Forced to Start Juice Stall After Graduation Due to Poor Finances, Jodhpur Boy Cracks RPSC PTI

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Juice vendor who cracked Rajasthan govt exam

During preparations, Bhawani’s day started at 4 in the morning when he woke up to start work on preparing the juices for early morning joggers and tourists. He used small breaks in the afternoon to study.

Fortune favors the brave. If you work hard, are persistent toward your goals, and are focused, you can achieve anything possible. This is the story of 27-year-old Bhawani Singh Bhati, a juice vendor in Jodhpur, who has recently cleared exams for Physical Training Instructor conducted by the RPSC.

After graduation, Singh started the organic juice stall in front of the famous Ashoka gardens in Jodhpur to be independent and manage finances on his own. “I come from a small village near Jodhpur. I could not depend on my parents after my graduation. I set up this juice store to ensure that I can earn some money and fund my education.”

Over the years, Bhawani appeared for more than 20 competitive exams, including a clutch of Rajasthan and central government exams, but was not able to crack them. He did not lose hope and continued to look for better opportunities while managing his store.

He started to use his mobile phone to prepare for the competitive entrance exam. He relied on the Utkarsh app and began taking lessons. He also attempted multiple mock tests for the PTI exam.

During preparations, Bhawani’s day started at 4 in the morning when he woke up to start work on preparing the juices for early morning joggers and tourists. Work at the stall keeps him busy throughout the day. He used small breaks in the afternoon to revise and studied at his house, once he downed shutters for the day. “I was confident that hard work will make me successful. I am thrilled that I have been selected for this prestigious post,” he said.

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) conducts exams to hire PTI. To clear the exam, candidates need to clear two papers – paper 1 and paper 2. Selected candidates get a grade pay of Rs 4200 with other benefits.

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By bpci

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