CSIR IICB Admit Card 2022 Out @iicb.res.in, Download Here

Jagran Josh

CSIR IICB Admit Card 2022 has been released by the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology on iicb.res.in. Candidates can check the details here.

CSIR IICB Admit Card 2022

CSIR IICB Admit Card 2022

CSIR IICB Admit Card 2022: CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) has released the admit card of the online exam for the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) and Junior Stenographer. Candidates can download CSIR IICB JSA Admit Card and CSIR IICB Jr Stenographer Admit Card from the official website i.e. iicb.res.in. CSIR IICB Admit Card Link is also provided in the article below.

CSIR IICB JSA question paper will be divided into 2 parts. Paper  1 will have 100 questions on Mental Ability Test. Each correct answer will be given 2 marks. Paper 2 will have 100 questions divided into General Awareness and English Language. 3 marks are given for every correct answer. There will be a negative marking of 1 mark in both papers. The total time duration of the exam is 90 minutes and 60 minutes respectively.

CSIR JS Exam will have 200 question papers of 200 marks on General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness and English Language& Comprehension to be completed in 2 hours.

CSIR IICB Admit Card Download Link

How to Download CSIR IICB Admit Card 2022 ?

  1. Visit the website of IICB – iicb.res.in
  2. Click on the admit card link available on the official website ‘Notice regarding downloading Call Letter for the Online Written Examination for the position of Jr. Secretariat Assistant and Jr. Stenographer’ and then on ‘The link to download the Call Letter’
  3. Provide the details
  4. Download CSIR IICB Call Letter

The candidates should bring the admit card along with the photograph affixed thereon, a valid photo identity proof in the original and a photocopy of the same ID proof that you bring in the original. Other than this, they should wear Mask, Gloves, carry a Personal transparent water bottle, Personal hand sanitiser and a ballpoint pen and ink stamp pad (blue/black).


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#CSIR #IICB #Admit #Card #2022Out #iicb.res.in #Download

By bpci

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