Jagran Josh
CGBSE CG Board Class 10th Special English Model Paper 2024: The sample question papers or model papers help students understand the exam pattern and marking scheme, which is crucial for effective exam preparation. Acknowledging this fact, the Chhattisgarh Board of School Education, CGBSE has released the latest set of model papers to aid students in their preparation for the upcoming CGBSE Exam 2024.
We have provided here the CGBSE model paper for Class 10 Special English. The model paper can be accessed in PDF format and can be utilized by class 10 students to enhance their preparation for the CGBSE Class 10 Exam 2024.
CGBSE Class 10 Special English Sample/Model Paper 2024 (Code 011)
Q1. (1) [A] Choose the correct Alternative:
(i) A journey to a holy place is known as ……………
(a) holy visit
(b) pilgrimage
(c) Mecca
(d) Haj
(ii) The person who look the bag was sent to goal. The word god means
(a) play football
(b) hit the ball
(c) jail
(d) shop
(iii) on adding the suffusion to include the word formed is
(a) includesion
(b) includsion
(c) inclusion
(d) includeion
(iv) He look off his coat and sat down the phrase ‘look off’ means.
(a) remove
(b) leave
(c) stand
(d) fold
(v) The antonym of fortunate is …………..
(a) infortunate
(b) infortunat
(c) disfortunate
(d) unfortunate
Q1. (1) [B] Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative.
(i) They decided to continue _______ the bad weather.
(a) spite of
(b) newerthless
(c) despile of
(d) while
(ii) He was disappointed _________ the result was not as expected.
(a) so that
(b) while
(c) become
(d) although
(iii) Lat’s wait __________ it slops raining
(a) before
(b) until
(c) since
(d) for
(iv) My childhood friend comes __________ to meet me.
(a) always
(b) recently
(c) occasionally
(d) early
(v) _______ the play ended, we went to meet him.
(a) When
(b) while
(c) before
(d) as
Q.(1) [C] Choose the grammatically correct sentence
(i) (a) She recited a poem who made the child small.
(b) She recited a poem which made the child small.
(c) She recited a poem when made the child small.
(ii) (a) We used to line in a village , when I was a child.
(b) We would line in a village , when I was a child.
(c) We may line in a village , when I was a child.
(iii)(a) We are better then our rivals.
(b) We are better from our rivals.
(c) We are better to our rivals.
(iv) (a) She doesnot do the house work herself , doesnot she?
(b) She does the house work herself , doesn’t she?
(c) She does the house work herself , does she?
(v) (a) At what time does the shops open here?
(b) At what time did the shops open here?
(c) At what time do the shops opens here?
Check all questions by downloading the pdf of the model paper from the following link. The link to marking scheme of the paper is also mentioned below:
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