CSAB 2023 Special Counselling Round Registration Begins at csab.nic.in – News18

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Candidates can either freeze, float, or slide their seats in CSAB special round-1 to demonstrate their willingness to accept the seat (Representative Image)

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria can submit their application and pay the fee at csab.nic.in. On August 8, the results of the 2023 first-round seat allocation will be released

The Central Seat Allocation Board opened registrations for the CSAB 2023 special round of counselling today, August 3. On the official website, csab.nic.in, candidates who meet the criteria can submit their applications and pay the enrollment fee. The deadline for registration and fee payment is August 7. On August 8, the results of the 2023 first-round seat allocation will be released. Candidates must exercise their options and report to their designated colleges between August 8 and 11.

Candidates can either freeze, float, or slide their seats in CSAB special round-1 to demonstrate their willingness to accept the seat. They can also give up their assigned seat and participate in CSAB special round II, or they can keep their assigned seat and not participate in the special round. Additionally, students have the option of exiting their seats.

CSAB 2023 registration: how to apply

Eligible applicants can complete their CSAB special round registrations by following the processes outlined below.

Step 1: Go to the CSAB’s official website at csab.nic.in.

Step 2: Go to the candidate activity section and click on the registration link.

Step 3: Select the New Registration link and fill out the relevant information.

Step 4: Fill in the choices by clicking on the choice-filling link.

Step 5: Pay the application fee and click the link to complete the CSAB special round 2023 submission.

CSAB 2023 registration: Enrolment Fees

For general, general-EWS, and OBC candidates, the CSAB special round enrolment fee has been prescribed as Rs 44,000, while SC, ST, and PwD applicants must pay Rs 20,000.

The CSAB special round counselling will take place over the course of two rounds. Candidates who have been assigned seats based on the choices they made while filling out their applications for the counselling phase can report to the designated institutes with all necessary paperwork for final admissions.

Following the completion of the final round of the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA), a special round is held to admit students to the vacant seats in the Indian Institutes of information technologies (IIITs), National Institutes of Technologies (NITs), Indian Institute of Engineering, Science, and Technology, and other government-funded technical institutes (GFTIs).

Candidates residing in the Union Territories of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands are entitled to apply for admissions to supernumerary seats at designated NITs (NIT Durgapur, SVNIT Surat, and NIT Calicut). These applicants will participate in the CSAB Supernumerary round of counselling.

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#CSAB #Special #Counselling #Registration #Begins #csab.nic.in #News18

By bpci

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