CEE announces KLEE 2023 results for 5-Year LLB Programme; Download rank list here – Times of India

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KLEE 2023 Result: The Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE) has published the results for the Kerala Law Entrance Examination (KLEE) for the 5-year Bachelor of Laws (LLB) program in 2023 on its official website. Candidates are now able to download the provisional rank list to ascertain their marks and ranking on the merit list. The KLEE 3-year LLB result is also expected to be announced soon on the same website.
For accessing the list, candidates should navigate to the ‘Rank List’ under the ‘Integrated Five Year LLB-Candidate Portal-2023’ link on the official website: https://cee.kerala.gov.in/. To log in, candidates need their credentials, including the Application Number, Password, and Access Code.
Candidates who secured a minimum of 10% marks for General/SEBC candidates and 5% marks for SC/ST candidates have qualified for the Entrance Examination as per clause 12 iv of the Prospectus.
Any complaints related to the Provisional Rank List should be directed to the office via email at ceekinfo.cee@kerala.gov.in before 3:00 PM on August 25, 2023.
The results of some candidates have been withheld due to defects in their uploaded documents as proof of nationality, photo, and signature. Similarly, reservation claims of candidates without relevant/valid documents within the stipulated time have been rejected.
Only candidates in the Keralite category are eligible for Communal/Special or any fee concession as per the laid-down provisions. Reservation claims of candidates who haven’t rectified the defects in Nationality/Nativity, as required for Kerala, have been cancelled.
Regarding the computer-based Entrance Examination’s answer key published on August 6, 2023, certain complaints were received, leading to changes in the Answer Key.
Download the KLEE 2023 Rank List
Direct link to download KLEE 2023 Result
Steps to check and download KLEE 2023 5-Year LLB Results
Step 1: Go to the official website of the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE) for Kerala – https://cee.kerala.gov.in/.
Step 2: Look for the “Results” or “KLEE 2023 Results” section on the website’s homepage and click on it.
Step 3: Find the link titled “INTEGRATED FIVE YEAR LLB-CANDIDATE PORTAL-2023” and click on it to access the candidate portal.
Step 4: Use your login credentials, including your Application Number, Password, and Access Code, to log in to the candidate portal.
Step 5: Once logged in, search for the “RANK LIST” menu item and click on it. This will allow you to view the provisional rank list.
Step 6: Check your marks and rank in the provisional rank list. If desired, you can download and save the provisional rank list for future reference.

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Sanjay Sharma

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