CUET PG 2023: Deadline To Raise Objections To Answer Key Extended Till 11 PM Today – News18

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The CUET PG 2023 answer sheet and question paper will also be available for download for candidates throughout this period of time (Representative Image)

The CUET PG 2023 answer key may be contested by candidates who are dissatisfied with it for a non-refundable fee of Rs 200 per question under dispute

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has extended the deadline for contesting the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) PG answer key 2023 on the official website, Based on the revised timeline, candidates who took the CUET PG 2023 have until 11 PM tonight to submit objections against the Common University Entrance Test- Postgraduate (CUET PG 2023) answer key. Previously, the deadline to submit objections to the CUET PG 2023 answer keys was July 15 at 11 PM. The answer key may be contested by candidates who are dissatisfied with it for a non-refundable processing charge of Rs 200 per question under dispute.

The CUET PG 2023 answer sheet and question paper will also be available for download for candidates throughout this period of time. The subject matter experts will evaluate the claims and then develop the CUET PG final answer key based on the issues brought forward by the applicants. The updated final answer key will be used to determine the CUET PG score. Candidates can also determine their probable score by comparing their individual response sheets to the CUET PG answer key. The CUET PG results 2023 are likely to be published soon.

CUET PG Answer Key 2023: How To Raise Objections

To object to the CUET PG 2023 answer key, students can follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Go to 2023 to access the NTA CUET PG official website.

Step 2: Under the latest news section, look for the CUET PG 2023 answer key challenge link and click on it.

Step 3: Now, log in using your registration number and password.

Step 4: The answer key will be shown in sequence starting with the question ID.

Step 5: In order to substantiate your objection, mark the correct response and provide the necessary evidence.

Step 6: Pay a fee of Rs 200 for each challenged question.

Step 7: Analyse the argument and submit your objections on the CUET PG 2023 answer key.

In accordance with the marking criteria, each accurate response will receive four points, while each incorrect response will receive a one-mark reduction. Unattempted questions will not receive any marks. Furthermore, if the NTA drops a question owing to a technical problem, all applicants will receive full marks for it regardless of whether they attempted the question or not. In the event there are multiple correct answers, candidates who attempted it correctly according to the amended answer key will be granted the marks.

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By bpci

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