Chandigarh education department releases PGT admit card 2024, direct download link and key details here

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The Education Department of Chandigarh Administration has released the admit cards for the recruitment examinations of postgraduate teachers and school lecturers to be held from February 10, 2024. Candidates who have applied for the examination can visit the official website to download their admit cards.

The Education Department of Chandigarh Administration has released the admit cards for the recruitment examinations of PGT and school lecturers.

Notably, the recruitment examination is being conducted to fill in 98 posts of PGTs and school lecturers. In a notification, the education department advised the candidates to visit the website two days before the commencement of the exams to learn details of the examination centers.

The candidates have been provided separate roll numbers for PART-A and PART-B examinations, and therefore they need to download admit cards for both examinations separately.

The notification further stated that the admit card for PART-A is common in case the candidate has applied for more than one post. For the PART-B examination, admit cards are to be generated separately.

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By bpci

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