- 1. Please explain what do you like to do outside of work?
Many employers believe that people who are passionate about interests outside the office typically perform better on the job. Hiring managers want to know what drives you – whether it’s mentoring kids or making cootie catchers. Who knows, maybe you’ll have a hobby or interest in common.
- 2. Explain me what tech tools do you use on a daily basis?
This interview question demonstrates your willingness to stay sharp. Are you up on the latest technologies? Hiring managers are looking to gauge how strategically you approach your work as well as whether the company can support your equipment needs.
- 3. Please explain what would you do if a project was late?
Ask everyone on board to be all hands on deck. If still not possible to meet deadline call client and express the ideas for managing the outcome of the late project.
- 4. What was your greatest accomplishment as an art director?
My greatest accomplishment was being able to work well with my team. This does not necessarily mean that we have the same ideals, but we all are compatible with each other and are open-minded and respect each other’s artistic styles.
- 5. Explain how to become an Art Director in film?
To become an art director in film
☛ Learn classes in interior design, architectural design and computer aided drafting
☛ Work as a volunteer in a local theatre or on student’s film
☛ Work as a junior or assistant director with an experienced art director
☛ Keep yourself updated with new technologies and software like CAD.
- 6. How would you handle a staff member, who was clearly under performing?
Take them out of the office environment and have a chat about what is that excites them out of work. Listen to any issues they may be struggling with at work. Maybe find a way delegate work more suited to their creative interests. Perhaps take a look at company culture to see if people are overworked and create a fun field trip to reset morale.
- 7. Explain me have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?
I’ve never fired anyone before. Everyone was easy and great to work with and we all respect and understood each other.
- 8. Tell me the role of a copywriter?
Copywriter is a commercial author who writes copy for brochures, annual reports, adverts or other marketing materials. Copywriter either work as a freelancer or work inside the larger advertising agencies.
- 9. Explain the most creative work related project you completed?
My team and I not only got to design the background and props for a new film, but we were also able to contribute to the film’s storyboard.
- 10. Tell me what should an art director must do to make his content more appealing?
☛ Make your words pops
☛ Interpret the text for a visual culture
☛ Convey the message more with a picture and less with words
☛ Find editors, contributors, other brand and look into their work
- 11. Explain how would you describe your design style?
In addition to revealing your approach to creative work, your answer can show how you view yourself, how you think others perceive you and where you think you fit within an organization. How you describe your style – quirky, clean, and bold – also can help hiring managers determine if your design aesthetic will complement (or clash with) the company’s branding.
- 12. What was your biggest disappointment as an art director?
My biggest disappointed as an art director would be a few arrogant co-workers. Although I am an art director I do not see myself in a position higher than the others as that would be called a glorified manager. So it disappoints me when a few people see art as a black and white area and that one needs to be better or right.
- 13. Explain me do you have any writing experience?
Having worked with outside sources and overseas production I have written and communicated through many emails to get across many creative ideas and solutions. Also some personal writing through blogs and personal projects.
- 14. Do you know how to write an ad?
☛ Before writing for an ad, you should have thorough knowledge about the product
☛ Use less word and give more meaning
☛ Figure out the most eye-catching statement in your ad and put in the beginning part or introduction
☛ Once you had done with writing, trim what you have written
☛ Try to convey the message that touches your audience
☛ Instead of a stationary photograph, to enhance your radio script use a series of video images
☛ Record your ad and listen to it repeatedly until you are convinced totally with it
☛ Use the language that your audience is comfy with.
- 15. Please explain what all things does the art director do?
To represent a concept visually
☛ Look for the photographs, art or other design elements to use
☛ Analyze the overall look or style of the publication, television, theatre, advertising campaign, etc.
☛ Supervise design staff
☛ Review and approve designs, photography, graphics, artwork developed by staff members
☛ Present designs to clients for approval
☛ Presenting detailed budgets and timelines
☛ Organizing activities
- 16. Explain me what all things does movie art director has to consider in its budget?
Things that movie art director has to consider in his budget includes
☛ Income for the performer
☛ Travel and meals
☛ Automobile and vehicle expenses (includes vehicle used during the action sequence)
☛ Equipment’s
☛ Other additional expenses ( Video, CD’s, stage makeup and wardrobe)
- 17. Explain what are your main sources for industry news?
Managers want to know that you’re up on industry trends and that you draw inspiration from multiple sources. In addition to trade publications that focus on your area, don’t forget to mention any creativity-oriented websites, blogs and social media accounts you follow.
- 18. Describe a situation where you had to make a quick decision?
Every day there are moments for quick decisions especially during print days and there are discrepancies with ad copy. I discuss the situation with the appropriate people and email the decision.
- 19. Please explain me what major challenges and problems did you face at your last position?
On location photo shoots are usually very time sensitive and it’s important to keep everyone on the same page and working efficiently. Handling a miscommunication on a shoot and having a stylist go to creative director with unnecessary questions was a concern for director.
- 20. Please explain the skills required for an art director to work in an ad agency?
☛ Strong foundation in design
☛ Readiness to work long hours
☛ Knowledge with Photoshop, illustrator, indesign, flash, QuarkXpress, PowerPoint and other programs
☛ PHP, HTML, and other web experience are often required
☛ Enable to manage a project from concept through production in multiple media
- 21. Basic Creative Director Interview questions:
☛ Describe a team experience you found rewarding.
☛ Specific example of a time when criticised your work.
☛ How do you see this Creative Director job developing?
☛ Describe a group project of which you are particularly proud, what was your contribution?
☛ What will you miss about your present or last job?
☛ On taking this Creative Director job, what would be your major contribution?
☛ Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren’t thrilled about?
- 22. General Creative Director interview questions:
☛ What kind of events cause you stress on the job?
☛ Give me an example of when you involved others in making a decision.
☛ What changes did you develop at your most recent employer?
☛ Example when you were able to successfully communicate with another person.
☛ If you were hiring a person for Creative Director job, what would you look for?
☛ Tell me about the most effective presentation you have made.
☛ Situation where others disagreed with your ideas.
- 23. Phone based Creative Director interview questions:
☛ Have you ever had difficulty getting others to accept your ideas?
☛ Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
☛ What have you gained from your Creative Director work experiences?
☛ Describe how you have balanced your academic work with your extracurricular activities.
☛ Did you have faults as a leader? Describe the situation.
☛ If you were interviewing someone for Creative Director position, what traits would you look for?
☛ How quickly do you make decisions?
- 24. Role-specific Creative Director Job Interview Questions:
☛ Tell us about some brands you admire. What makes them stand out?
☛ You’re working with an established brand. How do you develop a solid understanding of what it is and where it’s going?
☛ You’re developing a brand for a new product. Where do you start?
☛ What’s been the biggest creative challenge in your career to date?
☛ What challenges have you faced in brand development? How did you overcome them?
☛ Everyone needs time out. What creative work do you do in your own time?
☛ Tell us about your current/previous team. What are your team members’ roles and how do they work together?
☛ How do you give constructive feedback to your team?
☛ Describe a time you received negative feedback from your team. How did you handle it?
☛ Describe a time you reduced work scope based on what your team could realistically accomplish?
☛ How do you develop the skills of your team members?
☛ How do you keep the team motivated in the face of tight deadlines?
☛ What tools, books, or ideas help you in your day-to-day work?
☛ How do you keep up with the latest creative tools and technologies?
☛ Tell us about a time you had to introduce new technology to your team
☛ Your most important client hates your latest work. What do you do?
☛ At your current/previous job, how do you stay updated on consumer feedback, and what do you do with this information?
☛ How influenced are you by current trends?
☛ How does your current/previous team handle analytics and reporting?
☛ Is it ever appropriate for design to overrule data? Why?
- 25. Informational Creative Director interview questions:
☛ What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?
☛ Your greatest weakness in school or at work?
☛ What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
☛ Situation in which you had to arrive at a compromise.
☛ Do your skills match Creative Director job or another job more closely?
☛ What type of management style do you thrive under?
☛ Have you ever challenged, shaken old work methods.
Talk about your education, work history, recent career experience and future goals.
This is your chance to show your depth and dimension as a person. These Creative Director interview questions reveals the candidate’s ability to identify the need for personal improvement.
- 26. Face to Face Creative Director interview questions:
☛ What is your biggest regret and why?
☛ Give an example of how you set goals and achieve them.
☛ What do you know about this Creative Director job?
☛ Are you willing to work overtime?
☛ What will you miss about your present or last job?
☛ What are the qualities of a good Creative Director?
☛ How have you coordinated the work of your team to achieve target goals?
- 27. My First Creative Director interview questions:
☛ How much preparation on files for trial do you do?
☛ Tell about a problem that you solved in a unique or unusual way.
☛ How would you describe your presentation style?
☛ What major challenges and problems did you face?
☛ What do you think this Creative Director position involves.
☛ What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
☛ Have you ever had to introduce a policy change to your work group?
- 28. Please explain a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project?
I am usually notorious for giving a client more options than expected when it comes to a project. I love to get lost in the design and when that happens I keep creating regardless of what the minimum request was.
- 29. As an Art Director, what do you believe is your best asset?
The ability to help designers create well marketed and designed material.
- 30. Tell me what is drop shadow?
Drop shadow is the shading effect used to give the appearance of graphics or raised type on the designed page.
- 31. What do you like about our current artistic style, with our company?
I like the fact that your company is unique and very versatile.
- 32. Tell us about an accomplishment you are most proud of?
The relaunch of a magazine! A collaborative success of work but many teams.
- 33. Please explain the term Noise?
Noise is a graphic image where there are extra pixels in the image degrading the quality of the image.
- 34. Explain me what does a video game art director do?
Video game art director is mainly responsible for
☛ Imagining and implementing artistic vision for a video game
☛ Communicating with the management, producers, game publisher and team
☛ Throughout the production process, he has to maintain the vision consistently
☛ Constant interaction with other studio department, to ensure that the art direction is feasible and supported properly
- 35. Explain me what all areas art director can work?
Art director work throughout media and industries related to it like
☛ Advertising
☛ Book publishing
☛ Book magazines
☛ With ad agencies
☛ Creating ads for TV or Web
- 36. As an art director how you will find the right agency?
☛ Don’t follow the agency just because they have bigger names, try to look whether that agency has the work you are interested in
☛ Research on the working style of the agency, whether it is biased towards specific media usage
☛ Look whether agency allows you to implement your idea freely
☛ Check whether their billing process is transparent.
- 37. Explain me what are the main things that the art director for an ad look for?
☛ Composition: does it cover all aspects of the ad including images
☛ Typography: does the letter or font used are align and readable to the target audience
☛ Color: does the color used in the ad campaign, suits the color scheme of the brand.
- 38. Tell me what projects are you working on right now?
Whether you’re a freelancer or looking for a full-time job, this interview question can uncover whether or not you’re staying busy and working on projects to improve your craft. Use your answer to speak to your ambition, expertise and motivation.
- 39. Please explain what excites you the most about a career as an art director?
I not only get to share my artistic vision, but I get to inspire and encourage those, who gave up on art as they don’t think they are worthy enough for it, to reach their goals and achieve their dreams as art is free and is self-expression rather than a competition.
- 40. Why do you want a career as an art director?
To try something new to challenge me and help me grow.
- 41. Tell me about a client dispute you’ve dealt with, and how you handled it?
When concerns with a client arise I find it is best to reach out in person / verbally and discuss the issues and possible resolutions. Being a good listener is sometimes the rest way to solve a problem.
- 42. What changes would you want to immediately make as director?
I don’t believe making immediate changes are necessary. I have to see how things run and operate and how the team works then I can suggest possible avenues of change that would benefit the brand and excite the consumer.
- 43. Please explain what do you think of our marketing/creative materials?
Hiring managers want to know that you have done your research and are familiar with their work – and that you have an educated opinion. Share your honest thoughts clearly, tactfully and succinctly.
- 44. Mention what are the problems an art director might face?
An art director might face problems in executing its work
☛ Communication gap: Communication gap between the different teams or department may be a major concern, synchronizing their work in a single piece becomes a headache
☛ Mental block: When you don’t liberate your ideas and imagination beyond certain area, it get stuck to a specific subject and stops you to see other options
☛ Too many assumption: When you have too many options to execute a particular task it might confuse you and direct you to the wrong decision
- 45. Please explain what do you mean by term Duotone?
Duotone is an effect used to give a black & white photographic image that has been given a color tint by duplication of the image onto a second color channel. In Photoshop, there is a command Duotone that changes a grayscale image into a two color Duotone, three color Duotone or four color quad-tone.
- 46. Please explain what is the difference between an art director and creative director?
☛ Creative Director: It designs and built the strategies to meet the business objective directed by the client. It establishes the overall creative direction and reports to a senior manager
☛ Art Director: The look and feel of the entire production are in the hand of Art director. It advances art direction based on creative strategy given by the creative director and develops design and style for the ads.