Experience Interview Question

Interviewer : What kind of work environment do you like best?

Mahesh : I prefer to work in an open and flexible work environment.

Interviewer : Can you explain what you mean by open and flexible?

Mahesh : What I mean is that I like to work at a place that gives the employees the freedom to do their work in whatever way the employee thinks is best. I prefer when my bosses or managers focus more on my results and not how I reach my results.

Interviewer : Why do you prefer this kind of working environment?

Mahesh : I think it is less stressful. Different people have different working styles, so I think that it is a good idea to give people the freedom to choose how they will deal with a project or problem. I believe that if a boss tells an employee exactly what to do and how to do it, then it gives unnecessary stress to the employee and kills their creativity. This is why I prefer an open and flexible work environment.

Interviewer : That makes sense to me and that is the kind of work environment that we have here.

Interviewer : What kind of people do you enjoy working with?

Mahesh : Personally, I enjoy working with friendly and outgoing people. They are fun to be around, so it makes working more enjoyable. And I think that if a person enjoys their work, then they work better.

Interviewer : I would agree with that. How do you feel about working with people who are not outgoing?

Mahesh : To be honest, it is not important to me. I understand that everybody is different, and I don’t expect everybody to be exactly like I want them to be. It is only important that they are respectful. I can’t stand working with rude people. In my opinion, there is never any reason to be rude to another person.

Interviewer : I agree. But how would you deal with a rude colleague?

Mahesh : First, I would try to kill them with kindness. In other words, I would be very nice to them and hopefully, they would change their behavior. If that did not work, then I would avoid them whenever possible and only talk to them when my job required it.

Interviewer : What is your management style?

Mahesh : I give my subordinates freedom to complete their work in whatever way they think is best. I try to avoid micromanaging them. I believe that micromanagement can cause staff members to feel stressed out and leads to poor results.

Interviewer : I see. What about if you have a subordinate who is consistently doing a poor job?

Mahesh : So, I prefer to give subordinates freedom to do their own work until they show that they cannot handle it. If an employee consistently produces poor work, then I will work more closely with that person to help them improve. After a while, I will start to give them more and more freedom.

Interviewer : Have you been in that situation before as a manager?

Mahesh : Yes, I have dealt with that kind of situation many times. Oftentimes, I had to do it with entry-level workers who had just graduated from university. Some of them were not ready to be given too much freedom and they needed more direction and help.

Interviewer : So, you give freedom and space to people who can handle it, and you try to teach the other people how to work independently.

Mahesh : Exactly.

Interviewer : What kind of person would be the ideal manager for you?

Mahesh : I think that the two most important qualities in a manger are decisiveness and communication. So, the ideal manager for me would be able to make decisions and would be able to communicate clearly and effectively to the staff.

Interviewer : Why do think these two things are the most important for a manager?

Mahesh : Well, if a manager cannot make decisions or has trouble making up their mind, then it is hard for the staff to complete their work. The staff will always have to wait for the manager to decide. Also, the staff might also have to worry about the manager changing their mind later.

Interviewer : I understand.

Mahesh : Also, communication between a manager and their subordinates is extremely important. If the manager is not able to communicate clearly and effectively, then this will lead to all sorts of problems. In my experience, these are the two most important traits that a manager should have, so my ideal manager would definitely have both.

Interviewer : I completely understand and agree with you.

Interviewer : What makes a good team player?

Mahesh : A good team player is selfless. They make sacrifices for the group and they do not focus on individual achievements.

Interviewer : Would you say that you are a team player?

Mahesh : Yes, I think that I am a team player. I don’t worry about individual achievements. Instead, I focus on the performance and success of the team.

Interviewer : So, you don’t care about individual awards or recognition?

Mahesh : Of course, I enjoy being recognized for my work, and everybody likes getting an award. However, if my team is not successful, then that award or recognition means nothing. The most important thing is the success of the team. Individual recognition is just a bonus for me.

Interviewer : That kind of attitude would fit very well with our company.

Interviewer : Are you currently employed at the last place listed on your resume?

Mahesh : Yes. I am still working at ABC Company.

Interviewer : Does your company know that you are here today?

Mahesh : They know that I am interviewing for a new position, but I didn’t mention exactly which companies I would be interviewing with.

Interviewer : I see. And would it be okay if I contacted your current manager?

Mahesh : Sure. That would be fine with me.

Interviewer : Great. And finally, when would you be able to start here?

Mahesh : I promised my current manager that I would remain there until the end of the month. So, I would be able to start at the beginning of next month.

Interviewer : Okay. That is not a problem for us.

Interviewer : You mentioned earlier that you are happy with the situation at your current company. If you are happy with your current job, then why do you want to leave?

Mahesh : That is a fair question. The reason that I am looking for a new job is that I believe I am ready to take the next step in my career. I have been working as an assistant manager for over three years. I believe that I have the skills and knowledge to be an effective manager. However, the manager at my current company does not plan on leaving or changing his position any time soon. Therefore, if I want to become a manager, then I have no choice but to look for a position outside of my current company.

Interviewer : I understand. So, you are looking to advance your career?

Mahesh : Yes. I want a new challenge. I have been preparing myself for a management position for quite a while, and I think it is time for me to begin the next phase of my career.

Interviewer : How have you been preparing?

Mahesh : I have been learning everything I can about the industry and how to be an effective manager. I have also been reading books on leadership and management.

Interviewer : It sounds like you are driven to achieve your goal. That’s great.

Interviewer : What do you expect from your manager?

Mahesh : I expect my manager to be fair and treat me with respect.

Interviewer : Can you explain exactly what you mean by fair?

Mahesh : Sure. I expect the manager to divide the work fairly as well as give feedback and bonuses fairly. I don’t like it when a manager plays favorites. If a manager treats one staff member better than the others, then it can ruin the team’s spirit.

Interviewer : Has this happened to you before?

Mahesh : Yes. One of my previous managers was good friends with one of the subordinates. This caused many problems. The manager would not give his friend any hard work and would not tell his friend when he did a bad job. This affected the work greatly.

Interviewer : That sounds like a tough situation.

Mahesh : It was.

Interviewer : Why do you like working in sales?

Mahesh : I like working in sales because it is exciting and challenging. There are always tight deadlines and important things to do, so I never get bored working in sales. There are always meeting to go to or presentations to prepare. Also, I always need to improve and get better when I work in sales. If I sell less than I sold last year, my manager will probably be disappointed. So, I always have to challenge myself to get better.

Interviewer : Some people would say that those things are stressful. Do you feel any stress working in sales?

Mahesh : Sure, but I don’t think that stress is always a bad thing. For me, stress means that the work is not boring. I would rather have a stressful job than a boring job.

Interviewer : Well, it sounds like the sales industry is perfect for you.

Mahesh : I agree.

Interviewer : What do you do when there is no work?

Mahesh : Do you mean what do I do at the office when there is nothing to do?

Interviewer : Yes.

Mahesh : I see. Well, sometimes there are down periods when there is not a lot of work to do. During these times, I like to brainstorm new ideas for future projects and do research.

Interviewer : What do you research?

Mahesh : I do two types of research. First, I research my company’s competitors. I like to find out what they are doing, what services and products they are offering, and so on. Also, I like to research new technology. I feel like if I know what new technology is coming out, then I can think of innovative ideas that can truly help the company.

Interviewer : That’s very smart.

Interviewer : In this line of work, it is easy to get burned out. What do you do when you feel burned out?

Mahesh : Working as a stock trader can be stressful and there is a lot of pressure to perform at a high level. I don’t wait until I am burned out to take action. I think that it is better to take preventative actions to avoid becoming burned out.

Interviewer : What kinds of things do you do to avoid getting burned out?

Mahesh : I think stress management is the most important thing. If you can manage your stress well, then you can avoid feeling overwhelmed or burned out.

Interviewer : Well, what do you do to manage your stress?

Mahesh : I think the best way to manage stress is to live a healthy life. I exercise regularly and I try to eat a healthy diet. These two things keep my body and mind strong. This helps me deal with and manage my stress effectively.

Interviewer : What do you do when you feel stressed out?

Mahesh : It depends on how much work I have to do. Normally, if I am stressed out, I like to go to the gym. After that, I go home and spend time with my husband and children. This usually helps me unwind and relieve my stress. However, if I feel stressed out, but I can’t go home because there is still a lot of work to do, then it is different.

Interviewer : How so?

Mahesh : In that case, I have to find a quick way to relieve my stress. I usually do one of two things. I either get coffee with co-workers and discuss something besides work or I meditate for 10 to 15 minutes.

Interviewer : You meditate? Does that work?

Mahesh : It is great for me. Even meditating for only 10 minutes can help you calm down and relieve stress.

Interviewer : Interesting. I might have to try it.

Interviewer : How do you balance both your family and your job?

Mahesh : It can be hard to maintain a good work-life balance because I often work long hours. But I think the most important thing is to take advantage of the time that I do have with my family.

Interviewer : What exactly do you mean?

Mahesh : What I mean is that sometimes I can’t avoid working late or working on the weekend. My career is important to me and it helps me support my family. I think that my family understands this. So, when I do have time to spend with my family, then I need to make the most of it.

Interviewer : So, what do you do to make the most of your time with them?

Mahesh : Honestly, whatever they want to do. My two sons love playing soccer, so whenever I have time I play soccer with them. My wife likes to travel, so whenever there is an extended holiday or whenever I can find time, we travel together as a family.

Interviewer : That’s nice. I know it can be hard sometimes for people working in this kind of high-pressure job.

Interviewer : How do you feel about overtime?

Mahesh : I have worked as an account manager in this industry for over 7 years. So needless to say, I have worked overtime a lot. Personally, I don’t have a problem working overtime. It is part of the job and I will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Interviewer : That’s great to hear. Can you tell me how often you worked overtime at your previous company?

Mahesh : To be honest, it is hard to say. It depended on many factors. There were some months that I worked overtime every single day. But on the other hand, there were months that I didn’t work overtime once.

Interviewer : Did it bother you to work overtime every day for a month?

Mahesh : It was tiring, but I was fine with it. We had to work overtime for a reason. We had to complete our project. I don’t mind working overtime if there is a good reason.

Interviewer : How do you evaluate success?

Mahesh : Success means achieving a goal I set for myself. If I do not achieve my goal, then I cannot say that I was successful. It is as simple as that.

Interviewer : It sounds like you a little hard on yourself.

Mahesh : Not at all. I know that I will not be successful in everything that I do and that is okay. I think that failure is also important. We can learn a lot from failure and it can help us succeed in the future. When I start a new project or at the beginning of each year, I like to set clear goals for myself. This way I can objectively judge my performance.

Interviewer : That makes sense to me. Do you feel like this has helped your development?

Mahesh : I do. I think that I am honest with myself about my performance. I am able to see my weaknesses and then I can work to improve those weaknesses. I think my method for evaluating success has greatly helped me develop throughout my life.

Interviewer : What does failure mean to you?

Mahesh : I think that failure is not reaching my potential. In order to reach my full potential, I need to try my best and work hard every day. If I don’t do that, then I will have failed myself.

Interviewer : That’s an interesting answer. Can you tell me a little more about why you think that?

Mahesh : Sure. There are many factors that can affect the outcome of a project or some work. Some things are beyond my control. However, there is one thing that I always control. That is my effort. That is why I think the ultimate failure is not trying one’s best.

Interviewer : I understand. What about when you do not reach a goal?

Mahesh : If I do not reach a goal, then I am going to be disappointed in myself. If I tried my best, then I will not be too hard on myself. I can learn from that experience and use it to improve.

Interviewer : Do you manage your time well?

Mahesh : Yes. I think that I manage my time very well. I always finish my work on time or ahead of schedule. Also, I am able to multitask and work on multiple projects at the same time.

Interviewer : How are you able to manage your time so effectively?

Mahesh : Being organized is the key. At the beginning of every week, I write a detailed list of all the things that I need to do. Then at the beginning of each day, I update the list. This way, I always have all of the things I need to do written down so I never forget anything.

Interviewer : It sounds like you are very organized. That is a good trait to have in this business.

Mahesh : I am an organized person. My ability to organize and plan is why I think I would be a great fit for this position.

Interviewer : What is your favorite website?

Mahesh : That is a tough question. I would have to say that my favorite website is YouTube. It is definitely the website where I spend the most time.

Interviewer : What do you usually watch?

Mahesh : I typically watch three kinds of videos ? TED Talks, music videos, and sports highlights. I like watching TED talks because they teach me things that can help me in my career or in my personal life. I think they are helpful and beneficial. I watch music videos and sports highlights for fun.

Interviewer : What is the best Ted Talk that you have seen recently?

Mahesh : I watched one a couple days ago about how to get rid of bad habits and how to form good habits. I can’t remember who the speaker was, but it was very insightful and helpful.

Interviewer : I think I have seen that one, too. It was a good one.

Interviewer : What makes you uncomfortable in the workplace?

Mahesh : Tension between two co-workers or tension between a co-worker and the manager makes me uncomfortable. This is because I usually have a good relationship with everybody that I work with, so when two people have a conflict I feel like I am in the middle of it. I want to support and help both people, so this kind of situation can be difficult.

Interviewer : Well, how do you usually deal with this kind of situation?

Mahesh : I usually meet with each person privately and listen to how they feel. Once each person has calmed down a little bit, I usually recommend that they meet with each other, or I invite both of them out to dinner together.

Interviewer : Does that work?

Mahesh : It usually works very well. However, there are situations when a relationship cannot be fully repaired. In these cases, you just need to make sure that their disagreement does not affect the work or the company. If they don’t like each other, that is fine. But they need to act professionally.

Interviewer : That sounds reasonable to me.

Interviewer : What type of person do you have trouble getting along with?

Mahesh : Actually, I usually get along well with most people that I work with. But if I had to pick one type of person that I have trouble getting along with then I would say, bossy people.

Interviewer : And why is that?

Mahesh : I don’t mind following a good leader and I have no trouble following orders from my superior, but I get annoyed when a co-worker always tries to tell me what to do. Also, it has a lot to do with how a person says something. For example, there is a big difference between, “Could you check this for me?” and “Check this for me.” In my experience, bossy people are usually also rude. So, that is why I have trouble working with them.

Interviewer : Well, how do you deal with a person like that?

Mahesh : First, I try to show them that I don’t like what they are doing. I don’t respond to their demands or I give them a look. If that doesn’t work, then I have to tell them directly. I try to do that in a peaceful and professional way.

By bpci