CoEP Admissions 2022: 25% extra seats for admissions in BTech to be allotted through JEE

Education | The Indian Express

From this academic year, all BTech undergraduate programmes at the CoEP Technological University (College of Engineering, Pune) will have 25 per cent more seats for admissions. For the first time, the university will allot these additional seats in each of the BTech programmes to the all India candidates, on the basis of their merit/score in the national level JEE Mains examination 2022.

Meanwhile, the original 100 per cent seats are reserved and available for Maharashtra state candidates (Maharashtra domiciled), exactly as per previous year, on the basis of their merit/scores in the state’s MHT-CET 2022, with other eligibility criteria as decided by the state government, with no change in them when compared to the previous year, said university officials. Besides, Maharashtra domiciled candidates can also compete in the AIQ quota for BTech courses.

The university officials confirmed that there is no change in MTech, MPlanning and MBA admissions quota i.e. intake capacity is same as that of previous year. There are a total of 486 seats for various MTech programmes, 31 for MPlanning programme and 30 for MBA programme.

“There is no change in the intake capacity of the MTech or MBA seats. There is also no change in the number of seats, eligibility criteria and the process for Direct Second Year (UG) admissions, by lateral entry. The change is in the intake capacity of the BTech undergraduate programmes but it will have no impact on the admissions of students from Maharashtra. The All India quota admissions will take place through the additional 25 per cent seats being allotted from this year,” said Mukul Sutaone, officiating director of CoEP Technological University.

CoEP’s cut-offs for 2021-22 and 2022-23

For MTech and MPlanning programmes, 75 per cent of the total seats will remain for non-sponsored category candidates and 25 per cent for sponsored students. All the seats are available jointly for Maharashtra candidates and all India candidates, taken together. For both, Maharashtra and all India candidates, the eligibility criteria remains the same entrance exam for admission, viz. GATE, CEED exam (along with GATE for MPlanning). For MBA admissions, 85 per cent seats are for state level candidates and 15 per cent for all India candidates.

Like the previous years, all the undergraduate and post graduate admissions of CoEP Technological University, Pune will be conducted through the Centralised Admission Process (CAP), hosted by the Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell. The number of allotments rounds and counselling rounds also remain unaltered.

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Alifiya Khan

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