DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result 2023 declared for Tier-I exam, download link here – Times of India

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DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result 2023: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Centre for Personnel Talent Management has announced the CEPTAM 10 Technician-A Result for Tier-1. Candidates who appeared for the Tier-I exam can check and download their result from the official webiste at drdo.res.in.
DRDO conducted the Tech-A Tier 1 exam in CBT mode from January 6 to January 11, 2023. Now, the result for the same has been announced. The shortlisted candidates will appear in the Tier-II (Trade Test) exam. Trade test will be of ITI level in the related trade, to test the practical skills of the candidates. The test may be of about one to two hours in duration.
Direct Link: CEPTAM 10 Tech-A Result
How to check CEPTAM 10 Tier-1 Result 2023?
Step 1. Visit the official website of the DRDO at drdo.gov.in
Step 2. On the homepage, click on the link that reads, “Tier-I Result of Tech-A”
Step 3. You will be redirected to a new page, enter your application number and date of birth
Step 4. Your CEPTAM 10 Tech-A result will open on the screen
Step 5. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference
The candidates who have been shortlisted in CEPTAM-10/DRTC/STA-B result need to adhere the following instructions:-
✦ Download the attestation form and medical form from the official website.
✦ Getting a medical examination done as applicable to recruitment to Group ‘B’ posts of Central Government from a competent Medical Authority.
✦ Filling of the attached attestation form in quintuplicate.
✦ Proceed for document verification and submission of medical fitness certificate with attestation form in time window of 05 Feb 2023 to 10 Feb 2023 on any working day from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM to document verification centre with five passport-size recent colour photographs. The details of the document verification centre will be shared through nomination mail to each candidate shortly.
✦ In compliance to Govt. guidelines, on successful document verification, make yourself available at the Rozgar Mela for receipt of the Appointment Letter. The detailed instructions in this regard will be given in the document verification centre.

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Saurav Pandey

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By bpci

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