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A total of 625 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for the interview stage based on the mains result. The date and detailed information regarding the interviews for the selected candidates will be separately released on the official website.
The State Service Examination-2022 had advertised 210 vacancies across 19 different services. Following the preliminary examination results, the CGPSC had provisionally selected 3095 candidates for the State Service (Main) Examination-2022. The preliminary examination results were declared on May 11, 2023.
The written examination for the State Services (Main) Examination-2022 was conducted over four days from June 15 to June 18, 2023.
Those candidates who have been selected for the interview phase need to complete their online registration through the link provided on the Commission’s website, The date for marking online seniority will be communicated separately.
Additionally, it is mandatory for candidates to appear at the Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission for original document verification one day prior to their scheduled interview date. Failing to complete this verification will result in candidates being unable to attend the interview process.
Direct link to the official website for CGPSC Main Exam Results
How to check and download CGPSC (Main) Exam Results?
Visit Official Website: Go to the official website of Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) using a web browser. The official website URL is typically
Navigate to Results Section: Look for the “Results” or “Examination Results” section on the CGPSC website’s homepage. Click on this section to proceed.
Find CGPSC (Main) Exam Results: Search for the link related to CGPSC (Main) Exam Results for the specific year or exam session you are looking for. This link might be labelled as “CGPSC Main Exam Results [Year]” or something similar.
Enter Roll Number or Details: Click on the relevant link and you will be directed to a new page. Enter your roll number, registration number, or any other required details as per the instructions.
Submit and View Results: After entering the necessary information, click on the “Submit” or “View Results” button. This will generate your CGPSC (Main) Exam Results on the screen.
Download and Save: Once the results are displayed, you can download and save them as a PDF document. Use the download/save button provided on the page or use the browser’s “Save As” option to save the document to your preferred location on your device.
Remember to keep a copy of the downloaded results for your records. In case the results are in PDF format, you might need a PDF reader application to view and save the document. If you face any difficulties, the official website may also have instructions or a helpline for further assistance.
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Sanjay Sharma
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