Fingers Name in English and Hindi with Images for kids

Jagran Josh

Here students can know the names of all fingers in English and Hindi from pictures. Also, check how each finger is useful for human beings.

Finger's name in English and Hindi with Images

Finger’s name in English and Hindi with Images

Fingers Name in English and Hindi with picture– Every human being has five fingers per hand or per foot. Each of these fingers is used to perform multiple activities and actions. These fingers are named differently for identification and clear purpose of use. In this article, you can know what each of the fingers is called in English as well as in Hindi. Students can also refer to the pictures attached below to clearly understand the names and uses of these fingers. Each of the organs present in the human body has some significance and it is important for human beings to know about them in detail. Know about the use of each of these fingers in detail. Every human being has a total of 20 fingers. 10 fingers in hands and 10 fingers in feet. Every hand and foot has 5 fingers and a human being has 2 hands and ten feet, thus making 10 fingers in hands and 10 in feet.

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Fingers Name in English

Little Finger– The smallest finger in your hand is the little finger. It is present at the extreme right or left of the hand.

Ring Finger– Next to your little finger is your ring finger. The size of the ring finger varies according to the person.

Middle Finger– The finger present at the center of your hand is the middle finger. Usually, it is the tallest one among all fingers.

Index Finger– It is present between the middle finger and the thumb. It is the fourth member in the family and its size varies accordingly.

Thumb– Present at the extreme left or right of your hand and farthest from your little finger is the thumb. It is shaped differently than any other finger.

 Fingers Name in Hindi

Earlier, we learned the names of fingers in English. Now, let us discuss what these fingers are referred to as in Hindi. It is important to know the names of our fingers in both languages for general knowledge and a basic understanding of the human body. 

Little Finger

कनिष्ठा उंगली

Ring Finger

अनामिका उंगली

Middle Finger

मध्यमा उंगली

Index Finger

तर्जनी उंगली



Names and Importance of Fingers

Little Finger

  • It enhances an individual’s grip strength
  • It helps in movements associated with your forearm, hand, and some fingers since it is ulnar.
  • It assists the ring finger in many movements.
  • Your hand is powerful because the little finger provides almost 50% of hand strength to it.
  • Also named as pinky, baby finger, anti-thumb finger, fourth finger, fifth digit, etc.

 Ring Finger

  • Used for wearing rings during engagements, weddings
  • Holds a significant amount of spiritual and religious importance
  • It is believed that the ring finger attracts positive energies
  • As per Yoga Science, the ring finger provides inspiration, creativity, stamina, and assertiveness.
  • Also named as leech finger, fourth finger, third finger, and annulary

Middle Finger

  • It is often associated with the throat
  • Since they are placed at the center of our palm, it holds the maximum amount of grip
  • Assists in almost all hand activities
  • The finger is used for non-verbal communication, to express a variety of emotions
  • As per Palmistry, this finger is the representation of an individual’s sense of discipline and life’s responsibilities
  • Also named the finger, the bird

 Index Finger

  • This finger is utilized in the maximum number of movements. It has high mobility.
  • Has great physical strength
  • Used for pointing to things. It holds significant importance in the ancient period
  • As per Yoga Science, it is related to our instincts
  • It is the most sensitive one
  • Also named as forefinger, first finger, second finger, pointing finger, trigger finger


  • Performs hand movements such as pinching, holding, grasping
  • It can easily come in contact with the rest of the fingers
  • Works in collaboration with other fingers to perform different movements
  • Provides grip strength
  • Also named pollex

Every part of the human body is equally significant and relevant for various movements that human beings perform in their day-to-day lives. Similarly, every finger present in your body holds some amount of importance in the functioning of your body. Though every finger is important for survival, human beings can survive without a finger or two. Many animals don’t possess thumbs but can regulate their lives easily. However, it is important to know the importance and names of each of these fingers for the general knowledge of students. 


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#Fingers #English #Hindi #Images #kids

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