EPFO SSA Result 2023 Soon at epfindia.gov.in: Check Social Security Assistant Result Update & What’s Next

Jagran Josh

EPFO SSA Result 2023  Soon:  Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) will soon declare the result for the post of Social Security Assistant on its official website. Check Stage I result download link update here. 

 Direct Link to EPFO SSA Result 2023  here

Direct Link to EPFO SSA Result 2023 here

EPFO SSA Result 2023: Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) will soon declare the result for the post of Social Security Assistant on its official website. It is expected that EPFO will upload the result pdf download link shortly on its official website for the above posts. Candidates appeared in the written exam for the above posts will be able to download their result from the official website-at recruitment.nta.nic.in, once it is uploaded.

It is noted that EPFO had conducted the Computer-Based Examination 2023  for the post of Social Security Assistant on August 18, 21, 22 and 23, 2023 across the country. After the successfully written exam round for the above posts, now it is expected that the concerned authority will declare the result soon on its official website. 

Career Counseling

However, there is no official notice in this regard that has been uploaded on the official website, but as per the earlier held process for the above posts, it is expected that the EPFO SSA Result 2023 will be announced soon on the official website. 

Candidates who appeared in the written exam for the SSA posts will be able to download the result from the official website, once it is uploaded. You can follow the below steps to download the result. 

How to Check EPFO SSA Result 2023?

  • Step 1. Visit the official website of Employees’ Provident Fund Organization at recruitment.nta.nic.in
  • Step 2. On the home page, you will have to go to the ‘Result’ section
  • Step 3. Now click on the EPFO SSA result link on the home page.
  • Step 4. Now provide your login credentials/registration details and click on submit button.
  • Step 5. You will get the EPFO SSA Result 2023 in a new window.
  • Step 6. Download it for future reference

EPFO SSA Result 2023: What’s Next

Once the EPFO SSA Result 2023 will be uploaded on the official website for the Social Security Assistant post, candidates qualified in the Stage I round will be able to appear for the Stage II round as per the selection process. The Stage II will be Computer Typing Test mode in which candidates will have to appear for the skill test round.

EPFO SSA Skill Test 2023: Overview 

 According to the selection process released earlier, candidates need to have a typing speed of 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi on a computer. Candidates should note that they will have to follow the typing speed/Key Depression per Hour as per the guidelines for the above posts. 
Candidates will have to appear for the document verification process round after the skill test round. 


How one can download the EPFO SSA Result 2023?

You can download the EPFO SSA Result 2023 from the official website, once it is uploaded.

When will the EPFO SSA result 2023 be announced?

The EPFO SSA result 2023 is expected to be announced in the last week of September 2023.

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By bpci

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