DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic To Release Merit List Today At poly23.dtemaharashtra.gov.in – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

Candidates must have passed Class 10 with On the official website, poly23.dtemaharashtra.gov.in, candidates have access to merit lists (Representative Image)

Shortlisted candidates are required to submit and validate their preference applications between July 23 and July 26 after the provisional category-wise seats for CAP round 1 counseling

The Maharashtra Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) is set to release the preliminary list of applicants for admission to Polytechnic (First Year Post SSC Diploma Technical programmes in Engineering/Technology) programmes today, July 17. On the official website, poly23.dtemaharashtra.gov.in, candidates have access to merit lists. Students can see the merit list after it has been released by the concerned authority.

DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic Merit List: How to check

Step 1- Visit the official portal, poly23.dtemaharashtra.gov.in

Step 2- On the homepage, navigate towards announcement sections and look for merit list.

Step 3- Select the link.

Step 4- Enter the credentials asked like application number, date of birth and Captcha Code.

Step 5- Check the list thoroughly and find your name in the first merit list. You can also check second merit list if your name is not included in the first merit list.

The final selection lists for seekers from the state of Maharashtra, all of India, as well as J&K and Ladakh migrant candidates, will be posted online on July 21 in accordance with the counseling schedule. Candidates are required to submit and validate their preference applications between July 23 and July 26 after the provisional category-wise seats for CAP round 1 counseling are issued on July 22. On July 28, the preliminary allotment for the first round will be announced.

Between July 29 and August 3, candidates have to take the seats that have been offered to them. They must show up at designated institutions by August 4 to confirm admittance by presenting the necessary paperwork and paying the price. Three rounds of counseling will be conducted for DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic. The DTE Maharashtra will conduct admissions to first year of its three-year-long full-time Diploma Engineering and Technology programs offered in the Government, Government Aided, University Managed and Unaided private educational institutes based on CAP allotment lists.

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#DTE #Maharashtra #Polytechnic #Release #Merit #List #Today #poly23.dtemaharashtra.gov.in #News18

By bpci

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