CGPSC Civil Judge Exam 2023 Scheduled For August 20 – News18

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The exam will be conducted across three districts.

CGPSC Civil Judge Exam 2023 will take place on August 20 in a single shift from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.

The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has announced the dates for the upcoming Civil Judge recruitment exam 2023. Candidates, who have registered for the exam can access the exam details and schedule on the official website at The CGPSC Civil Judge Exam 2023 is scheduled to take place on August 20, from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm in a single shift.

Examination Format

The exam will be conducted in a pen-and-paper format across three districts: Bilaspur, Durg Bhilai, and Raipur. It is important to note that there will be no negative marking in this exam. The recruitment drive aims to fill 49 vacancies for Civil Judge positions. The selection process consists of a Preliminary Examination (Screening Test), Main Examination, and Document Verification/Interview.

Candidates are advised to download the admit card from the official website,, which will be available 10 days before the exam date. It is the responsibility of the candidates to download and print the admit card, as it will not be sent separately by the Commission. Candidates should visit the official website during the second week of August to obtain their admit cards. For further information, candidates are encouraged to refer to the official website.

Selection Process

The selection process for the Chhattisgarh Civil Judge exam includes three stages: Preliminary examination (screening test), main paper, and document verification/interview. Candidates are advised to carefully review the official recruitment notification for Civil Judge to get detailed information about the exam pattern, syllabus, and other relevant details.

Admit Card

To download the admit card from the official website, candidates need to enter their login credentials on the CGPSC Civil Judge link provided on the home page. The hall ticket will be available for download 10 days before the examination. Candidates must remember to carry the CGPSC Civil Judge admit card along with valid ID proof documents to the examination venue. Failure to provide the required proof of candidature will result in candidates being ineligible to participate in the exams.

Candidates are encouraged to stay updated through the official website for any further announcements or changes regarding the CGPSC Civil Judge Exam 2023.

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By bpci

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