CBSE issues show cause notice to 34 schools, details inside

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Dec 09, 2024 06:03 PM IST

The schools that received the show cause notice are asked to respond within 30 days from the date of issue of the notice.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in an official notice informed that 34 schools were issued show cause notice as they did not abide by the provisions and rules set up by the Board.

The list of schools that were issued the notice is available on the official website of the board (Twitter)

Among the reasons stated by the board for issuing the show cause notice to the schools, the board warned the schools who are unknowingly participating in the sports events organised by the ‘CBSE Board School Games Welfare Society’ (CBSE-WSO), which is not connected to the board.

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The schools were advised to not associate with the organisation in any manner and to not participate in the sports competitions by the mentioned organisation as it had no connection with the board, otherwise action would be taken against the school as per the norms and procedure of CBSE. Schools were also advised to cross-verify information from the CBSE website in case of receipt of any communication from any such organisation.

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The show cause notice was also issued against the schools for failing to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions mentioned in the Affiliation Bye-Laws 2018.

The schools that received the show cause notice are asked to respond within 30 days from the date of issue of the notice. The list of schools that were issued the notice is available on the official website of the board.

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By bpci

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