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Vice Chancellor, CUJ, Prof Sanjeev Jain, while congratulating the PURSE implementation Group reiterated the importance of fostering research excellence and innovation in the areas of Nanoscience, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Biotechnology and Atmospheric Science.
Under the project theme “Implications of Atmospheric Aerosols on Regional Climate & Human Health: Mitigation Strategies for Air Pollution in the North-Western Himalayan Region,” the university is set to embark on a four-year journey of exploration and analysis.
The PURSE proposal is aligned with National Clean Air Programme, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) with a focus on near real time aerosol source apportionment and suggesting abatement strategies.
Near real-time aerosol source apportionment studies are limited to very few places in India and the PURSE grant will enable CUJammu to conduct first real-time aerosol source-apportionment in J&K to understand its implications on regional climate and human health and for developing solutions for Air Pollution Mitigation in the North-Western Himalayan Region.
Leading a team of seasoned researchers and experts, Dr. Pawan Kumar, the Coordinator of the project, expressed immense enthusiasm for the upcoming research. “This grant opens up unprecedented opportunities for us to comprehensively understand the implications of atmospheric aerosols.
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Sanjay Khajuria
#Central #University #Jammu #bags #Prestigious #DSTPURSE #Grant2023 #Times #India