DU divides an equal number of supernumerary seats for ECA and sports quota – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

By Aditya Wadhawan
The University of Delhi (DU) has decided to allot equal weightage to sports and the Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) quota while admitting students to the supernumerary seats from the upcoming admission session. All the affiliated colleges of DU would now need to give an equal weightage of 2.5% each to both the Sports and ECA quota.
Till now the colleges decided on the number of ECA or sports category admissions with a ceiling cap of 5% of the total intake. In addition to this, the supernumerary seats would be calculated programme-wise, and not college-wise. This policy change is a continuous part of reforming the admission process at DU. As per the motion passed in the DU’s academic council (AC) recently, the marks secured in CUET would have a weightage of 25% for admission to supernumerary seats and 75% weightage would be given to performance, trials, and certificates secured by students in their field of talent.
Speaking to Education Times, Haneet Gandhi, dean, admissions, DU, says, “Till now a ceiling of 5% was allowed on a college basis depending upon the sanctioned strength of a college. Colleges could independently give weightage to the ECA and sports quota out of the total 5% while conducting admissions on the supernumerary seats. Some colleges allocated a ratio of 1% and 4%, whereas some kept the ratio of 2% and 3% to the Sports and ECA quota.”
However, the colleges would now need to give an equal percentage of 2.5% weightage to both the Sports and ECA quota. Since all the supernumerary quotas are programme based rather than college-wise, a uniform admission policy be followed for all the supernumerary quotas. “This would make the allocation process a simple task as all the supernumerary seats are programme-based and not college based,” says Gandhi.
“All the other supernumerary seats under different quotas like People with Benchmark Disability (PWBD), Children of Personnel of Armed Forces, and Kashmiri Migrants are programme based from the beginning. Hence we decided that the supernumerary seats for the sports and ECA quota should too be calculated programme-wise and not college-wise. This would bring about a uniformity in the admission process to supernumerary seats,” informs Gandhi.
This programme-wise standardisation would make the entire process democratic and reduce the disparity in the allocation process.

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