Delhi University to unveil new portal for registration in BTech programmes – ET Government

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Students will be given to fill their preferences and seats will be allotted to them.

Delhi University will launch a new portal for registering and applying for the three BTech programmes to be introduced this academic session by next week, officials said. The students will get to choose their preferences among the three programmes and the university will later allot seats to them, they said.

The BTech Computer Science and Engineering, BTech Electronics and Communication Engineering, and BTech Electrical Engineering will begin at the university from this year with a total capacity of 360 seats. Students will be selected for the courses based on their Joint Entrance Examination (Mains) score.

“The process is expected to begin next week. Students will be given to fill their preferences and seats will be allotted to them. They will be given a few days to accept the seats allotted to them,” said Dean of Admission Haneet Gandhi.

Gandhi refused to comment on the registration fee. “We are still discussing the details,” she added. The three courses would be conducted by the Faculty of Technology.

According to a notification issued by the university, a seat in each of the three programmes will be given to a single girl child. The university will also introduce a Financial Support Scheme (FSS) to extend the benefits of equity and access to quality education to economically weaker students.

Each course will have 120 seats, according to the university.

A minimum of 50 per cent weightage would be given to major subject area of a course with a maximum of 65 per cent weightage. The remaining weightage would be given to minor subject areas of study.

Students will also have multiple exit options in line with the National Education Policy. A student who has completed one year of study and earned the requisite credits would be awarded a certificate. Those with two years of study would get a diploma and those with three years an advanced diploma. Students who complete four years would be awarded a BTech degree, he said.

  • Published On Jun 21, 2023 at 03:34 PM IST

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