CBSE Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond Class 12 MCQs of History Chapter 3

Jagran Josh

Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond Class 12 MCQs: This article provides a comprehensive list of MCQs prepared for revision of Chapter 3 – Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond of the Class 12 NCERT book on Themes in World History Part 3. The PDF is also available to download. Click the link at the end of the article to download the PDF.

CBSE Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond Class 12 MCQs

CBSE Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond Class 12 MCQs

This article presents a set of 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to test and reinforce understanding of the fundamental concepts covered in Chapter 3 – Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond of the NCERT Themes in World History Part 3 of Class 12. These questions will help the students in their preparation for the upcoming examinations. Use these questions for revision; also check the answers in the answer key provided at the end of the article. 

Chapter 3 – Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond

This article presents a set of 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to test and reinforce understanding of the fundamental concepts covered in Chapter 3 – Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond of the NCERT Themes in World History Part 3 of Class 12. These questions will help the students in their preparation for the upcoming examinations. Use these questions for revision; also check the answers in the answer key provided at the end of the article. 

Shiv Khera

10 MCQs on Chapter 3 – Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond

1. What was the primary philosophy adopted by Mahatma Gandhi during the Nationalist Movement in India?

  1. Communism  
  2. Socialism  
  3. Capitalism  
  4. Non-violent Civil Disobedience  

2. During which campaign did Mahatma Gandhi first employ the strategy of Civil Disobedience on a large scale?

  1. Quit India Movement  
  2. Non-Cooperation Movement  
  3. Salt Satyagraha  
  4. Swadeshi Movement  

3. Which event marked the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930?

  1. Dandi March  
  2. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre  
  3. Chauri Chaura incident  
  4. Round Table Conferences  

4. What was the primary objective of the Salt Satyagraha led by Mahatma Gandhi?

  1. Demand for independence  
  2. Protest against the salt tax  
  3. Boycott of foreign goods  
  4. Rights for peasants  

5. Which of the following statements is true regarding Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of ‘Sarvodaya’?

  1. It emphasizes individual prosperity  
  2. It focuses on the welfare of all  
  3. It promotes a caste-based society  
  4. It advocates for technological advancement  

6. The Non-Cooperation Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi aimed to:

  1. Demand complete independence  
  2. Boycott British goods and institutions  
  3. Protest against the Rowlatt Act  
  4. Seek constitutional reforms  

7. Which incident led to the suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922?

  1. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre  
  2. Chauri Chaura incident  
  3. Partition of Bengal  
  4. Quit India Movement  

8. What role did Mahatma Gandhi play during the Round Table Conferences?

  1. He led the conferences  
  2. He boycotted the conferences  
  3. He negotiated for Indian interests  
  4. He organized protests against the conferences  

9. The term “Harijan” coined by Mahatma Gandhi refers to:

  1. Congress leaders  
  2. Dalits  
  3. British officials  
  4. Muslim leaders  

10. Which movement called for Indians to resign from government jobs, schools, and colleges as a protest against British policies?

  1. Quit India Movement  
  2. Swadeshi Movement  
  3. Civil Disobedience Movement  
  4. Non-Cooperation Movement  

Answer Key

  1. d) Non-violent Civil Disobedience  
  2. c) Salt Satyagraha  
  3. a) Dandi March
  4. b) Protest against the salt tax
  5. b) It focuses on the welfare of all  
  6. b) Boycott British goods and institutions  
  7. b) Chauri Chaura incident  
  8. c) He negotiated for Indian interests
  9. b) Dalits
  10. d) Non-Cooperation Movement   

Class 12 History Chapter 3: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond  | Download PDF

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