Mike McRitchie | Resume and LinkedIn Profile Writer | Telecom Marketing Content Writer
What is a mobile business, and are there any examples of some good ideas out there?
This is probably a big question you have as you click this article, wondering what exactly we’re talking about. Don’t worry, all will be explained throughout this post as you learn everything there is to know about mobile business ideas. If this is something you’re considering, then it pays to understand what the concept is all about!
What is a mobile business idea?
Contrary to what you may think, a mobile business idea has nothing to do with smartphones or mobile apps. Instead, we’re talking about mobile in the mobility sense. Specifically, this looks at various business ideas that are very mobile and can be taken around from place to place.
A traditional business – like a business consultancy firm or restaurant – will have a fixed location where you conduct your work. You stay in the office/restaurant and that’s where you do all of your business. A mobile business differs in that you will actually move around and go directly to your customers.
What are some examples of mobile business ideas?
There are so many that spring to mind, but we’ve picked a few to showcase in this section!
Firstly, a home care business is a mobile business. This means you provide care services to people directly in their homes, sending people out to provide assistance. As demonstrated on Home Care 101, this business can be very successful and lead to you raking in over six figures a month.
Secondly, a car washing business is another mobile idea. Again, you will go directly to the customer, but this time you provide a car washing service. Instead of people needing to drive to a car wash, you come to them – it’s super convenient.
The last example is a food truck business. This is a sub-shoot of the restaurant business, but instead of a restaurant, you have a truck with a kitchen that you can drive around to multiple locations. It can be highly successful because you bring food to people in busy locations – such as outside an office building where all the residents can get a quick bite to eat on their lunch break.
Why start a mobile business?
As you can see from the above examples, mobile businesses have the benefit of being convenient for consumers. You make your customers’ lives that little bit easier by coming to them, which can give you the edge over similar businesses that aren’t as mobile.
Not only that, but a lot of mobile businesses have low running costs, so they are often cheaper for you to start. From a more personal perspective, living life outside of a fixed location can be a lot more enjoyable. Instead of being stuck in an office all day, you are out and about – it can be a more invigorating experience.
So, do you think that a mobile business is on the cards for you? It can be a great step for any entrepreneur to take, particularly if you want a low-cost idea that has the potential to be profitable. Consider what mobile business idea would make the most sense, and then get started!
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