Jagran Josh
DSSSB PGT Admit Card 2022 Released. DSSSB Teacher 2022 Exam to be held on 3rd and 21st November 2022 for PGT Sanskrit (Female), PGT Music (Male), PGT Urdu (Male & Female), PGT Computer Science (Male & Female).
DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022 Exam & COVID Instructions: The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board will be conducting the DSSSB PGT Teacher Exam 2022 on 3rd November and 21st November 2022 for filling up the posts of PGT Urdu (Male & Female), PGT Computer Science (Male & Female), PGT Music (Male), and PGT Sanskrit (Female).
DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2022 Calendar
DSSSB Recruitment Events |
Important Dates |
Notification Release Date |
20th July 2022 |
Online Application Start Date |
28th July 2022 |
Online Application End Date |
27th August 2022 |
DSSSB Admit Card Download Date |
27th October 2022 |
DSSSB PGT Exam Dates |
3rd & 21st November 2022 |
DSSSB Result |
To be announced |
Also Read: DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2022: Check Syllabus & Latest Exam Pattern for TGT, PGT & Other Posts
Also Read: DSSSB Recruitment 2022: Check Eligibility Criteria, Age, Qualifications for TGT & PGT Posts
Also Read: DSSSB Teacher Salary 2022: Check Pay Scale, Allowances, Vacancies for TGT, PGT & Other Posts
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Best 5 Last-Minute Tips to Score High
DSSSB Teacher Exam Pattern 2022 PGT Posts
PGT Sanskrit (Female), PGT Urdu (Male & Female)
S. No |
Subjects |
Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Section-A |
3 hours |
1. |
Mental Ability and Reasoning Ability |
20 |
20 |
2. |
General Awareness |
20 |
20 |
3. |
English Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
4. |
Hindi Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
5. |
Numerical Aptitude & Data interpretation |
20 |
20 |
Section-B |
6. |
MCQs pertaining to Post Graduation qualification and teaching methodology required for the post. |
200 |
200 |
Total |
300 |
300 |
PGT Music (Male), PGT Computer Science (Male & Female)
S. No |
Subjects |
Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Section-A |
3 hours |
1. |
Mental Ability and Reasoning Ability |
20 |
20 |
2. |
General Awareness |
20 |
20 |
3. |
English Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
4. |
Hindi Language & Comprehension |
20 |
20 |
5. |
Numerical Aptitude & Data interpretation |
20 |
20 |
Section-B |
6. |
MCQs pertaining to Post Graduation qualification |
200 |
200 |
Total |
300 |
300 |
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for General Awareness
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for Numerical Aptitude and DI
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for English Language & Comprehension
Also Read: DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Check Preparation Strategy for Hindi Language & Comprehension
DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Important Exam Instructions
1. Reporting time and Examination time for the candidates at the examination centre on the day of the examination will be mentioned in the Admit Card. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre after the end of reporting time mentioned in the Admit Card under any circumstances. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre without Admit Card containing three pages and without any ID proof (in original) under any circumstances.
2. The second page of admit card will be provided at the center. The same will be handed over to the invigilator on Exam Day after signing and affixing a thumb impression in the presence of the invigilator. Candidates should ensure that the 2nd and 3rd page of the Admit Card is handed over to the invigilator otherwise the candidate himself will be responsible for the consequences.
3. A candidate will not be allowed to leave the Exam centre before the expiry of the exam duration.
4. Candidates should note the list of prohibited items at the exam centre. Candidates will not be allowed to carry the following items inside the examination centre under any circumstances which are:
(a) Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of paper, geometry/ pencil box, plastic pouch, calculator, pen, scale, writing pad, pen drives, eraser, calculator, log table, electronic pen/ scanner, etc.
(b) Any communication device like mobile phone, Bluetooth, earphones, microphone, pager, health band, etc.
(c) Other items like wallets, goggles, handbags, belts, caps, etc.
(d) All ornaments like rings, earrings, nose pins, chains, necklaces, pendants, badges, brooches, etc.
(e) Any watch/wristwatch, bracelet, camera, etc.
(f) Any metallic item.
(g) Any eatable items opened or packed, water bottles, etc.
(h) Any other item which could be used for unfair means, for hiding communication devices like camera, Bluetooth, etc.
(i) No arrangement will be made at the center for keeping any articles/items belongings of the candidates.
5. Candidates are instructed to follow the following dress code at the exam centre:
(a) Light clothes with half sleeves not having big buttons, brooch/badge, flower, etc with Salwar/trousers.
(b) Slippers, sandals with low heels. Shoes are not allowed.
DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022: Important COVID-19 Guidelines
Candidates are instructed to follow the COVID-19 guidelines at the exam centre when appearing for the DSSSB PGT Teacher 2022 exam as follows:
(a) Practice physical distancing of at least 6 feet as far as possible
(b) Face covers or Face masks are mandatory
(c) Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds)
(d) Strictly follow respiratory etiquette, which involves covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
(e) Self-monitor health by all and report any illness at the earliest
(f) Spitting shall be strictly prohibited.
Wish you the best!
DSSSB PGT Admit Card 2022 (Link Active)
#DSSSB #PGT #Teacher #Check #Important #Exam #Instructions #COVID #Guidelines