DU Admission 2023: B.Tech Spot Admission Round 1 Deadline Extended to September 18 – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

The deadline extension notification is accessible to all candidates through du.ac.in, the university’s official website(Representative Image)

Candidates must mandatorily accept the seats that are being offered during the DU spot admission rounds as “upgrades” and “withdrawal” options won’t be available

The deadline for the DU B.Tech Admission 2023 spot round 1 has been extended pursuant to an official notice published by the university. For B.Tech spot admission round 1, the acceptance and online fee payment dates have now been extended to September 18. The notification is accessible to all candidates through du.ac.in, the university’s official website.

The official announcement states that “the last date for admission (Acceptance and online payment of fees) for B. Tech. Spot Admission Round I has been extended till 11:59 PM, Monday, September 18, 2023.”

Previously, the deadline for accepting the allotted seats was September 13, and the deadline for paying the enrollment fee was September 15.


The steps listed below can be followed by applicants to participate in the University of Delhi spot round admission 2023.

Step 1: Go to admission.uod.ac.in, the DU Admission’s official website.

Step 2: From the webpage, select the “DU vacant seats for round 2 spot admission” link.

Step 3: Find the number of available seats in the DU college of your choice.

Step 4: Access the candidate dashboard and select the spot round option.

Step 5: Fill out the DU colleges by preference in the spot round form.

Step 6: Once the form has been filled and reviewed, submit it and make a copy of it for your future records.

The candidate must mandatorily accept the seat that is being offered during the round of spot admission. Upgrade and withdrawal options won’t be available during the DU spot admission round. The seat assigned during the spot admission round is definitive.

The second round of UG (excluding B.Tech) admissions was offered to students who had previously applied but had not been accepted by a college or faculty between September 7 and September 9. DU states that those who were offered a place in the prior round but did not complete the admissions procedure are disqualified for this round of spot admissions.Additionally, if extra spot admission rounds are necessary, the university can announce them at a later time.

For further information on Delhi University admissions, candidates are encouraged to frequently visit the official website admission.uod.ac.in.

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By bpci

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