Jagran Josh
CDS Result 2023: The result of the UPSC CDS 2 exam can be released soon. According to various media reports, this result can be released on the official website by the end of September. Check here how much merit will go.

UPSC CDS 2 Result Soon at upsc.gov.in
CDS Result 2023: UPSC CDS 2 Result 2023 can be declared in the last week of September. The result will be declared on the official website of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Candidates who qualify for the UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2023 will be called for the SSB round. We will provide the direct link to the UPSC CDS 2 Result on this page as soon as it is announced officially.
The UPSC CDS 2 was conducted on September 03, 2023, in offline mode at approximately 75 centres for 349 posts for which approximately 5 Lakhs filled out the form.
After the release of CDS 2 results, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will also release UPSC CDS 2 DAF on its official website. Candidates who qualify for the CDS 2 exam have to fill out the Detailed Application Form (DAF) carefully. Candidates have to fill in the details in the detailed application form. UPSC CDS 2 DAF will become the base for the questions that will be asked in the interview.
CDS Result 2023
After the release of the result, the candidates can check their results by clicking on the direct link given below –
UPSC CDS 2 Result 2023 |
Click Here (To be available) |
How to download CDS Result 2023?
Candidates who appeared in the exam can check their results by following the steps below.
- Go to the official website of UPSC
- Click on Click on Result
- Now find the CDS 2 Result link in it.
- On clicking the link, candidates will be redirected to that page
- Click on it and PDF will open on the screen
- Use Ctrl+F to find your name or roll number
- Download and save the PDF for future reference.
CDS Result 2023 Answer Key
The UPSC CDS final answer keys will be released by UPSC once the selection process is completed. The final answer keys will be considered the authoritative reference for evaluating the performance of candidates and determining their scores.
CDS Result 2023: Cut Off
The UPSC CDS 2 cut-off 2023 will be declared with the release of the final result of the examination. In this article, we have shared the expected cut off for UPSC CDS 2 2023 as per the exam experience shared by the candidates and experts.
Level |
CDA 2 Expected Cut off 2023 |
CDS Cut off AFA |
132-138 |
CDS Cut off IMA |
118-123 |
CDS Cut off INA |
142-147 |
CDS Cut off OTS (women) |
93-97 |
CDS Cut off OTS (men) |
93-97 |
Note: Based on the feedback received, this is the preliminary cutoff we do not claim that this is the actual cutoff, the cutoff may vary according to the actual number of attempts, and difficulty level
UPSC CDS 2 Exam Analysis
We have shared the UPSC CDS 2 exam analysis to provide detailed insights into the reasonable attempts, difficulty levels of topics, and subtopics. Check out the article to read about the UPSC CDS 2 Exam Analysis
UPSC CDS 2 Question Paper
UPSC CDS 2’s question paper offers valuable insight to aspiring candidates into the trending topics and types of questions that are being asked. The UPSC CDS 2 question paper 2023 is the most beneficial and trusted source of information to get the actual level of examination.
When will be the result of the CDS 2 2023 release?
As per the reports the CDS 2 2023 result is expected to be released last week of September 2023.
How to check the UPSC CDS 2 Result?
A detailed step-by-step guide is provided in the above article to check UPSC CDS 2 result.
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