Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India
Candidates can check the merit list by clicking at the direct link for the courses of B.A and B.Com
Details of the cut-off percentage along with the names of the teaching centers are mentioned in the enclosed documents.
For B.A
For B.Com
According to the revised online PG admission schedule 2023-2024, seat allocation and acceptance will commence from 5:00PM, August 25, and will go on till 4:59PM August 30, 2023. Candidates accepting the allocated seats will be required to pay the fees by the mentioned date.
Third round of allocation of seats, inclusive of supernumerary quotas is scheduled to begin on September 4.
Direct link to check and download the DU
NCWEB 2nd cut-off list 2023
Step 1: Go to the official website of DU NCWEB
Step 2: Go to ‘Admission’ section
Step 3: Look for the section that displays the merit lists for the courses ‘B.A’ and ‘B.Com’
Step 4: Click on the link for the allotment list. It is available in PDF format. Clicking on the link will open the PDF document.
Step 5: Once the PDF opens, you can download it. Right-click on the PDF and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer or device.
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