1. What is Django?

Ans. Django is a web development framework written in the python programming language. It is a free and open-source framework that is maintained by Django Software Foundation, a non-profit organization. Django is a collection of modules that make web development quick and easy as you can create applications or websites from an existing source, instead of from scratch.

Here are some features of Django: 

  • Django is written in Python.
  • A robust framework for building large-scale enterprise applications.
  • Enables developers to build their application’s entire data model in Python without SQL.
  • Allows users to create dynamic pages with templates.
  • Extremely fast.
  • Thorough and useful Django documentation – can be used as a primary source of information.
  • ‘Batteries included’ philosophy – It provides many common functionalities for web development, which saves time.
  • Offers a wide range of advanced features and functionalities including Magical ORM, Multi-site and multi-language support, database migration, user authentication, MVC layout, APIs, AJAX support, etc. 
  • Immensely scalable.
  • Versatile – allows you to develop any kind of website.
  • Highly secure.
  • Compatible with powerful machine learning libraries like PyTorch, NumPy, etc. 
  • Used by Instagram, Youtube, Google, Pinterest, DropBox, etc. for their website.
  1. What are the disadvantages of Django?

Ans. Some of the main disadvantages of Django are:

  • Lack of conventions
  • Not suitable for smaller projects
  • Monolithic framework – it has lower dependencies makes it difficult to use. The developers will have to write more code.
  • It cannot handle multiple requests simultaneously
  1. Explain the inheritance styles in Django. 

Ans. There are three possible inheritance styles in Django: 

  1. Abstract Base Class Inheritance: 

It is used when the developer only wants the parent class to retain information that you do not want to type out for every single child model. 

  1. Multi-Table Model Inheritance: 

This style is used If the developer wants to subclass an existing model and needs each model to have its own database table. 

  1. Proxy Model Inheritance: 

This inheritance style enables the developer to modify the Python level behavior of the model, without changing the model’s fields. You can inherit from the base class and you can add your own properties except for fields.

  1. Explain the Django architecture. 

Ans. This is one of the frequently asked Django interview questions.

MVT architecture is the software design pattern used by the Django web framework. It follows the MVC pattern. It does not have a separate controller and the control is managed by the framework itself. 

 Django architecture has the following three components: 

  1. Model – It is the interface of your data that maintains data. It is the logical data structure behind the application. A model is a mediator between the website interface and the database. Sometimes, an application only takes data in a particular dataset and directly sends data to the view without any database, that dataset is called a Model. 
  2. View – It is the user interface of the web application containing HTML, CSS, etc. It includes what you see in your browser when you visit a website. 
  3. Template – It contains the static parts of the desired HTML output. It also has some special syntax describing how dynamic content will be inserted.
  1. What are Migrations in Django?

Ans. Migrations in Django create the database tables to store your Django model. Migrations are Python files that contain changes you make to your models, like adding a field or deleting a model so that they can be converted into a database schema. They are designed to be automatic, however, you will need to know when to make migrations, when to run them, etc. 

Migrations allow you to just make changes to your models, instead of manually making changes to your database schema by writing queries in our DBMS shell. We can use Django to generate migrations from those model changes and run those migrations to make changes to our database schema.

Below are some commands that are used to interact with migrations and Django’s handling of database schema:

  • migrate – used for applying and unapplying migrations.
  • makemigrations – creates new migrations based on the changes you have made to your models.
  • sqlmigrate – shows a raw SQL query of the applied migration. 
  • Showmigrations – displays a project’s migrations along with their status.
  1. Explain Views in Django. 

Ans. Django views are Python functions or classes that receive a request and return a web response. A view gets data from the database using models, passes that data to the templates, and sends back the rendered template to the user as an HttpResponse. The response can be the HTML contents of a Web page, a 404 error, an XML document, or an image, etc.

Django has two types of views: 

  • Function-based views (FBVs)
  • Class-based views (CBVs)
  1. Why is Django called a loosely coupled framework?

Ans. Django is called a loosely coupled framework because it is based on MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture, a variant of MVC architecture. MVT architecture provides a separate server code from the client-related code. 

Models and Views in Django manage the code that needs to be run on the server, and templates are mostly HTML and CSS that just require data from models passed in by the views to render them. These components are different from each other and will have a negligible effect on each other when changed. This allows front-end developers and backend developers to work simultaneously on the project. Since these components are independent of each other, Django is called a loosely coupled framework.

  1. Explain Signals in Django.

Ans. Django has a signal dispatcher that helps notify decoupled applications when actions occur elsewhere in the framework. Signals enable certain senders to notify a set of receivers that some action has occurred. Below is the list of some of the signals in Django:




Sent before a model’s save() method is called.


Sent after a model’s save() method is called.


Sent before a model’s delete() method or queryset’s delete() method is called.


 Sent after a model’s delete() method or queryset’s delete() method is called.


Sent when Django starts or finishes an HTTP request.

  1. How can you view the raw SQL queries Django is running?

Ans. To view the raw SQL queries Django is running, we will have to set the DEBUG setting to True. Then, type the following:

from django.db import connection


  1. How to set up static files in Django?

Ans. Follow the below steps to set up static files in Django:

  • Set STATIC_ROOT in settings.py
  • run manage.py collectsatic
  • set up a Static Files entry on the PythonAnywhere web tab
  1. What are the different types of Exception Classes in Django?

Ans. Django core exceptions are present in django.core.exceptions class. Below are some of the Django Exception classes: 




Raised when a user tries to use models before the app loading process.


The base class for DoesNotExist exceptions.


Raised if a query doesn’t return any result.


Raised by a model’s _meta.get_field() function in case the requested field does not exist.


It is raised by a query multiple objects are returned, but only one object was expected.


It is raised when a user has performed an operation that should be considered suspicious from a security perspective.


Raised when a user does not have permission to perform the action requested.


Raised by django.urls when a requested view does not exist.


It is raised when data validation fails to form or model field validation.

  1. Mention the differences between Django, Pyramid, and Flask?

Ans. Following are the difference between Django, Pyramid, and Flask:

  • Flask is used to create small applications with simpler necessities. It requires external libraries to build applications, and you are ready to use them.
  • The Pyramid is used to create large applications. It is heavily configurable and requires a database, templating style, URL structure, and other elements to build an application. It also provides flexibility to choose the right tools for development.
  • Django is also used for large applications that are similar to the Pyramid. It consists of an ORM.
  1. Is Django better than Flask?

Ans. Django and Flask map URLs or addresses typed in web browsers to Python functions.

On a technical level, both are good and have their own advantages and disadvantages but Flask is simpler compared to Django but, Flask does not do much for you. This means that you have to specify the details, while Django does much more, for which the user would not have to write excess code. 

This is because Django consists of pre-written code that the user will need to parse while Flask gives users the ability to create their own code. Therefore, it is easier to understand the code.


By bpci