CSIR UGC NET 2023 Result Date and Time: NTA to Release Scorecards Soon at csirnet.nta.nic.in – News18

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For the final results, NTA will use the normalisation procedure (Representative image)

Candidates who took the exam this year may check their CSIR NET 2023 results on the official website, csirnet.nta.nic.in, once released. Candidates will need their application number and date of birth to check the scores

The Central Scientific and Industrial Research-National Eligibility Test or the CSIR NET 2023 results 2023 will be declared soon. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has already released the final answer key and is expected to release the results anytime soon. However, an official confirmation of the result date is awaited. A total of 2,74,027 candidates took the exam this time.

Students who belong to the general, EWS, and OBC categories must receive a score of 33 per cent to pass the CSIR UGC NET 2023, while SC, ST, and PWD students must receive a score of 25 per cent. The Joint CSIR-UGC NET 2023 was conducted on June 6, 7, and 8 at 426 testing sites spread across 178 cities in India. According to statistics released by the NTA, the CSIR NET 2023 was taken by 2,74,027 applicants.

Candidates who took the exam this year may check their CSIR NET 2023 results on the official website, csirnet.nta.nic.in, once released. Candidates will need their application number and date of birth to check the scores.

NTA CSIR NET 2023 Result: How to check

Step 1: Go to csirnet.nta.nic.in

Step 2: Click on the CSIR NET result link on the homepage.

Step 3: Enter your login credentials

Step 4: The CSIR NET 2023 results will appear on the screen

Step 5: Save a copy of the result for further use.

NTA CSIR NET 2023 Result: Normalisation procedure

For the final results, NTA will use the normalisation procedure. The agency has said that if the exam for a subject is conducted in multiple shifts, then the NTA score will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate. The calculated score for the raw marks for all the shifts and sessions will be merged for further processing for deciding the allocation, states the official information brochure.

The preliminary answer key was made available on June 14, and the answer key challenge window was open until June 16, after which objections were examined to put together the final answer key. The NTA CSIR NET 2023 final answer key was made public on July 17. As many as four questions have been eliminated from the answer key — life sciences, chemical sciences, and mathematical science all had one question removed from the answer key.

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#CSIR #UGC #NET #Result #Date #Time #NTA #Release #Scorecards #csirnet.nta.nic.in #News18

By bpci

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