CGPSC Exam 2024: Exam Timing, Duration, and Last Minute Preparation Tips

Jagran Josh

CGPSC 2024 Last Minute Preparation Tips: With just a few days left for the preliminary exam, candidates must begin revision in the last leg of their preparations. They must devote at least 6 hours to revising all the covered concepts rather than studying any new topic. In the last week of preparation, they should utilise their time to create an exam day strategy and practise how to manage time effectively during the exam. The CGPSC preliminary exam is scheduled to be conducted on February 11, 2024, in two shifts.

To boost their performance, candidates are advised to complete as many questions as possible from the CGPSC’s previous year’s question paper and practice tests. We’ve provided the best CGPSC last-minute study strategies, exam day procedures, and shift schedules in this article so you can ace preliminary exam preparation and score highly.

CGPSC 2024 Last Minute Preparation Tips

Clearing the CGPSC 2024 exam can be difficult because there is intense competition for the limited vacancies. Thousands of applicants take the preliminary exam, but only a few people with the proper strategy can ace it. Therefore, in order to ace the preliminary exam with high marks, one might adhere to the CGPSC’s last-minute preparation tips.

Prepare a Section Wise Strategy

To solve the maximum number of questions with high accuracy in the stipulated time, candidates should create a section-wise CGPSC exam strategy. They must have an idea of what types of questions need to be attempted in priority and which ones must be attempted later or skipped as there is negative marking in the exam.

Revise through Mock Tests and Previous Year Question Paper

Candidates can revise all the fundamentals by practising questions from the previous year’s papers, mock tests, and practice sets. This will allow them to determine their strong and weak areas, find out trending topics, and improve their overall performance level.

Skip Studying New Topics

Candidates must not pick any new topic in the last leg of the preparation and should revise only the concepts covered so far. Referring to new topics will only create conceptual confusion and decrease their chances of performing well in the exam.

Time Management

As there is negative marking in the exam, test-takers should focus on managing their time effectively in the exam. They must not attempt any doubtful questions and solve time-consuming questions at last. This will help them attempt the maximum number of questions with high accuracy within the given exam duration.

CGPSC Shift Timings

The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has released the CGPSC prelims exam date and admit card on the official website. Apart from the preparation tips candidates should also check the shift timing to reach the centre on time. Check the CGPSC shift timings below.


February 11, 2024

10:00 am to 12:00 am

03:00 pm to 05:00 pm

CGPSC Exam Day Guidelines

Before attempting the CGPSC Exam in 2024, candidates need to keep in mind certain instructions. It will allow them maintain discipline on the exam centre premises and avoid any unforeseen difficulties on the day of the exam.

  • Candidates reach the exam centre at least 60 minutes before the reporting time in the CGPSC admit card 2024.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to enter the CGPSC 2024 exam centre after gate closing time and also cannot leave the exam premises before the exam is over.
  • It is mandatory to carry the CGPSC admit card 2024 and valid documents to the exam centre. 
  • Electronic gadgets, books, cell phones etc. will not be allowed in the exam room. Candidates will have their candidature disqualified if any of these items are found in the exam room.

CGPSC Exam Day Guidelines 2024: Dress Code

Candidates appearing for the upcoming CGPSC 2024 Exam must adhere to the dress code instructions specified in the Exam Day Guidelines 2024 for the reference of the aspirants.

  • Jewellery and metal items are also not allowed within the premises of the CGPSC Exam Centre.
  • It is recommended that candidates wear comfortable clothes to avoid any restrictions.

CGPSC Exam Day Guidelines 2024: Prohibited Items

As per the exam day guidelines 2024 issued by the commission for CGPSC prelims exam, any items such as mobile phones, calculators, slide rules, log tables, printed or written material, bits of paper, pagers, or any other communication devices will not be allowed inside the exam centre. If they fail to follow any of the CGPSC exam day instructions, it may result in disqualification, including a ban from future exams.

CGPSC List of Items to Carry Inside Exam Hall

All the candidates who are going to appear in the prelims exam must carry the following documents to the CGPSC 2024 exam centre, as shared below.

  • Print out of the Valid Admit Card
  • One original Valid photo identity (bearing the same name as it appears on the call letter), such as PAN card, passport, Permanent Driving licence, Voter’s Card, etc.
  • A photocopy of the above valid Photo Identity proof
  • One passport-size photograph.
  • Personal transparent water bottle.

Also Read: CGPSC Syllabus

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