CGBSE Class 10 English Model Paper 2024: Download FREE PDF Here

Jagran Josh

CGBSE CG Board Class 10th English Model Paper 2024: The Chhattisgarh Board of School Education, CGBSE has released the latest set of model papers for the upcoming class 10 board exam. The board has released the model papers for all subjects of class 10 to help students familiarize themselves with the exam format, assess their understanding of the syllabus, and identify areas for improvement.

In this article, we have provided the CGBSE model paper for Class 10 General English. The model paper is a valuable resource for students to understand the weightage given to different sections, and get a clear picture of the marking scheme. It reflects the format of the actual exam knowing which students can effectively strategise their exam approach by allocating appropriate time to different sections based on the marking scheme. The CGBSE Class 10 English Model Paper 2024 can be downloaded in PDF here.

CGBSE Class 10 English Question Paper Design 2024

The sample paper or model paper of class 10 General English will have 17 questions for a total of 75 marks. The question formats and marks distribution will be as follows:

CGBSE Class 10 English Model Paper 2024 (Code 411)

Q. (1) [A] Choose the correct answer

(i) The Little Kite succeeded because of ……………

(a) big kite

(b) is efforts

(c) the wind

(d) other kite

(ii) Beinkensopp missed the ……………. Test.

(a) English

(b) Maths

(c) Science

(d) Hindi

(iii) Bad guys are …………

(a) who disturbed the boys

(b) who encouraged the boys

(c) who praised the boys

(d) who observed the boys

(iv) In poem ‘About Me’ the poet has …………….. names.

(a) one

(b) two

(c) three

(d) four

(v) Sumba imagines of …………… places

(a) normal

(b) adventures

(c) bad

(d) lovely

Q. (1) [B] Fill in the blanks with correct words.

(i) My father …………….. for a brisk walk.

 (go , goes , come)

(ii) The train is ………….. hour late.

 (a , an ,the )

(iii) I have not received …………. message.

 (any , some , none)

(iv) She died …………….. typhoid.

 (with , of , in)

(v) Law and order ……….. considered important in election.

 (be, are , is )

Q. (1) [C] Match the sentence in column ‘A’ with ‘B’ correctly.



(i) I have never been abroad

when the announcement was made

(ii) I had reached home

before I reached the station

(iii) The train had left

before I visited Singapore

(iv) I had completed my work

when the rain started

(v) They has already boarded

and then I went to sleep

The flight

Q. (1) [D] Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it:

A large bulk of adult population is illiterate and uneducated. The condition poses a problem. On one hand, there is a shortage of teachers for adult education and on theother, the adults feel shy of starting to learn at a late age and attend classes like children.
Moreover, the adult villagers find little time to spare for attending classes. The job of a farmer is very strenuous and he needs ample rest and relaxation. In addition to this, he finds that much that is taught at the adult centers of education has no bearing on his daily needs and therefore, he has grown cynical about adult education. It is necessary that adult education in villages should be made agriculture oriented so as to make it more purposeful and meaningful for the farmer. In towns and cities also adult eduction needs to be made work based and it should compromise a type of system in which earning and learning go together side by side. Efforts should be made to discourage the tendency of the village folk migrating to the towns.

Answer the following questions

Q. (2) What is the condition which poses a problem? 
Q. (3) What is the main problem facing adult education in the country? 
Q. (4) What is the problem of educating adult villagers? 
Q. (5) What is needed for adult education in villages? 
Q. (6) Which sort of work does the farmers have? 

Note: Answer the following questions in about two or three sentences each :

Q. (7) What is patriotism? 
Q. (8) Why was Kailash Satyarthi awarded the Nobel prize for peace? 
Q. (9) Why did Aunt Jane refuse to lie down on the bed? 
Q. (10) Why did the king invite scholars and philosophers from all over the world? 

Check all questions by downloading the pdf of the model paper from the following link. The link to marking scheme of the paper is also mentioned below:

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