CGPDTM 2023 Exam Cancelled, Revised Schedule to be Released Soon at – News18

Top Education-career News-

Published By: Sukanya Nandy

Last Updated: September 05, 2023, 17:40 IST

CGPDTM 2023: Through this recruitment exam, the council will fill up a total of 553 vacancies in the organisation (Representative Image)

CGPDTM 2023: Several candidates who appeared for the recruitment exam complained about technical issues. As a result, the council has decided to cancel the exam and conduct it again

The Quality Council of India released a notice informing that they have cancelled the September 3, preliminary examination for the recruitment of examiners for Patents and Designs (Group A officers) for the Office of CGPDTM. The exam was held online at several exam centres across Maharashtra on Sunday (September 3). Several candidates who appeared for the recruitment exam complained about technical issues. As a result, the council has decided to cancel the exam and conduct it again.

“Some Irregularities/ Technical Glitches have been observed in the Online Examination Conducted on 3rd September 2023 for recruitment of Examiners of Patents & Designs (Group ‘A’ officers) for the Office of CGPDTM,” read the official notice. The Council further informed that the “competent authority has decided to cancel the examination to ensure fairness, credibility, and transparency in the said recruitment process.” Additionally, the new schedule for the exam will be announced in due course.

Through this recruitment exam, the council will fill up a total of 553 vacancies in the organisation. It is important to note that the vacancies are tentative and may be decreased or increased depending upon the actual requirement at the time of final appointment. The online registration process started on July 14, and concluded on August 4. The admit cards for the preliminary exam were issued on August 14.

Candidates who clear the CGPDTM preliminary exam will then appear for the Mains exam and interview round. As per the tentative schedule, the release of the e-admit card for the main examination will be on September 18. The main examination will be conducted on October 1.

CGPDTM 2023: Tentative Schedule

Preliminary Examination: September 3

Declaration of result of Preliminary Examination: September 13

Issuance of e-Admit Card for Mains Examination: September 18

Mains Examination: October 1

Declaration of result of Mains Examination: October 16

Issuance of e-Admit Card for Interview: October 22

Interview: November 11 and 12

Declaration of final list of qualified candidates: November 17.

Along with the new examination schedule, the council will also release the revised admit cards for the applicants. All appearing candidates will have to bring their revised CGPDTM admit card 2023 along with a valid ID proof on the day of the test. Those who fail to carry their admit cards will not be allowed to enter the examination hall or appear for the recruitment test.

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