b) Dual citizenship
c) Dual polity
d) Independent judiciary
3. The Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with:
a) Fundamental Rights
b) Union List, State List, and Concurrent List
c) Directive Principles of State Policy
d) Powers of the President
4. In India, the residuary powers are vested with:
a) The President of India
b) The Parliament of India
c) The State Governments
d) The Supreme Court of India
5. Which constitutional amendment made the provision for the creation of Panchayats and Municipalities in Part IX and Part IX-A of the Constitution?
a) 73rd Amendment
b) 74th Amendment
c) 76th Amendment
d) 71st Amendment
6. Which article of the Indian Constitution dealt with the special status of Jammu and Kashmir?
a) Article 370
b) Article 360
c) Article 356
d) Article 380
7. Which principle of federalism allows both the Centre and the States to make laws on the same subject matter?
a) Dual citizenship
b) Concurrent List
c) Single polity
d) Residuary powers
8. The Inter-State Council was set up on the recommendation of:
a) Sarkaria Commission
b) Rajamannar Committee
c) P.V. Rajamannar
d) M.M. Punchhi Commission
9. Which of the following is NOT a method of Constitutional Amendment in India?
a) Simple Majority in Parliament
b) Special Majority in Parliament
c) Special Majority in Parliament and Ratification by half of the State Legislatures
d) Referendum
10. Which Supreme Court judgment declared that federalism is a part of the basic structure of the Constitution and cannot be altered?
a) Golaknath v. State of Punjab
b) S.R. Bommai v. Union of India
c) Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala
d) Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narain
- b) Seventh Schedule
- b) Dual citizenship
- b) Union List, State List, and Concurrent List
- b) The Parliament of India
- a) 73rd Amendment
- a) Article 370
- b) Concurrent List
- a) Sarkaria Commission
- d) Referendum
- c) Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala
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