Cognos Interview Q & A

Part 1:
- What is called Cognos Reporting tool?
Cognos is an IBM reporting tool which is used for reporting and analysis of various data from different data warehouse.
- What is Report item?
Report item is defined as a query item which can be dragged and dropped into a work area.
- What is set to be Cardinality?
Cardinality is defined as relationships between the tables. Following are relationship formed between the tables.
- One to One
- One to Many
- Many to Many
- Many to One
- What is defined as Data mining?
Data mining is the process of getting hidden trends from a data ware house.
- What are all the different types of prompt in Cognos?
Following are the different types of prompt in Cognos:
- Value prompt
- Text Prompt
- Date prompt
- Time prompt
- Date and time prompt
- What are the components of Report Net?
Following are the components of Report Net:
- Framework manager
- Cognos connection
- Query Studio
- Report Studio
- What do you mean by Drill Through report?
Drill through reporting is used to link from one report to another report. It has parent and child relationship between the reports.
- Mention the difference between ‘macros’ and ‘prompt’?
Macro is used to run set of instructions to execute the report but prompt provide a way to change the report dynamically.
- What is a Cube?
Cube is set to be multi-dimensional view of dimension and measures and it is used to analyze the data in various forms like Slicing and Dicing.
- What is the size of the cube?
Size of the cube is 2.0GB and size varies depends on the project.
- What is a Snapshot?
A snapshot is created to copy the exact data that is related to current report and compare with another report.
Example: Data of this week compared with previous week
- What are all the components of Report Studio?
Following are the components of Report Studio:
- Objects panel
- Properties panel
- Explorer bar
- Report Viewer
- What is a Transformer?
Transformer is used for making the Cubes which is for the Multidimensional structure on OLAP processing.
- What is defined as catalog and types of catalogs in Cognos?
A catalog is defined as a file which contains information on Database tables and Impromptu users can create reports.
Following are the types of catalog used:
- Personal
- Distributed
- Shared
- Secured
- Is it possible to join multiple Databases in a Catalog?
No, it is not possible to join multiple databases in a catalog and it can be achieved by Hotfile.
- What is defined as Cognos Impromptu?
A Cognos Impromptu is set to be a tool which is used for the generation of business intelligence reports.
- What are query items?
Query items are the most important object in framework manager and it has a lot of properties associated with it. This is mainly used for reporting and business intelligence.
- What are all the advantages of Cognos?
Following are the advantages of Cognos:
- Planning
- Analysis
- Forecasting
- Scorecard
- What are all the types of indexes in Cognos?
Following are the types of Indexes in Cognos:
- Bitmap index
- B-tree index
- Function based index
- Reverse key and composite index
- What is Bitmap Index?
A bitmap index is used for replacement of list of rowids for each key value. This index is mainly efficient for data warehousing as it has low cardinality and low updates.
- What is a Folder?
A folder consists of repository objects like sources, targets, transformation and mapping that help to organize data warehouse.
- What is a Data store in Cognos?
A data store is nothing but a query database or a relational database or files that can be accessed through IBM Cognos.
- What is a Query Subject?
A Query subject is a set of query items that have inherent relationship and it is basic building block on framework manager.
- What are all the types of report?
Following are the types of report in Cognos:
- Blank report
- List report
- Cross report
- Chart report
- Repeater report
- What are the two types of framework manager?
There are two types of framework manager and they are as follows:
- Presentation layer
- Physical layer
- What are all types of prompt?
Following are the types of Prompt used in Cognos:
- Value
- Textbox
- Select and search
- Date
- Time
- Date and time
- Interval
- Generated
- Prompt button
- What is a dimension?
Dimension is defined as structure of a cube. A dimension should have at least one key attribute and remaining attribute can define hierarchies.
- What are all the types of gateway used in Cognos?
Following is the list of gateway used in Cognos:
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
- Internet Service Application Interface (ISAPI)
- Tomcat Server
- What is called Cognos power play?
Cognos power play is nothing but a multidimensional on-line analysis of data.
- What are the types of studio present in Cognos?
There are five types of studio are:
- Query Studio
- Metrics Studio
- Analysis Studio
- Report Studio
- Event Studio
- What is defined as Query studio?
Query studio is one of the studios in Cognos which is used to perform Adhoc queries.
- What are the types of folder present in Cognos?
There are three main types of folders and they are listed below:
- Standard folder
- Package folder
- Metrics folder
- What do you mean by drill across?
The drill across executes queries with the help of more than one cube.
- What are all the types of hierarchies?
There are two types of hierarchies:
- Attribute hierarchies
- User defined hierarchies
- What is the use of Cognos decision stream?
Cognos decision stream is set to be a tool which is used for extracting, transforming the data from different data sources to target data source.
- What are the themes in a data warehouse?
The three important fundamental themes are:
- Drilling Down
- Drilling Across
- Handling Time
- What do you mean by Drill down and Drill Up?
Drill down is addition of grouping columns from the dimension tables whereas drill up is removing grouping columns from the dimension tables.
- What is the advantage of using shortcuts?
There are two shortcuts – Local and Global. Local is used for the local repository and Global for global repository. Advantage is to reuse an object instead of creating multiple objects.
- What is called materialized view?
A materialized view is a view which is physically stored in a database. This view is used to increase query performance by calculating costly operations.
- What is a Pivot?
Pivot is used to rotate the axis of the cube to provide a different presentation on the data.
- What is called a slice?
The slice is used to perform the operation on one dimension of a cube and it is results in a sub-cube.
- What is a Framework manager?
Frame manager is a tool, which is used to develop end user layer and it can be used by Authors to build their own BI objects.
- What is Metrics designer?
Metrics Designer is a tool which is used to model, deploy score cards and data loading procedures.
- What is set to be Cognos configuration?
Cognos Configuration is a BI administrative tool which is used to define the behavior of Cognos 8 version. This will manage configuration parameters.
- What is the difference between Standard and Metrics folder?
- Standard Folder – This is a container of all folders and it is used for Organizational purposes. It acts like a local computer folder. It is yellow in color.
- Metrics Folder – This folder is used by Metrics studio to store metrics related information. Metrics folder will open up directly in Metrics studio and it is dark blue in color.
- What is the use of Cognos scenario?
Cognos scenario is used to find the hidden trends and patterns of data.
- Which studio is used to create reports?
Report Studio is used to create more advanced business reports.
- What is the difference between a cascading report and drill through report?
Cascading report is used to extract data from one prompt to another prompt.
Drill through report is used to extract the data by selecting the column in a report and it can be drilled down by clicking the column data.
- What are all types of Batches?
Following are the types of Batches:
- Sequential – Run the sessions one by one
- Concurrent – Run the sessions simultaneously
- What are initial page components of Cognos connection?
Initial page components of Cognos connection are:
- The Studio Toolbar
- The Utilities Toolbar
- The Tab Navigator
Part 2:
- Cognos Characteristics
Criteria | Result |
Ability to deploy charts | Bar, Pie, Line, Crosstabs, Funnel, Scatter, etc |
Speed of data access | High performance access across all data sources |
Data Export formats | Excel, HTML, PDF, CSV, XML |
- Define Report item?
It’s nothing but a query item when it is drag and drop into the work area.
- Define query items?
It’s mainly used in Reporting and for BI Authors it is the most essential object from the framework manager. These have lot of properties associated with them and are present in query subjects. They are similar to subsets of query subjects.
- Give the advantages of Cognos?
The advantages of Cognos are:
A) Planning
B) Analysis
C) Forecasting
D) Score carding
- Name the types of report?
- A) List report
B) Cross report
C) Blank report
D) Repeater report
E) Chart report - Define Cognos reporting tool?
It’s a reporting tool of IBM which help us in reporting and analysis of different data from a data warehouse. Read this blog to find out why Business Intelligence tools are critical to today’s enterprises.
- Name the types of gateway?
There are three types of gateway:
A) CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
B) ISAPI (Internet Service Application Interface)
C) Tomcat
- Define dimensions?
It defines the structure of a cube. Any dimension must have at least one key attribute and other attributes so that it may define hierarchies.
- Name the types of hierarchies?
There are two types of hierarchies in Analysis Services:
A) One is Attribute hierarchies
B) Second is User defined hierarchies.
- Define framework manager?
It’s a development tool which is used to create the end-user layer used by authors to build their BI objects.
- Define drill through?
It permits one to move from data at the bottom level in a cube to the data in the operational systems from which the cube was derived.
- Name the three important fundamental themes which are in data warehouse?
- A) Drilling Down
B) Drilling Across
C) Handling Time - Which security module used in Cognos?
Cognos Access Manager
- Name the types of studio?
1) Metrics Studio
2) Report Studio
3) Event Studio
4) Query Studio
5) Analysis Studio
- What are the initial page components of Cognos connection?
1) The Studio Toolbar
2) the Utilities Toolbar
3) the Tab Navigator
- Differentiate between prompt and macros?
it provides a way to do dynamically changes in the reports.
it’s a set of instructions to run the report.
- Define model?
It is a complete set of query subjects and query objects that are used for reporting.
- Differentiate between standalone and embedded filter?
Standalone Filter
it is used to reuse the expression
Embedded Filter
To use the filter with only one dimension or query subject.
- Define DTM
It transforms the data received from the reader buffer and it moves transformation to transformation on row by row basis and it is uses the transformation caches when necessary.
- Can you delete Cognos Namespace?
- What are Fact Tables?
It is a table that contains summarized numerical (facts) and historical data. It has a foreign key – primary key relation with a dimension table.
- Differentiate between physical layer and presentation layer?
Physical Layer
It provides the physical query layer and is made up primarily of data source and stored procedure query subjects. It acts like a foundation for the presentation layer
Presentation Layer
The Presentation layer is made up primarily of model query subjects that you create.
- Name the types of facts?
- Additive
- Non Additive
- Semi Additive
- At what time default data source query subject will be created?
At the initial metadata import operation, a default data source query subject is created for those each object you have select.
- Name the types of Query subjects?
- Default
- Model
- Stored
- What is the way to restrict the tables retrieved by a query Solution?
By setting governors we can restrict the tables retrieved by a query solution.
- Define the term Business Intelligence?
BI is a broad category of application programs and technology used for query, by which we can do the reporting and analyzing the business multi dimensionally.
- Name the responsibilities of Cognos Administrator?
- Creating the Repository
- Performing the task of backup and recovery of the Meta Data.
- Tuning the servers.
- Installations and configurations in distributed network environment
- Developing the user Administration
- Deployment
- Name the components which get installed at the time of installation of Cognos Report Net Software?
- Window Based
- Web Based
- Name the phases of Cognos report net workflow?
The phases are:
- Plan
- Manage
- Model
- Author
- Consume
- Define the work of Group and Roles?
It represents the collection of users that performs the similar task.
- Define Package?
It is a container for models, reports, and so on. Modelers can create packages in Framework Manager to publish the models to the Report Net server.
- Name the types of filter in framework manager?
Model and Query
- What is Model Filter?
It is used to restrict the data displayed on the Report. Model filter are reusable.
- Name the types of filter in the report studio?
Tabular Grouped
- Name the types of Tabular filter in the report studio?
- Summary
- Detailed
- Define confirmed dimension?
If any dimension will be connected with multiple fact tables then it is called confirmed dimension.
- What are the steps to import the two data sources in framework manager?
It can be done in the Run Metadata Wizard.
First of all Go to Run Metadata Wizard–>Select another database (ex. suppose SQL Server is choose in prior attempt, then you can choose Oracle as new data source). At the last import it.
- Where the Determinants are used in Cognos framework manager?
A query subject that behaves as a dimension has multiple levels of granularity and it will be joined on the different sets of keys to fact data.
- What is the way to generate cube in framework manager?
After creating the IQD file from the framework manager that IQD file will be used by the transformer to generate the cube.
- What is the way to generate IQD file from framework manager?
- Create a Query Subject
- Using properties pane select externalize.
- We have four options in that select IQD
- What is the difference between static and dynamic conditions?
Static Condition
Whenever you run the report the condition will not change.
Dynamic Condition
Condition which keep on change whenever you run the report.
- Define Parameter Map?
It is a key value pair used in creation of conditional Query Subjects. It sub situates the values at the query at runtime.
- What is the meaning of scrubbing at the Project level?
According to the requirements of the report derive the new items with the help of existing Query Items.
- Define Slice and Dice?
An operation that allows one to select a portion of the data of a fact on the basis of specified values in one or several dimensions.
- Name the types of SQL?
- Cognos
- Native
- Pass-through
- What are the advantages of using Cognos SQL?
- It can contain metadata from the multiple data sources.
- It has fewer database restrictions
- Provide the facility to interact more effectively with Cognos applications.
- What are the disadvantages of using Cognos SQL?
You can’t enter nonstandard sql.
- What actually a project contains?
- Models
- Namespace
- Data source
- Parameter Map
- Packages
- Folder
- Query Subject
- Query Item
- Relationship
- How a project does looks in framework manager?
A project in the framework manager looks as a folder that contains a project file (.cpf) and the specific XML files that define the project
- Name the types of OLAP’s?
Part 3:
1) what is the difference between Tableau Desktop and IBM Cognos?
Tableau Desktop | IBM Cognos |
Tableau Desktop provides a feature to import and visualize huge data sets, enables users to drill down into the data, and also allows them to make queries. | IBM Cognos makes it easy for users to dynamically explore data relations by transforming data into metadata. |
Tableau Desktop makes it very easy to use and makes it very comfortable for users who are not explicitly data experts to explore the necessary data without any issues. | IBM Cognos is a wholesome platform for data experts alone as it is not that easy simple enough for users with average skills to explore and learn it. |
Tableau Desktop works on both Windows and Macintosh OS environments and also has a web-based version | Micro strategy works only on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh OS environments |
Tableau Desktop is targeted to be used in Small, Medium to Larger enterprises | IBM Cognos is targeted to be used in Small, Medium, and Larger enterprises as well. |
2) What is Dynamic Cube?
Dynamic Cubes are in-memory OLAP cubes that load data directly from relational data sources that are structured in a star or snowflake schema
- Introduced as a new feature from IBM Cognos BI 10.2
- The Cognos Dynamic Cubes technology is part of the IBM Cognos BI query stack
- The goal of IBM Cognos Dynamic Cubes is to provide quick responses to reports and analyses on large volumes of data.
- Enabling high-performance interactive analysis over terabytes of data
Q3) Cognos Dynamic Cube solution consists of what elements?
IBM Cognos Dynamic Cube consists of the following elements, they are:
- IBM Cognos Cube Designer
- IBM Cognos Dynamic Cubes Server
- Aggregate Advisor (part of IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer)
Q4) When to use Cognos Dynamic Cubes?
Data warehouse with star or snowflake schema
- A server with adequate memory
- A database with approximately 25 million or more fact table rows
Q5) Cognos Dynamic Cubes support which databases?
Cognos Dynamic Cubes support various databases.
Supported Databases (in the current 10.2 release) include IBM DB2, IBM Netezza, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Teradata.
Q6) what is the difference between Cognos Dynamic cube, Power Play Cube, and Transformer/TM1 cube?
TM1 Cube | Power Play Cube | Dynamic Cube |
In-memory cube technology with write back support | File-based cube technology | Provides extensive in-memory caching for performance |
Is optimal for write-back, what-if analysis, planning, and budgeting, or other specialized applications | Interactive analysis experience to a large number of users | Is optimal for read-only reporting and analytics |
Star or snowflake data structure is not required | The Data source is an operational or transactional system. Do not require star or snowflake data structure | Star or snowflake schema is required |
Aggregation occurs on demand | File-based cube with preaggregation | Supports in-memory aggregation |
Q7) Where Dynamic Cube resides in Cognos BI Environment?
Dynamic cube are in-memory OLAP containers that reside within the DQM server
Q8) Can you explain the Dynamic Cube Lifecycle in Cognos?
- Model and Publish (Warehouse and CM)
- Deploy and Manage (Dynamic Cube Server, CM)
- Reporting and Analytics (Dynamic cube, Logs)
- Optimize (Warehouse, CM, Logs)
Q9) what is Cognos Cube Designer?
- Cognos Cube Designer is used to model Dynamic Cubes
- Install IBM Cognos Cube Designer in the same location as IBM Cognos Framework Manager
- We need a JDBC data source connection created in Cognos Administration
Q10) Explain about Cognos Cube Designer modeling workflow?
First model your cube definition in Cognos Cube Designer
- select the database schema
- import the required metadata
- define the dimensions and measures
- Creating Dynamic cube
- Auto-generate cube
- Use primary-foreign key relationship to populate dimensions
- Manually model the cube
- Deploy your dynamic cube to the BI server
- Quick-deploy options in Cognos Cube Designer with Publish Option
- An option that is deselected here must be accomplished manually in FM or in Cognos Connection.
Q11) how do you administrate Dynamic Cube?
Administration tasks include assigning the cube to the Query Service instance, starting it, monitoring its health, and refreshing its contents.
- Start/Stop the Cube
- Monitoring Cube
- Managing the cache
- Scheduling a refresh of the cache
Q12) Explain about Aggregate Advisor?
Aggregate Advisor is a performance optimization utility
- Part of the Dynamic Query Analyzer
- Suggest database aggregate tables, in-memory aggregate, or both.
- Makes use of a cube’s model and statistics
- Make use of workload log files that are generated from the execution of reports
- The expectation is that the dynamic cube is published in the Content Store, can be started successfully, and that reports and analysis run and return correct results.
- After a cube is restarted, the aggregates execute the necessary SQL statements to retrieve the summarized values and place the values in its aggregate cache for subsequent use during query processing.
- Run during off-peak, non-critical business hours
Q13) Explain about Aggregate Cache?
Cognos Dynamic Cube supports two types of pre-computed aggregate values:
- Stored in in-database tables (in-database aggregate)
- Stored in an in-memory aggregate cache
- Aggregate Advisor can suggest a collection of in-memory aggregate
- In-memory aggregate does not require the involvement of DBA
- Recommendations are stored in Content Manager and take effect next time a cube is started.
- The size of the aggregate cache is specified in the properties of a dynamic cube – Maximum amount of memory to use for the aggregate cache (MB).
Q14) what is Aggregate cache size?
Only enough memory that is required to hold the defined aggregates is used.
Example: 90 MB can hold the aggregates for gosldw_sales, and the aggregate cache size is set to 1 GB, only 90 MB of memory is used. Over time, if the underlying fact tables grow, the aggregates are allowed to grow to the specified maximum of 1 GB.
Should not use more than 30 GB for the aggregate cache.
Q15) what is Model Durability?
All of the following criteria must be met in order to have what is considered to be a durable model:
- There is a design language created for the model that is not the same as the locales the users can choose from. For English, the design language is typically English (Zimbabwe).
- The design language name of all namespaces, query subjects, and query items that are published in a package must never change after the package is initially published. Other language names can change as needed, though.
- The structure of a published package’s namespace(s), query subjects, query items, dimensions, shortcuts, etc., must not change over time. This structure is stored in a specification’s definition, along with the design language’s names, so this is the reason these must not change.
- In IBM Cognos 8.4.1 the element must exist in model.xml. In IBM Cognos 10 the project level property Use Design Locale for Reference ID must be set to true.
Q16) If the model is not durable, then what would you change to make the model durable?
If the model is not durable, then the following changes must be done to make the model durable:
- If the model does not already have a design language, then:
- Add the necessary design language to the model and add it to the languages of each package based on the model. Save and close the model.
- Using an XML or text editor, open the model.xml file, and near the top of the file, change the value of en to en-zw.
- For IBM Cognos 8.4.1, insert a blank line into the model.xml file under the just modified element and add true to the new blank line.
- For IBM Cognos 10, set the project level property Use Design Locale for Reference ID to a value of true
Q17) what is New Content Durability?
All new content developed with IBM Cognos BI will be durable, as long as the model is durable. Existing non-durable content can be made durable by appropriately replacing the non-durable components of those specifications with durable components. Existing content is generally made durable over time as the content gets updated for reasons other than durability
Q18) how do you create security features for cubes?
For creating security features in cubes we can use the user class views and dimension views.
Dimension views help in hiding certain data from the cube depending on what view you are using.
Then we can use the user class views to the cubes for making that data available for a certain role or group.
We can also use password protection as another way of providing security to the cubes.
Q19) what is the size of your cube?
It may have 300MB; 400MB depends on the position, Optimum size for a cube is up to 2GB;
Q20) what is the user class in Cognos?
A user class is a group of users who need access to the same data and have the same access privileges. The administrator creates the catalog and user classes. Other people in an organization may also create and maintain user classes for the employees in their own department or area.
You can add user classes to a catalog if you created the catalog or you are working with a personal copy of a distributed catalog and your administrator gave you the privilege to add and modify user classes.
Q21) what is the Framework Manager?
Framework Manager is a tool that allows you to make data sources known for use within the various Cognos suites and allows you to add additional logic and details. Within a logical Cognos architecture, a Framework Manager model contains the logic and information required for one of the Cognos tools to use a data source.
Q22) Explain IBM Cognos Framework Manager Model?
IBM Cognos Framework Manager is a metadata modeling tool that drives query generation for IBM Cognos software. A model is a collection of metadata that includes physical information and business information for one or more data sources. IBM Cognos software enables performance management on normalized and denormalized relational data sources and a variety of OLAP data sources.
Q22) what are the layers available in the Framework Manager Model?
The Framework Manager model consists of three layers:
- Database layer
- Logical Layer
- Dimensional layer
Q23) what is the IBM Cognos Framework Manager Model database layer?
The physical, or database, the layer contains a database query subject for every table in the physical data model. The database layer also contains alias shortcuts, which behave as if they were a copy of the original object with completely independent behavior.
Q24) what is the IBM Cognos Framework Manager Model logical layer?
The logical layer contains query subjects that draw data from the database query subjects and present it in a more consumable format.
Q25) what is the IBM Cognos Framework Manager Model dimensional layer?
The dimensional layer contains the hierarchies and measure dimensions for publication to a package. Each dimension in the logical layer has a dimension in the dimensional layer with one or more hierarchies defined. The hierarchies usually include the caption field twice, once as a caption for the level, once as an attribute that can be used in report filters. All hierarchies are sorted.
Q26) what is the IBM Cognos Framework Manager Model security?
No security is defined for the IBM Cognos Framework Manager model other than the provision for filtering by the tenant_id parameter on the physical layer. These query subject filters can be converted to security filters that are based on user IDs, allowing multi-tenant access to one database.
Q27) what is Query mode?
The IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality reports use IBM Cognos Compatible Query Mode, which is the supported mode for all of the reports.
Q28) what is IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality?
With IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality, you can monitor, analyze, and report on information that is gathered from devices. In addition, recommendations for actions can be generated by Predictive Maintenance and Quality.
- IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality is an integrated solution that you can use to perform the following tasks:
- Predict the failure of an instrumented asset so that you can prevent costly unexpected downtime.
- Make adjustments to predictive maintenance schedules and tasks to reduce repair costs and minimize downtime.
- Quickly mine maintenance logs to determine the most effective repair procedures and maintenance cycles.
- Identify the root cause of asset failure faster so that you can take corrective actions.
- Identify quality and reliability issues definitively and
- In a timely way.
Q29) what is Orchestration in IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality?
The orchestration is the process that ties activities in IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality together.
Message flows: Orchestration is achieved with message flows in IBM Integration Bus.
Example of an orchestration XML file: An example file, inspection.xml, demonstrates the purpose and structure of an orchestration file.
Generic batch orchestration: Generic batch orchestration provides capabilities to run a scheduler flow and invoke any IBM SPSS batch job by taking inputs from a configurable XML file instead of developing separate message flows for a specific use case.
Q30) Can you explain about Message Flows?
The orchestration is achieved with message flows in IBM Integration Bus.
The following activities can be tied together:
- Acquiring and storing data
- Aggregating data
- Running predictive models
- Feeding data back to external systems or starting external processes
Message flows are supplied with IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality and must be customized with IBM Integration Bus. The message flows are organized into the following applications:
- PMQEventLoad
- PMQMasterDataLoad
- PMQMaximoOutboundIntegration
- PMQMaintenance
- PMQModelTraining
- PMQQEWSInspection
- PMQQEWSIntegration
- PMQQEWSWarranty
- PMQTopNFailure
Q31) How Framework Manager Uses Cardinality?
Cardinality is used by the query engine to:
Identify query subjects that behave as facts and dimensions
In cardinality implies fact data on the n side and dimension data on the 1 side
Avoid double counting fact data
Support loop joins in star schema models
Cardinality is applied in the context of a query
Query subjects may be facts or dimensions depending on the other query subjects included in the query
Q32) what are Determinants?
Determinants Feature first introduced in Cognos 8 used to provide control over granularity when aggregating
- Reflects granularity by identifying groups or subsets of data in a query subject
- Used to ensure that repeating data is aggregated correctly
- Are set during import based on unique key and index information in a database
- Used by Framework Manager to determine levels in default hierarchy when auto-generating regular dimensions from query subjects
Q33) when and how should you use Determinants?
When do I need to use determinants?
- When dimensions connect to fact tables at levels of granularity that have repeating keys
- When there is a need to count or perform aggregate functions on a key or attribute that is repeated
- To avoid generating a ‘distinct’ clause on distinct keys
Q34) what is Model Advisor?
Use Model Advisor – Check early and often
Model Advisor is a useful tool for detecting common modeling issues, Cardinality issues, Potential join path conflicts, incorrect determinants. Easy to configure to check as for as much or as little as desired, Run after import to check for areas that need further investigation, Run again periodically to identify potential issues as you work, Direct links to the problem area, and Help.
Q35) what is Dimensional Modeling for Report and Analysis?
Dimensionally modeled relational (DMR) constructs in Classic Query Mode
- Logical dimensional layer over top of a relational model
- Single measure dimension and one or multiple regular dimensions
- Enables drill-up/drill-down analysis in the studios
- Dimensional layer can be applied over any star schema model
- Not a requirement that the underlying data source be a star schema design
- Dimensions and measure dimensions are constructed from model query subjects or database query subjects
- At runtime, queries are run to spin a virtual cube on disk to simulate the OLAP style analysis capabilities
Q36) what are Regular Dimensions?
Regular dimensions created from model query subjects or database query subjects
- Define hierarchies to organize levels and define drill paths
- You can specify multiple hierarchies in a single dimension
- Define levels, business keys, and caption
- Create from scratch using Dimension Definition dialog
- Use “Merge in New Regular Dimension” or “Convert to Regular Dimension” capabilities
- The dimension will be auto-generated based on the query subject definition
- Default hierarchy created
- Levels derived from determinants set
- May need to be adjusted based on requirements
Q37) what is Measure Dimension?
Create measure dimension
- Collection of facts
- Create measure dimension using Dimension Definition dialog or “Convert to Measure Dimension” capability
- Add existing measures or create calculations
- Define scope relationships
- Dictates level at which measures are available for reporting
- Scope relationship will be detected by the Framework Manager using the underlying join paths between query subjects and fact query subject
- Scope relationships can be defined and reviewed in the Dimension Map
Q38) what is Query Generation?
By default, Framework Manager will use Cognos SQL to create Query Subjects
In Classic Query Mode, at runtime, native SQL optimized for the data source is generated and passed down through to the data source
- RQP (Relational Query Planner) plans the query and then passes it off to UDA (Universal Data Access)
- UDA component has a series of gateway files that control SQL generation for specific RDBMS (DB2, Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc.)
- UDA generates the native SQL and executes it against the RDBMS
Copy of the query engine local in the Framework Manager install
- Used for importing metadata, testing query subject, generating SQL, and validation of expressions
In Dynamic Query Mode, requests are sent to the Query Service for processing
- No query service running locally on the FM side
Framework Manager will include passing the necessary elements in the model to Query Service on the server
- Result set and generated SQL for the query will be part of the response back to FM.
- This is the case testing objects and evaluating expressions
Q39) what is the SQL Generation?
Use minimized SQL when possible
Certain conditions will trigger as view SQL and override this setting:
- Determinants on a model query subject
- Relationships between model query subjects
- Filters, macros, or calculations in data source query subjects
“As view” SQL not always bad
- Sometimes required to force certain behaviors
- Can be necessary to ensure predictable query results
- Know your requirements and your data
Q40) what is Dynamic Query Mode (DQM)?
A new Dynamic Query Processing Mode (DQM) to the existing query service designed to improve query performance.
- Enhanced Java-based query execution mode introduced in 10.1 to support select OLAP sources
- Leverages JDBC access to supported data sources
- Support has been extended in 10.1.1 to include the following relational sources
- DB2, Netezza, Teradata, Oracle, MS SQL Server
- Can be used with a 64-bit report server included in 10.1.1 to enable administrators to better leverage memory
- Has robust caching capabilities to help improve query performance
- In-memory caching of the query plan and query results
- Security aware
- SQL generation optimization for relational sources
- A new implementation to support dimensional modeling of relational data sources
- OLAP over Relational
- Not the same implementation as DMR incompatible mode
- Simpler, more efficient queries than DMR
- Null suppression optimizations
- Master-detail optimizations available in reports
- Treats OLAP over Relational as a true OLAP source
- Enables report authors to fully leverage member functions and OLAP style reporting techniques
- Dramatic performance benefits available by leveraging caching capabilities
Q41) Explain about working with Dynamic Query Mode?
Framework Manager 1.x, 8.x, and 10.x includes a full copy of the data access stack
- Used for import, testing, and evaluating query subjects, relationships, etc.
- Framework Manager machine requires DB client software installed
With the introduction of 10.1.1, Framework Manager enables users to work in Dynamic Query mode or Compatible mode
- Can enable DQM at the project level or package level
Working in dynamic mode will leverage the always leverage the query service on the server
- Import, testing, and evaluation of objects
The compatible mode will continue to leverage the local query components
- CQE, UDA, etc.
New metadata import mechanism available for DQM
- JDBC import that leverages RELMD service
- Nothing local required in an FM environment
- Dramatic improvement in performance for very large imports
A new mechanism to test objects and evaluate expressions
- Client-server type model
- Framework Manager will send a request to query the service
- Generated query and result set will be returned
On-demand evaluation of expressions in the editor
- Option to turn off “per-click” evaluation in the expression editor
Can work in compatible mode and enable dynamic query mode for packages
- Can enable dynamic mode on a package by package basis
- The mechanism in place to ensure data sources are enabled
Can switch an existing model to the dynamic mode
- All objects in the model will be evaluated by query service
- For existing models, more efficient to enable dynamic mode on a package basis to evaluate
Q42) Working in Dynamic Mode – OLAP over Relational?
Some differences between DMR and OLAP over Relational
- OLAP over Relational much closer to true OLAP experience
Member ordering
- DQM provides 2 mechanisms for member ordering
Natural ordering
- Ascending order by member caption
- Not consistent in compatible mode (varies by query/data source)
Sort specification
- Option available in Framework Manager to explicitly set
- Set for metadata tree in studios
- Set for data values returned
Null suppression capabilities
- True OLAP style null suppression available
- Controls available at a studio level
Null handling in the calculation
- Configuration available on the server to have 0 substituted for nulls for mathematical calculations
Q43) what is the package in Cognos?
IBM Cognos Package or Report. You can import query items, and the associated filters and prompts, from IBM Cognos packages and reports. You do this by choosing the Package or Report data source type and browsing and selecting from the available metadata.
Q44) what is Impromptu in Cognos?
Cognos Impromptu is an intuitive, user-friendly system that enables non-technical personnel to quickly and easily design and distribute business intelligence reports.
Q45) what is the use of Cognos tm1?
IBM Cognos TM1 (formerly Applix TM1, formerly Sniper TM/1) is enterprise planning software used to implement collaborative planning, budgeting, and forecasting solutions, as well as analytical and reporting applications.
Q46) what is a Cognos Controller?
IBM Cognos Controller is part of an integrated Financial Close Management (FCM) solution, built on an efficient, purpose-built platform. It helps you deliver complete financial results, create financial and management reports, and provide the CFO with an enterprise view of key ratios and metrics.
Q47) what is Cognos Planning?
Flexible enterprise software for planning, budgeting, forecasting, and analysis. IBM Cognos Planning enables you to develop plans, budgets, and forecasts faster and more efficiently. Cognos Planning lets you create, compare, and evaluate business scenarios.
Q48) what is tm1 Architect?
IBM Cognos TM1 is a solution with a client-server architecture and TM1 Architect is one of the standard TM1 client components that can connect to the TM1 server. The key components of TM1 are TM1 Architect, TM1 Perspectives, TM1 Web, and Turbo Integrator.
Q49) what is the tm1 perspective?
TM1 Perspectives is a standard TM1 standalone application and needs Microsoft Excel to run. It uses Cube Viewer features while taking advantage of MS Excel functionality via an add-in for Excel.
Q50) what is tm1 Web?
IBM Cognos TM1 Web uses a multi-tiered architecture that enables users to access and interact with Cognos TM1 data using any supported web browser. The IBM Cognos TM1 Web multi-tiered architecture includes web client, web application server, and data component tiers.
Q51) what is the extension of the framework manager project file?
The extension for the framework manager project file is a store in the file system with extension .cpf (Cognos Project File)
Q52) what is the difference between the model and package in Cognos?
A model serves as an insulating layer between IBM Cognos BI reporting users and the database. Packages are model subsets that ensure users are provided with data appropriate for the reporting they need to do, and that the data is structured in ways that make sense from a business perspective.
Creating models and publishing packages are tasks that should be planned carefully. Models and packages that are well-designed from the start ensure that user requirements are met, data is secure, and your IBM Cognos BI application can be easily administered.
To understand the modeling and packaging process, users can study the sample models, packages, and reports provided with IBM Cognos BI. For information about setting up the samples, see the IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide.
For IBM Cognos BI reporting, models and packages are created using Framework Manager. The following topics provide an overview. For more information, see the IBM Cognos Framework Manager User Guide.
Q53) what are different type of securities can we apply in framework manager?
In IBM Cognos Framework Manager, security is a way of restricting access to metadata and data across IBM Cognos products.
There are different types of security in Framework Manager:
- Data Security: You create a security filter and apply it to a specific query subject. The filter controls the data that is shown to your users when they set up their reports.
- Object Security: You secure an object directly by allowing users access to the object, denying users access to the object, or keeping it hidden from all users.
- Package Security: You apply security to a package and identify who has access to that package.
Q54) what is looping and how to avoid it in framework manager?
Loop joins in the model are typically a source of unpredictable behavior. This does not include star schema loop joins.
When cardinality clearly identifies facts and dimensions, IBM Cognos software can automatically resolve loop joins that are caused by star schema data when you have multiple fact tables joined to a common set of dimension tables.
In the case of loop joins, ambiguously defined query subjects are the primary sign of problems. When query subjects are ambiguously defined and are part of a loop join, the joins used in a given query are decided based on a number of factors, such as the location of relationships, the number of segments in join paths, and, if all else is equal, the alphabetically first join path. This creates confusion for your users and we recommend that you model to clearly identify the join paths.
Q55) what is the difference between star schema and snowflake schema in Cognos?
Star and snowflake schema designs are mechanisms to separate facts and dimensions into separate tables. Snowflake schemas further separate the different levels of a hierarchy into separate tables.
Star schemas – A star schema is a type of relational database schema that is composed of a single, central fact table surrounded by dimension tables.
Snowflake schemas – The snowflake schema, sometimes called snowflake join schema consists of one Fact table connected too many dimension tables, which can be connected to other dimension tables.
Q56) what is warehouse cubing?
IBM DB2 Warehouse Cubing Services is designed to provide a multidimensional view of data stored in a relational database. With Cubing Services, you can create, edit, import, export, and deploy cube models over the relational warehouse schema. Cubing Services also provides optimization techniques to dramatically improve the performance of OLAP queries, a core component of data warehousing and analytics.
Q57) what are the Fact Tables?
A fact table is a table in a star or snowflake schema that stores facts that measure the business, such as sales, cost of goods, or profit. Fact tables also contain foreign keys to the dimension tables. These foreign keys relate each row of data in the fact table to its corresponding dimensions and levels.
Cubing Services also supports fact tables that are logical, meaning that the fact table of a facts object in a cube model can be a view.
Q58) what are the Dimension tables?
A dimension table is a table in a star or snowflake schema that stores attributes that describe aspects of a dimension. For example, a time table stores the various aspects of time such as year, quarter, month, and day. A foreign key of a fact table references the primary key in a dimension table in a many-to-one relationship.
Q59) what are the cube models?
The DB2 Warehouse cube model represents a logical star schema or snowflake schema and group’s relevant dimension objects around a central facts object.
Each dimension can have multiple hierarchies. The structural information about how to join the tables that are used by the facts object and dimensions is referenced by the cube model. Also stored in the cube model is enough information to construct SQL queries and to retrieve OLAP data. Other reporting and OLAP tools that understand the cube model and that can display multiple views of a specific dimension can benefit from using the cube model.
Q60) what is a dimensional schema?
A database is comprised of one or more tables, and the relationships among all the tables in the database are collectively called the database schema. Although there are many different schema designs, databases used for querying historical data are usually set up with dimensional schema design, typically a star schema or a snowflake schema.
There are many historical and practical reasons for dimensional schemas, but the reason for their growth in popularity for decision support relational databases is driven by two main benefits:
- The ability to form queries that Ans business questions. Typically, a query calculates some measure of performance over several business dimensions.
- The necessity to form these queries in the SQL language, used by most RDBMS vendors.
Part 4:
- What is the Report item?
Ans: The reportitem is defined as a query item that can be dragged and dropped into a work area. - What is a Transformer?
Ans: The transformer is used for making the Cubes which is for the Multidimensional structure on OLAP processing. - What is defined as catalog and types of catalogs in Cognos?
Ans:A catalog is defined as a file that contains information on Database tables and Impromptu users can create reports.
Following are the types of catalog used:
- Personal
- Distributed
- Shared
- Secured
- What Is The Difference Between Filter And Condition?
Ans: A Filter is a restriction that reduces the amount of data displayed in the report.
The report filters are non-reusable and specific to the report.
Filters are before aggregation: non-aggregated records are filtered (details record)
after aggregation: summary records are filtered - What are the main difference applets and mapping?
Ans: Reuse the transformation in several mappings, whereas mapping not like that. If any changes made in applets it automatically inherited in all other instance applets. - What is called a materialized view?
Ans: A materialized view is a view that is physically stored in a database. This view is used to increase query performance by calculating costly operations. - Define dimensions?
Ans: It defines the structure of a cube. Any dimension must have at least one key attribute and other attributes so that it may define hierarchies. - How a project does looks in the framework manager?
Ans:A project in the framework manager looks like a folder that contains a project file (.cpf) and the specific XML files that define the project. - What is the way to generate a cube in the framework manager?
Ans:After creating the IQD file from the framework manager the IQD file will be used by the transformer to generate the cube. - What are shortcuts? Where it can be used? What are the advantages?
Ans: There are 2 shortcuts (Local and global) Local used in the local repository and globally used in the global repository. The advantage is to reuse an object without creating multiple objects. Say for example a source definition wants to use in 10 mappings in 10 different folders without creating 10 multiple sources you create 10 shortcuts. - How do you define a cube?
Ans: It’s a multidimensional view of dimension and measures. It is used to analyze the data in various aspects, which is called slicing and dicing. GBIt depends on our project requirements.
Whenever we Install Cognos Server we get it documentation alone otherwise we can store it in Deployment Folder of Cognos.
- What is defined as Query studio?
Ans: Query studio is one of the studios in Cognos which is used to perform Adhoc queries. - What is called the Cognos Reporting tool?
Ans: Cognos is an IBM reporting tool which is used for reporting and analysis of various data from the different data warehouse. - Define drill through?
Ans: It permits one to move from data at the bottom level in a cube to the data in the operational systems from which the cube was derived. - What is the Cognos configuration?
Ans: Cognos Configuration is the Cognos 8 BI administrative tool that is used to define the behavior of a Cognos 8 BI installation. It is used to manage configuration parameters.
In the Cognos configuration, we can start and stop the entire Cognos services. We can deploy content from one content store to another. - What Is Cognos Powerhouse And What Is It Used For?
Ans: Cognos Powerhouse is High-Productivity Application Development Solutions equips you with high-productivity development environments for creating your data-driven business solutions faster, whether for Web-based, client/server, or traditional terminal-based access. Powerhouse has gained a worldwide reputation for productivity, reliability, performance, and flexibility. - How Can I Change Reports To another Package?
Ans: Open that report and save as that report select public folder and then select a package in which package you want to save then save it. - What Is Meant By Junk Dimension?
Ans: The junk dimension is simply a structure that provides a convenient place to store junk attributes. - What are the Fact Tables?
Ans: It is a table that contains summarized numerical (facts) and historical data. It has a foreign key – primary key relation with a dimension table. - At what time default data source query subject will be created?
Ans: At the initial metadata import operation, a default data source query subject is created for those each object you have select. - Name the responsibilities of the Cognos Administrator?
Creating the Repository
performing the task of backup and recovery of the Metadata.
Tuning the servers.
Installations and configurations in a distributed network environment
developing the user Administration
interested in taking the Cognos training? Well, we have a comprehensive industry-designed training course. - What is a dimension?
Ans: Dimension is defined as the structure of a cube. A dimension should have at least one key attribute and hierarchies can be defined by the remaining attribute. - Mention the difference between ‘macros’ and ‘prompt’?
Ans: Macro is used to run a set of instructions to execute the report but prompt provides a way to change the report dynamically. - What is a Cube?
Ans: Cube is set to be the multi-dimensional view of dimension and measures and it is used to analyze the data in various forms like Slicing and Dicing. - Explain How to Create Power play Reports?
To create a power play report
You have to create an IQD file from impromptu by saving the IMR report as IQD.
Use Frame Work manager model and externalize the query subject you want to use power play transformer and power play.
When you have the IQD file published to a location such as UNC.
Go to the power play transformer model and select new.
- What Is Iqd? What Is Contained In Iqd?
Ans: IQD stands for the Impromptu query definition. It is reported save extension with .iqd it is used for creating a cube in the power-play transformer.
IQD is Impromptu Query Definition. It contains the SQL query to display the data from the database and the SQL query is automatically created based on the columns selected from the database.
- How You Create Iqd In Reportnet Framework?
Ans: Open framework manager click on any query subject and go open the properties dialogue box and you can observe the EXTERNALIZE METHOD you change the iqd. - How to Create Users and Permissions in Cognos?
Users and Permissions can be given in Access manager – Administration.
Individual users can be created using their names or their Ids (if any) in Access manager and then be given permissions.
This tool is loaded when you install Cognos 7.x in your machine.
In content manager–we have one component called Cognos process manager, using process manager we can integrate with third-party tools like LDAP or NTLM. We cannot create users in report net directly, in real-time we can use LDAP. - What is the way to generate IQD files from framework managers?
Create a Query Subject
using properties pane select externalize.
We have four options in that select IQD - What are the steps to import the two data sources in the framework manager?
Ans: It can be done in the Run Metadata Wizard.
First of all, Go running Metadata Wizard–>Select another database (ex. suppose SQL Server is chosen in a prior attempt, then you can choose Oracle as the new data source). At the last import it. - What is Drill Through?
Ans: Drill-through reporting allows you to link from one report to another. You can drill through in several ways. A Drill Through id developed with two reports. - Parent Report
- Child Report. Company
- Where the Determinants are used in the Cognos framework manager?
Ans: A query subject that behaves as a dimension has multiple levels of granularity and it will be joined on the different sets of keys to fact data. - How Can I Schedule Reports In Cognos?
Ans: By using Cognos Scheduler, one can schedule the running reports in Impromptu to execute and save it in the desired format.
By using Cognos MACRO script language the reports can be executed and distributed to recipients by using mail applications.
Compiled Cognos MACROs can be scheduled using Cognos Scheduler.
- What is set to be a Cognos configuration?
Ans: Cognos Configuration is a BI administrative tool that is used to define the behavior of the Cognos 8 version. This will manage configuration parameters. - What are all the types of the gateway used in Cognos?
Following is the list of the gateway used in Cognos:
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
Internet Service Application Interface (ISAPI)
Tomcat Server
- What is the difference between primary key and unique key constraints?
Ans: Primary key maintains uniqueness and not null values Whereas unique constrains maintain unique values and null values. - Define Parameter Map?
Ans: It is a key-value pair used in the creation of conditional Query Subjects. It sub situates the values at the query at runtime. - What is a Folder?
Ans: A folder consists of repository objects like sources, targets, transformation and mapping that help to organize data warehouse. - Define the Cognos Reporting tool?
Ans: It’s a reporting tool of IBM which help us in reporting and analysis of different data from a data warehouse. Read this blog to find out why Business Intelligence tools are critical to today’s enterprises. - What are the query items?
Ans: Query items are the most important object in the framework manager and it has a lot of properties associated with it. This is mainly used for reporting and business intelligence. - What is a Data store in Cognos?
Ans: A data store is nothing but a query database or a relational database or files that can be accessed through IBM Cognos. - How to create reports?
Ans: Use Report Studio to create a more advanced business report
Using Query Studio: We create Adhoc reports.
Using Report Studio: We create advanced Business Reports
Using Analysis Studio: We create reports from Cube as the source or by using dimensional modeled relational package for analysis purposes. - What are the differences between the Reporter report and Explorer report?
Ans: In a Cube, you can either modify or explore. The reporter is used to modifying whereas explorer is used to exploring the cube. - What Is The Difference Between Macros And Prompt?
Ans: Macro is a set of instructions to run the report.
Prompt is just like a dialog box which will ask the user to select/enter the information what he needs. - What is the framework manager?
Ans: Frame manager is a development tool to create the end-user layer used by authors to build their BI objects.
Framework Manager is the metadata model tool where we can create namespaces, query subjects, and relations among the query subjects. Used to create packages and published to Cognos connection. - How to join multiple DB in the catalog?
Ans: Multiple databases could not be connected in a single catalog. So that we use Hot file for this purpose. - What Is the Difference between List Report and Cross tab Report?
Ans: List report show data in rows and columns versus a cross tab report show data in grids with dimension in rows and columns and measures in cells or the intersection points.
List Report and Cross tab report both contain rows and columns but the difference is list report is a detail report for analysis whereas cross tab report is the intersection of data or summarized data for analysis.
Part 5:
- What Is Model And Say About Process How To Create Model And How To Test Model?
Model in Power Play Transformer is combination of five windows- Dimension Map, Data Source, Measures, Power cube, Sign On. Models specify the data sources and then defining the dimensions, levels, and measures. They may also contain dimension views, user classes, user class views, and other authentication-related information. The information for a model is stored in a model file, with the extension .pyi (binary, means platform dependent) or .mdl (text, platform independent).
- Explain How to Create Power play Reports?
To create a power play report
- You have to create an IQD file from impromptu by saving IMR report as IQD.
- Use Frame Work manager model and externalize the query subject you want to use inpowerplay transformer and power play.
- When you have the IQD file published to a location such as UNC.
- Go to power play transformer model and select new.
- What Are Products Of Cognos?
Cognos 6.6 7.0, 7.3(Power Play, Impromptu)–ReportNet1.0, 1.1mr1, 1.1mr22—Report Net 8.0(latest)IWR is use by Impromptu to publish reports, PPES is used by PP, Cognos Connection is used by repornet. There are many other tools but these are the main.
- What Are Versions Of Cognos From Starting Release To Latest In The Market?
- EP7 series is the oldest cognos series.
- Cognos report net is the next series.
- Cognos 8.1.
- Cognos 8.3 is the latest version.
- But most of the companies use cognos 8.1.
- What Is Cognos Visualizer And Cognos Scripting?
Visualizer is a representation of data cubes in a dashboard format. We can drill through to the ground level of a hierarchy as like in power play report but cannot add or remove fields dynamically.
Cognos script editor: We can write cognos macros or programs in this tool and can fine tune or process some execution.
- What Are The Limitations Of Cognos Reportnet? What Are The Enhancements In Reportnet?
- What Is The Difference Between Group And Association?
Group: used to eliminate duplicate values in the report.
Association: used with grouped item that displays data only when the values are changed.
- How Do Add Dynamic Titles In Pp?
Power play from format menu–>title, header & footer–>title–>insert report filename.
- What Are The Ways To Import Data Into Catalong?
One through Database option other one though hot file option.
- How Can I Test Reports In Cagnos?
In cognos report net by the validate report option a report can be tested. If there will be any error, it will specify the error, unless it will give message -‘report specification is valid’.
After creating the report we will connect to the oracle and we will write the sql query and we will compare this 2 reports.
- How Can I Schedule Reports In Cognos?
By using Cognos Scheduler, one can schedule the running reports in Impromptu to execute and save it in desired format.
By using Cognos MACRO script language the reports can be executed and distributed to recipients by using mail applications.
Compiled Cognos MACROs can be scheduled using Cognos Scheduler.
- How Can Create Users And Permissions In Cognos?
Impromptu menu go to CatLog->User profiles -> user class tab -> click on Creator ->you can give there folder access, table access, filters, Governor Etc.
You can create users by using USERS PROFILE option. And you can give permissions using ROLE IN C8 and GOVERNERS in C7.
- What You Mean By Drill Across And What Is The Difference Between Drills Through, Drill Across?
Drill across means when you are moving from one report to another report like country in one report and States in another Report whereas if the report is using same report from moving from country to state. In other when you are moving details level if you are using the different report it is drill across and if you are using same report it is drill through.
- What Is Loop in Framework manager?
Loop: loop is a closed path (relation) that exists among 3 (or) more tables. For example, if we have ‘3’ tables T1, T2, T3 then, a loop exists among these tables only when we create joins in the following fashion:
Loop: T1 —> T2 —> T3 —> T1
To resolve the above problem, we have to create a shortcut (or) Alias to the Table T1.
No Loop: T1 —> T2 —> T3 —> Alias (or) Shortcut of T1
- How Create Measures And Dimensions?
You can create measure once you import all the data into the data source. You can create measures and dimensions by dragging the required source from data source into dimension map and measure tab. (need to find scope of measures for all the dimensions)
- What Is Meant By Alternate Drill Down With Ex?
Alternate drill down path means there will be two path to opt. For example- We will have time dimension now the client requirement is they want two type of year -one is calendar year (Jan-Dec) and another is fiscal year (Apr-Mar).
- What Is The Difference Between Enterprise Data Warehouse And Data Warehouse?
Big Organizations have a lot of diversified sources of data. There might be a data ware house exclusively for transport and others for data related to the project the company runs. In such case the complete enterprise’s (company’s) data warehouse is a big combination of all and is known the Enterprise data Warehouse (EDW).
- How You Drill from Power play To Impromptu? Explain All Steps?
- go to transformer,
- build the cube
- right click on the cube and open properties
- go to drill through tab and select your report from that browse option
- Give Me Any Example Of Semi And Non Additive Measures?
Semi-Additive: Semi-additive facts are facts that can be summed up for some of the dimensions in the fact table, but not the others.
Non-Additive: Non-additive facts are facts that cannot be summed up for any of the dimensions present in the fact table. Current Balance and Profit Margin are the facts.Current Balance is a semi-additive fact, as it makes sense to add them up for all accounts , but it does not make sense to add them up through time (adding up all current balances for a given account for each day of the month does not give us any useful information). Profit Margin is a non-additive fact, for it does not make sense to add them up for the account level or the day level.
- What Is Drill Down And Slicing And Dicing Whats The Difference Between Them?
Drilling lets you quickly move from one level of detail to another to explore different aspects of your business.
Drilling down moves you down in the hierarchy.
Drilling up moves you up in the hierarchy.
Slicing and Dicing While you can drill to look at information at any level, you can slice and dice to select the exact information you want in your report.
- What Is The Difference Between A Cascading Report And Drill thru Report? Why Do We Go For Drill Thru Report?
Cascading report works based on the condition but drill thru work based on the data item what we select as a drill thru options.
- What Junk Dimension Contains?
It contains the miscellaneous attributes such as flags, which does belong to the main dimension table.
for e.g.; In a sales order fact table ,some information’s like, web-order , whether this is a online order or not new_cust-Is this person a new customer , verification- whether the order has been verified.
- What Is Catalog And Types Of Catalogs In Cagnos And Which Is Better?
A catalog is a file containing the information (Database tables) that Impromptu users need to create reports.
► Personal
► distributed
► shared
► secured
Shared catalog is better.
- What Is Meant By Junk Dimension?
The junk dimension is simply a structure that provides a convenient place to store the junk attributes.
- Suppose You Run A Report With Empty Data, How Will You Inform The End User That It Has No Data While Running The Report In Report Studio? Is It Possible, If So How?
Add a list footer and a text message inside “No Data”. Create a Boolean conditional variable “Test” with code “rownum ()>0”. Select the complete list footer and set Style Variable, if Yes, Box Type of the List footer should be set to “none”.
- What Is The Difference B/w Macros And Prompt?
Macro-A macro is a set of instructions that can run applications.
Example: A macro can open your catalog, select a report (say for instance) convert that to another format and export it to any specified location, provided the code (Program) is such.
Prompt-A prompt specifies the manner in which data in the reports are to be displayed.
A Prompt can be defined at the catalog level either or during report generation.
- What Is Cognos Powerhouse And What Is It Used For?
Cognos Powerhouse is High-Productivity Application Development Solutions equips you with high-productivity development environments for creating your data-driven business solutions faster, whether for Web-based, client/server, or traditional terminal-based access. Powerhouse has gained a worldwide reputation for productivity, reliability, performance, and flexibility.
- How Can We Create A Dynamic Column Name In Cognos?
Select Properties, and then click the Headers/Footers tab.
- What Is Transformer?
Transformer is used for building the Cubes (Multidimensional Structure used for OLAP processing).
- What Is The Difference Between Filter And Condition?
A Filter is a restriction that reduces the amount of data displayed in the report.
The report filters are non-reusable and specific to the report.
Filters are
- before aggregation: non-aggregated records are filtered(details record)
- after aggregation: summary records are filtered
- What Is the Security Module Used In Cognos?
The security module used in cognos is cognos access manager.
- What Is Report Burn And Where It Occurs?
Report can be divided into different parts and sending these different parts of report to different users. It occurs in cognos connection.
- What Is Difference Between Drill Through And Drill Down?
Drill through allows you to navigate from summary to detailed information.
Drill down also similar kind of thing, for example will do drill down on year if we drill down on this the next level will come means year contains quarters, it contains
- months,
- months contains weeks,
- Week contains days.
So, we can view all the levels through drill down.
- How Can I Change Reports To another Package?
Open that report and save as that report Select public folder and then select package in which package you want to save then save it.
- How to Create Users and Permissions in Cognos?
- Users and Permissions can be given in Access manager – Administration.
- Individual users can be created using their names or their Ids (if any) in Access manager and then be given permissions.
- This tool is loaded when you install Cognos 7.x in your machine.
- In content manager–we have one component called cognos process manager, using process manager we can integrate with third party tools like LDAP or NTLM. We cannot create users in report net directly, in real time we can use LDAP.
- What Is The Difference Between Macros And Prompt?
Macro is set of instructions to run report.
Prompt is just like a dialog box which will ask user to select/enter the information what he needs.
- What Is Query Subject?
A query subject is the basic building block in Framework Manager. A query subject is a set of query items that have an inherent relationship.
- How Can I Convert a List Report/cross Tab Report in Cognos Ep Series into a Bar Chart or Pie Chart Etc.?
This can be done in Impromptu administrator.
- How Many Numbers Of Cubes Can We Create On A Single Model? How Can We Navigate Between Those Cubes?
Using a single Model, we can create as many number of cubes u want. By using the dimension views…etc. Regarding the navigation, when we save cubes, these act as separator multidimensional databases. There won’t be any relations. Navigate means opening the cubes separately.
- What Is The Difference Between Group And Association?
- In cognos ‘group’ is used to suppress the duplicate values. And ‘associate’ is used to suppress the values if it is one-one relationship.
- Group – It Eliminates the Duplicate values from the report break the columns. It’s having a one to many relationship.
- Association-It Eliminates the Duplicate values from the report and it’s having one-one relationship.
- Both Group & Association eliminate duplicates in a column. But we cannot use Association alone. It should have one to one relationship with grouped column.
- Using Association is a performance enhancement technique.
- What Is Cardinality?
Cardinality is nothing but relation between tables like
- One to One,
- One to Many and
- Many to Many.
Cardinality is the nature of the relationship. 1-1, 1-many relationships Cardinality is the nature of the relation between two query items.
- How to Test Reports in Cognos?
Go to power play transformer, on toolbar select RUN menu. In RUN menu there is one option that is TEST BUILD you can test our report there.
You may also test the outcome of a report by writing and executing SQL Queries and comparing the outcome with the report outcome.
Q43. How You Create Security To Reports?
Basically there are two types of securities for any object Levels of Securities:
- Database level Security
- Row level security
Even we can provide LDAP security too.
By setting up the Governors in frame work manager also we can give the security to the data accessing through the report.
- How to Configure the Cognos Configurations to Work in the Windows 2000 Server Machine?
Go to Cognos Configuration and see the settings for cognos in the explorer page. There you can set for win2000 server.
- What Is Drill Down And Slicing And Dicing What Are The Difference Between Them?
- Drill down means it will explains the summary level information to lowest level information.
- Slicing is nothing but cutting edge of the cube.
- Dicing is nothing but viewing the cube in all possible directions.
- Drill down is the way to get the more detailed data.
- Slicing and dicing is to get the data according to where clause.
- What Are The Enhancements In Cognos Reportnet?
Enhancements in Cognos report net is Cognos 1.0, 1.1, MR1.1, MR1.2 Cognos 1.0,1.1, MR1.1, MR1.2 AND cognos 8, 8.1.1MR, 8.1.2MR, now new version is 8.2
Enhancement in cognos in the list report:-
- Apply list column title styles
- Apply list column body styles
- Apply table styles.
- Explain The Different Stages In Creating A Report In Cognos Report Net?
Open cognos connection in that select Report studio or query studio it will displays there you have packages(ex: go sales and goretailr (default)) click on that it display Report studio in that select Object pane select required query subject then click run it displays your report on report viewer screen.
- What Is Report Item?
Report item is nothing but a query item when it is drag and drop into the work area.
Example in Go sales and retailers package-> Product (is a query subject) and-> Product line is (a query item) ->when PL is dropped into the work area then it’s a report item.
- How to Perform Single Sign in Cognos by Using URL?
In cognos configuration under authentication allow anonymous access should be false. In cgi-bin properties (under is) the enable anonymous access should be false.
- How You Migrate Reports To Cognos 8 From Previous Versions?
Using deployment tool we can migrate the reports.
- What Are The Filters In Framework Manager And Report Studio?
Filters in framework manager are
1. Standalone filters
2. Embedded filters
Report studio Filters are
1. Detail filters
2. Summary filters
- What Is Iqd? What Is Contained In Iqd?
IQD stands for Impromptu query definition. It is report save extension with .iqd it is use for creating a cube in power play transformer.
IQD is Impromptu Query Definition. It contains the SQL query to display the data from the database and SQL query is automatically created based on the columns selected from database.
- What Are The Special Features In Cognos Reportnet?
CRN is web based tool. So it will very useful to view the reports very easily. So that they preferred CRN
- How You Create Iqd In Reportnet Framework?
Open framework manager click on any query subject and go open the properties dialogue box and you can observe the EXTERNALIZE METHOD you change the iqd.
- How To Pass Multiple Values From Pick List Prompt To Sub Report Filter?
#parameter1#. Give this in our filter where u pass multiple values
- What Is Stitch Query In Reportnet?
Framework Manager generates a separate query for each ‘FACT’ table and joins the result set this is called Stitched query.
- What Is Snapshot?
A Snapshot is a Permanent Local Copy of the Report. Snapshot is Static Data Source it is saved with .imr File it is suitable for Disconnected Network.
- What Is Cube Size?
2.0 GB (It depends on your project requirements).
- What Is Log In Cognos?
While creating reports or creating models logs have all information till session closed.
- What Is Associated Grouping? And How It Works In Cognos Impromptu?
You can associate one or more data items with a grouped data item. An associated data item should have a one-to-one relationship with the grouped data item. For example, Order No. is a grouped data item.
For each order number, there is an Order Date. Order No. and Order Date have a one-to-one relationship.
- What Are The Limitations Of Cognos Reportnet?
In CRN we can’t view multi dimensionally,
- we can’t see a report in excel,
- we can’t format a report in CRN
Report net does not support drill through and also bursting of reports is no possible in report net. Also it does not support dimensional analysis.
- What Is Loop In Framework Manager?
Loop is a very dangerous exception in framework manager we can resolve the loop create alias table. Loop Display wrong results in the report net. A Loop is a Closed Path Circuit.
Avoid loops: using shortcuts. We have ambiguous relationships types: Hierarchical relationships Recursive relationships Multi-valid relationships. To avoid these relationships using shortcuts.
- What Are The Different Ways Of Adding Data In Transformer?
In transformer you import metadata from architect or catalog to create a cube. We just import metadata. We don’t add data to it.
- What Are Slowly Changing Dimensions? Why We Are Used Scd?
Slowly Changing Dimensions are those whose data are not fixed.
SCD types:
SCD type 1: Whose data is not fixed?
Historical data are not saved. Data keeps on changing. -> Current Data
SCD type 2: Whose data is fixed and also save historical data.
SCD type 3: Like SCD type 2 only but save historical data in another table. In one table data will updated and in another table historical data will be there.
- What Are The Names Of The Reports That You Prepared?
- List report, Cross tab report, pie charts etc.
- Master detail, Drill through, Cascading List, Cross tab, Chart, Map report are the basic report of Cognos.
- What Is The Importance Of Dimension In The Cognos?
Without Dimension and Fact cannot make a relation between tables it could not be used for joins and retrieve the data as a form of reports in cognos. Dimension is a major subject area through which we can analysis our business.
- What Is Exact Catalog Size?
There is no limit for catalog size. It may be 3MB or 4MB.
- Give Me Some Examples For Lifecycle Reporting, I Mean Which Lifecycle We Will Use For Reporting?
There is no specific reporting lifecycle. We can generate the reports from data warehouse/data marts or we can generate the reports directly from OLTP systems. What I mean generating reports from OLTP systems is loading data into one system and generating the reports. But this is not recommended. This will depends on the business.
1) Generating reports from the OLAP interface system retrieving the data from the data warehouse to generating forms and reports.
2) They can use Business intelligence project life cycle.
- How Many Levels Can Be Used In Drill Through Reports?
Two levels: summary and detail.
- Where You Can Save The Report Net Documentation In Our Local System?
Whenever we Install Cognos Server we get it documentation alone otherwise we can store it in Deployment Folder of Cognos.
- What Is Model And How To Create Model And How To Test Model?
Create a Model In framework Manager and then publish it, make sure that Model meets the requirements, don’t overload the model with unwanted query items.
Model is nothing but a project. And the project will be created by framework manager in which we can extract the metadata from the various operational sources… we will test the model by using the TOAD.
Model contains Meta data which is related to business reporting Information. We import this data from the data base. Using this metadata we are creating Packages, Publishing packages, this metadata contains query subjects and namespaces.
- How to Create Cubes in Transformer?
- Cube can be created by using different data sources.
- Data sources: iqd, tex file Cube creation by using iqd data sources.
- These iqd sources are coming from impromptu.
- How You Burst The Reports? If You Are Bursted Reports Is Not Reached To Destination How You Identify? When You Import Data Into Catalog You Have Complex Columns Names. How Do You Change The Name Of Those Columns?
First you have to click on column header which you have to change. Then in property pane you will found name option. Then change column name.
- How to Create Measures and Dimensions?
By using the Framework Manager we can create measures and dimensions according to our business needs.
- What Is The Difference Between List Report And Crosstab Report?
List report show data in rows and columns versus a cross tab report show data in grids with dimension in rows and columns and measures in cells or in the intersection points.
List Report and Cross tab report both contains rows and columns but difference is list report is a detail report for analysis whereas cross tab report is the intersection of data or summarized data for analysis.
- What Are The Migration Tools Available In The Market With Respect To Cognos Such As Impromptu Reports Are Migrated To Cognos Reportnet?
Reportnet1.1 migration tool is available to migrate the impromptu report to report net
- Can Reportnet Supports Cubes?
- How You Provide Security To Reports? How You Provide Security To Packages?
For framework manager packages, before you head away with creating a new package it asks whether or not you want to have security set up for the package in use. Even if you haven’t defined any security at this stage, you can always goto the actions >> package >> Edit package settings and there you can define the security settings for the package.
For reports, you can either give report-level or folder- level security by going to the properties of that and choosing suitable roles/user groups that are supposed to be entitled to view/modify/create reports.
Part 6:
Q1) what is Cognos tool?
Ans. Cognos is IBM’s business intelligence and performance management software suite.
This tool is specially designed for enabling non-technical personnel in large enterprises to extract corporate data, analyses them and provide reports to help businesses with informed decisions.
Q2) what is the Cognos Query Item?
Ans. Query item is majorly used for reporting. It is also an essential object for framework managers. They are quite similar to subsets of query subjects.
In simple words, a query item is an object in the model that is actually placed in the report. It symbolizes a single instance of a specific thing such as data when that particular product was introduced.
- For the purpose of relational metadata, we can modify properties of query items by:
- Setting usage and regular aggregate properties for following the intended use of the query item.
- Understanding how data is displayed in a report and format query items.
- Recognizing column as a prompt, and know-how prompt information is displayed to the users.
Q3) what do you mean by Cardinality in Cognos?
Ans. Cardinality is defined as a relationship between the queries or tables. IBM Cognos supports both minimum-maximum cardinality and optional cardinality.
The relationship that can be formed between the tables are:
- One to One
- One to Many
- Many to Many
- Many to One
Q4) what are the different types of prompts available in Cognos?
Ans. Various types of prompts are available in Cognos, such as:
- Text Box prompt
- Value prompt
- Search prompt
- Date prompt
- Time prompt
Q5) List the types of gateways used in Cognos.
Ans. IBM Cognos supports various types of gateways, including:
- ISAPI – This is used for Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server and delivers faster performance for IIS.
- Apache mod – This is used with Apache Web server.
- Servlet – This is used for the application server or web server supporting servlets.
- CGI – This is the default gateway used for all supported Web servers except in production environments.
Q6) What is the difference between macros and prompt?
Ans. Macro is a combination of instructions that executes the applications. It is a dynamic object used for querying substitute values at run time.
A prompt decides the manner in which report data should be displayed. It is defined either in catalog generation or report generation.
Q7) what is Cognos Dynamic Cube? And when to use it?
Ans. Dynamic cubes are also referred to as in-memory OLAP cubes in IBM Cognos, that are used for loading data from structured relational data sources under a snowflake or star schema directly. The objective of dynamic cubes is to deliver a quick response to reports and analyses huge volumes of data. This is available in Cognos 10.2 or higher versions.
Dynamic cubes are used for addressing the difficulty of high performance and low latency interactive analysis and also for reporting against terabytes of data.
Supported databases are DB2, Netezza, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata databases.
Q8) Explain Dynamic Cube Lifecycle in Cognos?
- Model and Publish (Warehouse and CM)
- Deploy and Manage (Dynamic Cube Server, CM)
- Reporting and Analytics (Dynamic cube, Logs)
- Optimize (Warehouse, CM, Logs)
Q9) what is Cognos Cube Designer?
Ans. Cognos Cube Designer is a modeling tool used for dynamic cubes and dimensional metadata. The object editors, data source explorer, the project explorer tree, and properties panes are the essential elements of the Cognos Cube Designer user interface.
Q10) Explain Cognos Cube Designer modeling workflow.
Ans. First model your cube definition in Cognos Cube Designer
Create Dynamic cube
Deploy your dynamic cube to BI server
Q11) How to administrate Dynamic cube?
Ans. Administration tasks included while selecting a cube to the Query Service
Instance are:
- Start/Stop the Cube
- Monitoring Cube
- Managing the cache
- Scheduling a refresh of the cache
Q12) List the types of hierarchies.
Ans. There are two types of hierarchies in Analysis Services:
- One is Attribute hierarchies
- Second is User-defined hierarchies.
Q13) what are all the components of Report Studio?
Ans. Following are the components of Report Studio:
- Objects panel
- Properties panel
- Explorer bar
- Report Viewer
Q14) what do you mean by Aggregate Advisor?
Ans. Aggregate Advisor is used for the purpose of performance optimization utility.
It can analyze dynamic cubes and suggest aggregates when needed to improve cube performance.
It specifically generates two types of recommendations.
In-Memory Recommendations: This aggregate recommendation is implemented by the IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence server the next time the cube is started and aggregates are saved in the Content Store.
In-Database Recommendations: This aggregate recommendation will be implemented automatically to the database and the model.
Q15) Define drill through report.
Drill through reports are used for connecting two or more reports by linking
Related data items. It has a parent and child relationship between the reports.
Q16) what is a Framework Manager?
For creating a business model of metadata derived from one or more data sources, we use a Framework Manager. In simple words, it’s a windows based tool utilised for publishing business models for Cognos in the form of packages for analytical reporting and analysis purposes.
Q17) Describe Cognos Access Manager.
Ans. Cognos Access Manager establishes a centralized environment for defining, storing, and managing security data to IBM Cognos business information applications.
We can set up and manage secure user access to data at one central location itself. With this, we can even handle user sign on information and auto access privileges for the servers and data sources containing necessary data.
Q18) Explain Query Studio.
Ans. In Cognos, Query Studio is used for the purpose of creating queries and reports.
Following functions can be performed using Query Studio:
- Viewing Data
- Creating BI Reports
- Changing Existing Reports
- Data Customization in Report
Q19) what are the types of reports available in Query Studio?
Ans. Various types of reports are supported by Query Studio to meet business requirements.
- List Reports − these reports are used for showing the entire customer base.
- Crosstab Reports − these are used for showing quantity sold with product and region on a different axis.
- Charts − in this, we can insert charts for showing data graphically. We can also combine a chart with a Crosstab or with a list report.
Q20) Explain about Aggregate Cache.
Two types of pre-computed aggregate values are supported by Cognos Dynamic Cubes:
- 1) Stored in-memory aggregate cache
- 2) Stored in in-database tables (in-database aggregate)
Aggregate Advisor can suggest a collection of in-memory aggregate. In-memory aggregate does not require the involvement of DBA. Recommendations are stored in Content Manager and take effect next time a cube is started.
Q21) what is Cognos Report Net?
Ans. Cognos Report Net is a web-based business intelligence suite of reporting applications, which is used for creating and running reports. It doesn’t require any additional software to access. Just through a web browser, we can access it.
It supports multiple formats such as PDF, Excel, HTML, XML, and CSV.
The components of Report Net are the following:
- Cognos connection
- Framework manager
- Report Studio
- Query Studio
Q22) what is the difference between Embedded filters and standalone filters?
- Both Embedded filters and standalone filters are supported by the Framework Manager.
- For the purpose of using only one query object or dimension in the filter, we use embedded filters.
- For reusing the expression, we use standalone filters.
Q23) what is DTM?
Ans. DTM converts data received from reader buff and transits transformation to transformation on a row by row basis. Depending on the requirement, transformation caches are also utilized.
Q24) Describe fact tables.
A fact table is a kind of a table in the database which includes facts and foreign keys.
Actually, these keys are utilized for connecting to several dimension tables such as time, product, etc.
Facts are used to measure like revenue, account balance, and more. Foreign key derives the primary key relation with a dimension table.
Summarized numerical and historical data is stored in fact tables.
Types of Fact Tables:
- Fact less Fact Tables – The fact table which does not contain any measure is called a fact less fact table. It contains keys from various dimension tables. Often used to resolve a many-to-many cardinality issue.
- Centipede Fact Table – The centipede fact table is a normalized fact table. Here, the normalizer decides the fact rather than snow flaking dimensions tables.
- Conformed Fact Tables – They are measures re-used across multiple dimension models.
Q25) List the types of facts.
Following are the types of facts:
Additive – This can be used with any aggregation function like Sum (), Avg () etc.
Non-Additive – We are not able to use numeric aggregation functions such as Sum (), Avg () etc. on Non-additive facts.
Semi Additive – These facts are those where only a few aggregation functions can be applied.
Q26) what is the difference between a physical layer and an application layer?
Physical Layer – It is primarily made of stored procedure query subjects and data source. It serves as a foundation for the presentation layer.
Presentation Layer – It is primarily made of model query subjects created by us.
Q27) what do you mean by query subjects?
A Query subject is a collection of query items which have an inherent relationship. For modifying query objects, we use IBM Cognos Framework Manager to optimize and customize the data they retrieve.
- Various types of query subjects are supported by the framework manager, such as:
- Data source query subjects
- Model query subjects
- Stored procedure query subjects
Q28) what is the difference between static and dynamic conditions?
- Static Condition – Whenever you run the report, the condition will not change.
- Dynamic Condition – Condition which keeps on changing whenever you run the report
Q29) what is Cognos Powerhouse? And why is it used?
Ans. Cognos Powerhouse supports high-productivity application development that enables you to create data-driven business solutions faster. It supports access for web-based, server/client, and traditional terminal-based. Powerhouse has huge popularity due to its productivity, performance, flexibility, and reliability.
Q30) what are the initial page components of a Cognos Connection?
Ans. Following are the initial page components of a Cognos connection:
The Utilities Toolbar
The Studio Toolbar
The Tab Navigator
Q31) what are all types of Batches in Cognos?
Ans. Types of Batches available in Cognos are listed below:
Sequential – It runs the sessions one by one
Concurrent – It runs the sessions simultaneously
Q32) what is the difference between cascading report and drill through the report?
Ans. Cascading report means extracting data from one prompt using the values of another prompt.
Drill through report means extracting data by selecting a column in a report. It means getting the detailed information by clicking that column data.
Q33) how is Standard different from Metrics folder?
- Standard Folder – This is a container of all folders particularly used for organizational purposes. It is yellow in color and acts as a local computer folder.
- Metrics Folder – This folder is used for storing metric related data. It is dark blue in color and it is directly opened in Metrics studio.
Q34) what is Cognos Configuration.
Ans. Cognos Configuration is used to configure IBM Cognos Business Intelligence while installing and configuring components and also to start and stop IBM Cognos services.
Q35) how is drill-up different from the drill-down report?
Ans. Drill up is used to remove grouping columns from the dimension tables, whereas drill-down is used to add group columns from the dimension tables.
Q36) Explain Dimensional Schema.
Ans. dimensional Schema divides the measures which quantify the business from the descriptive elements that define and classify the business physically. The dimensional schema is a logical or physical schema. In the logical dimensional schema, the measures, fact, and dimensions are denoted as attributes and entities that are database vendor-independent and therefore can be converted to a physical dimensional schema for any database vendor. A physical dimensional schema is denoted in the form of snowflake or star schema, where objects are the database tables.
Star schemas – It is a relational dimensional database type composed of a central, single fact table enclosed by dimensional tables.
Snowflake schemas – In encompasses one fact table that is connected to many dimension tables. These can also be connected to other dimension tables through a many-to-one relationship.
Star flake schemas – It’s a combination of Star and Snowflake schemas.
Many-to-one relationships – It refers to one entity or table containing values and refers to another entity or table containing unique values.
Q37) Explain Dynamic cube modeling?
Ans. In IBM Cognos Dynamic Cubes, we can design and develop dynamic cubes using IBM Cognos Studios for use as data sources.
Following tasks needs to be processed to create dynamic cubes:
Build a Java™ Database Connectivity (JDBC) data source connection to the relational database in IBM Cognos Administration.
Import the metadata from Cognos Cube Designer for modeling dynamic cubes.
Model the dimensional metadata and the dynamic cubes.
Deploy individual dynamic cubes to the Content Manager as OLAP data sources in IBM Cognos Analytics.
Publish a package that includes a deployed cube.
Configure the deployed cube for use as a data source by the Query Service and start the dynamic cube in IBM Cognos Administration.
Q38) what is warehouse cubing?
Ans. Warehouse Cubing services provide a multidimensional view of data collected in a relational database. We can create, import, edit, export, and deploy cube models across relational warehouse schema using the cubing services.
Optimization techniques are also supported by cubing services for improving OLAP queries performance.
Q39) what is the difference between star schema and snowflake schema?
Ans. Star and Snowflake schemas are used for dividing facts and dimensions into separate tables. Snowflake schemas further separate the different levels of a hierarchy into separate tables.
Star schemas – It is a type of relational database schema that is composed of a single, central fact table surrounded by dimension tables.
Snowflake schemas – It can also refer to as snowflake join schema that consists of one Fact table connected to many dimension tables, which can be connected to other dimension tables.
Q40) what are the different types of securities that we can apply in framework manager?
Ans. Different types of security available in IBM Cognos Framework Manager are the following:
Row-level security: It enables you to create a security filter and use it to a particular query subject. It also controls the data that is shown to the users during building and running their reports.
Object-level security: It enables you to secure an object directly by allowing or refusing users access to the objects, or also by concealing it all from the users.
Package level security: It lets you apply security to a package and detects who all has access to that particular package.
Q41) how is the model different from a package in framework manager?
Ans. A model assists as an insulating layer between IBM Cognos BI reporting users and the database. While a package is a model subset, ensures users are furnished with the appropriate data for the reporting they need to do, and also the data structured will make a sense from the business perspective.
Q42) what is the extension of the framework manager project file?
Ans. The extension of the framework manager project file is .cpf (Cognos Project File).
Q43) what is tm1 Web?
Ans. TM1 web uses a multi-tiered architecture to allow users access and interact with Cognos TM1 data with any of the supported web browser. TM1 Web multi-tiered architecture contains a web application server, data component tiers, and a web client.
Web application server: Cognos TM1 web operates on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server and needs a Microsoft.NET framework
Data: This includes Cognos TM1 Admin Server and at least one Cognos TM1 Server.
Web Clients: This allows users to access and connect using any of the web browsers with the Cognos TM1 data.
Q44) what is the difference between TM1 Architect and TM1 perspective?
Ans. TM1 Architect is a desktop application runs in a remote desktop session with IBM Planning Analytics system, whereas, TM1 perspective is an add-in for Microsoft Excel runs in a remote desktop session with IBM Planning Analytics system.
Q45) Explain the Cognos Controller.
Ans. The Financial consolidation software used for complete close, consolidate, and report process is called a Cognos Controller. It serves you to automate and accelerate the close process with a full suite of financial consolidation software, especially for finance users.
Also, enables you to deliver complete financial results, build financial and management reports, and give the chief financial officer (CFO) with an enterprise view of key financial metrics and ratios.
Q46) what is Cognos Planning?
Ans. Cognos planning is a finance managed solution used for both the business planning and operational with the adaptability to turn the most complicated procedure into
Strategic plans, forecasts, and budgets.
Q47) what is the use of Cognos Impromptu?
Ans. Cognos Impromptu is an intuitive, user-friendly system allows non-technical personnel to design and share business intelligence reports easily and faster. This system is associated with the Cruise Net core system and allows to build customized reports varying from simple lists to series of linked and interactive reports.
Q48) what do you mean by Dynamic Query Mode?
Ans. The dynamic query mode allows data source and query optimizations to resolve query complexity, timeless expectations, and huge data volumes with enhanced query execution techniques. For relational and OLAP data sources, we can use dynamic query mode.
The following are the benefits of using dynamic query mode:
Creates models and publishes packages to IBM Cognos Analytics
- Enforces consistent modeling and reporting best practices
- In-memory caching
- Enhanced null suppression
- Member ordering
- Optimizes joins by applying filters
- Creates a bridge table to link separate data sets
- Stored procedures transaction access
Q49) what is the SQL Generation?
Ans. We can specify how the Cognos framework manager generates the SQL that recollects the data from the relational data sources for model query subjects or data source query subjects.
The SQL Generation type of a query subject can be set to either view or minimized. But minimized is set to be by default.
If the generation type is set to as minimized, the generated SQL includes only a minimal set of tables and joins required to access values for the selected query items.
If the generation type is set to As View, the framework manager contains the full SQL statement that described the query subject.
Q50) Explain Query Generation.
- Framework manager uses Cognos SQL for creating query subject, by default.
- For classic query mode, native SQL optimized for the data source at runtime is generated and passed down to the data source.
- Relational Query Planner prepares the query and then passes it off to Universal Data Access.
- Universal Data Access component has a series of gateway files that control SQL generation for particular RDBMS (DB2, Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc.)
- UDA makes the native SQL and performs it against the RDBMS
- Copy of the query engine local in the Framework Manager install
- Used for importing metadata, generating SQL, testing query subject, and expression validations.
- In Dynamic Query Mode, requests are sent to the Query Service for processing
- No query service running locally on the FM side
- Framework Manager will include passing the necessary elements in the model to Query Service on the server
- Result set and generated SQL for the query will be part of the response back to FM.
- This is the case testing objects and evaluating expression
Q51) what is the difference between Measure and Regular Dimension?
Ans. A measure dimension is a set of facts that are created from one or more query subjects possessing a valid relationship between them.
A regular dimension includes one or more user-defined hierarchies, with each hierarchy consisting of the levels, captions, keys, and attributes.
Q52) what is the use of Model Advisor?
Ans. The model advisor is used when creating a framework model to identify the model that follows the best modeling practice and also the areas that needs to be examined and changed. We can run a model advisor against a complete model or a subset of the model. We can even choose the tests which need to be run against the model.
Q53) Explain the Dimensional Modeling for Report and Analysis?
- DMR (Dimensionally Modeled Relational) builds in classic query mode.
- Logical dimensional layer over top of a relational model
- Single measure dimension and one or multiple regular dimensions
- Enables drill-up/drill-down analysis in the studios
- Dimension layer can be applied over any star schema model.
- Dimensions and measure dimensions are constructed from model query subjects or database query subjects
- At runtime, queries are run to spin a virtual cube on disk to simulate the OLAP style analysis capabilities
Q54) what are the Determinants? And when should use them?
Ans. Determinants are used for providing control over granularity while aggregating. Through identifying groups or subsets of data in a query subject, it reflects granularity.
Framework manager uses it to determine the levels in a default hierarchy for auto-generating regular dimensions from query subjects.
The determinants should be used when:
- Dimensions connect to fact tables at levels of granularity that possess repeating keys.
- There is a requirement to count or execute aggregate functions on an attribute or a kept that is repeated.
- Avoiding a distinct clause on distinct keys.
Q55) How Framework Manager uses Cardinality?
Ans. Query engine uses cardinality to identify query subjects that act as dimensions and facts, to avoid double-counting fact data, and support loop joins in star schema models.
Cardinality implies dimension side on the 1 side and fact data on n side.
Q56) Explain about Message Flows?
Ans. The message flow is an order of processing steps that run in the integration node when an input message is received. It contains an input node to represent the sources of the messages that are processed.
We can process the message in one or more ways and deliver it through one or more output nodes. Before a message delivered to a final destination, it is transformed back into a bit stream.
Q57) what is a User Class in Cognos?
Ans. User class is an object that describes the section of users who possess similar functions. Cognos supports user access manager for controlling user access like PowerPlay, Impromptu web reports, etc. every member of a user class has similar access privileges, and users can be assigned to various user classes.
Q58) what is a Snapshot?
Ans. A snapshot is produced for copying the exact data that is associated with the current report and also used for comparing it with other reports.
Q59) Name the types of indexes that are supported by Cognos?
Ans. Various types of indexes supported by Cognos are:
- Bitmap index
- Function based index
- B-tree index
- Reverse key and composite index
Q60) what are Confirmed Dimensions?
Ans. Confirmed dimensions are single dimensions which are delivered once using a dimension build and can be shared over various data marts.
If you have attended any Cognos interview in the recent past or maybe I have missed any topic you want to know. Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.