Fresher Interview Question

Interviewer : Why should we hire you?

Mahesh : You should hire me because I am a perfect fit for this position. I have the experience and the skills that you are looking for. On top of that, I am friendly, and I will bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm to your company.

Interviewer : Can you tell me about the experience that makes you a perfect fit for the position of quality assurance manager?

Mahesh : At Bigtime Corporation, I was in charge of a team that was responsible for the quality of three different products. I held this position for 4 years. During my final year, we did not receive a single complaint from any customer regarding the quality of the products.

Interviewer : That is impressive.

Mahesh : On top of that, I have created and can implement my own processes for quality assurance that will greatly benefit your company. I can make sure that the quality of your products remains consistently high and that your clients are never disappointed with your products.

Interviewer : That would be great.

Interviewer : Can you tell me why I should hire you?

Mahesh : I should be hired because I am efficient, smart, and friendly. I am certain that I would make a great customer service manager. I have been successful in similar positions in the past, and I am confident that I could make your company’s customer service even better.

Interviewer : That’s great. Can you tell me a little more about how you work efficiently?

Mahesh : Sure. As you know, sometimes customer service can be flooded with phone calls, complaints, or questions about a variety of topics. It is important to answer these in a timely fashion, but it is also important to deal with the most important things first. I am very good at organizing and assigning tasks to the customer service representatives, so the most important work gets done quickly, but we don’t fall behind on the other work.

Interviewer : That would be great if you could do that here. We have had issues in the past when our customer service department has become overwhelmed.

Mahesh : That is when I am at my best. So, that is why I think you should hire me.

Interviewer : Out of all the candidates, why should we hire you?

Mahesh : You should hire me because I’m confident that I’ll do the best job. I have a proven track record of success at all of the positions that I have held. This position requires someone who will be able to work well without supervision and who is creative. I am a creative and self-motivated person, so I think I am a perfect fit for this position.

Interviewer : Can you tell me some of the other traits that would make you a great fit for this position?

Mahesh : Sure. I think I have had success at all of my previous positions because I am responsible, enthusiastic, and dependable. I enjoy coming to work and challenging myself to be the best. I keep a positive attitude at all times, so I am easy to work with and I always get along well with my co-workers.

Interviewer : How do you challenge yourself?

Mahesh : I consistently push myself to improve my work and every year I set new goals for myself to achieve. This helps me constantly strive to be better. All of these things are reasons that I would be a good fit here and why you should hire me.

Interviewer : Why are you the best person for this job?

Mahesh : I think that there are two reasons that I am the best person for this job. First, my qualifications and skills match your needs perfectly. Second, I am excited and passionate about this industry. I will always give 100%.

Interviewer : Great. Can you tell me a little more about how your past experiences would help you in this lead researcher position?

Mahesh : Sure. I have worked in research departments in this industry for over 15 years. I have contributed and worked on many different kinds of projects. I have a master’s degree in electrical engineering, I have worked with people from all over the world, and I even have management experience.

Interviewer : That is very impressive. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Mahesh : Yes, there is one more thing that I would like to say. I am a person who always adds value to any project I work on or any company that I work for. I want to make a difference and help the company improve.

Interviewer : Why do you want this job?

Mahesh : Ever since I was young, I have been interested in cars. When I started studying mechanical engineering at Boston University, I knew that I wanted to work and develop car engines. Your company is one of the leading car manufacturers in the world, and I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to develop the most powerful and fuel-efficient engines with the other engineers at your company.

Interviewer : I love your enthusiasm. Do you have any actual experience working with cars?

Mahesh : I have never worked for a major car company, but while I was attending university, I worked as a mechanic at a car shop. I mostly repaired cars that had been in accidents, but I also tuned and repaired engines.

Interviewer : That sounds like it was a great experience.

Mahesh : Yes. I really enjoyed working there, but now that I have my degree, I would like to join a company where I can work on developing new and more powerful engines. I truly believe that this is the perfect position for me.

Interviewer : Why are you interested in this job?

Mahesh : I like the fact that this position requires someone who is detail-oriented. Since your company deals with highly sensitive data, it’s important that all the information is perfect. This is the kind of challenge that I enjoy.

Interviewer : Do you think this kind of work matches your strengths?

Mahesh : Absolutely. Like I said, I am a very detail-oriented person. I am also careful, responsible, and dedicated. I think that the combination of these traits makes me the ideal person for the job. I almost never make mistakes because I double and triple check all of my work.

Interviewer : You seem very dedicated.

Mahesh : Not making mistakes is something that gives me pride. It is also the reason that I have been successful in my previous positions.

Interviewer : What aspects of this job interest you the most?

Mahesh : The most interesting aspect of this job is your company’s product. Your app is currently being used by over 10 million people. And I think that it will continue to grow and could become so much more. Working on a product like this would be very exciting for me.

Interviewer : I see. And what do you think we need to focus on as our product continues to grow?

Mahesh : I think that it is essential to maintain an enjoyable user experience. Sometimes when companies grow very fast, they forget about what made them grow. They forget their users. Also, as your app reaches more and more people, you will want to add additional content and services.

Interviewer : Have you ever done any of the things you mentioned?

Mahesh : I have experience improving and sustaining a great user experience as well as content development. So, I think that I would be a great fit for this position.

Interviewer : That’s wonderful.

Interviewer : What are you looking for in a new position?

Mahesh : I’m looking for a position that will allow me to work on the newest technology. I want to be involved in creating the next generation of consumer technology products. Also, I want to work in a place with many smart people who are all working together to come up with innovative ideas and solutions.

Interviewer : Is being in a leadership position important to you?

Mahesh : That is not very important to me. I’m not afraid of being in a leadership position, and I can do it if necessary. However, the kind of projects that I am working on is much more important to me.

Interviewer : I see. Is there anything else that you are looking for?

Mahesh : Yes. I also prefer a company that offers a flexible schedule. I like to take my daughter to school in the morning, so I prefer to start work at 10. However, this is not essential for me. If your company does not offer a flexible schedule, I would be able to adjust my own schedule.

Interviewer : Actually, we do offer a flexible start time for our employees. So, if you do work here, you would not need to worry about that.

Interviewer : I can see on your resume that you did not work from March 2014 to January 2015. Can you tell me why there was a gap in your employment?

Mahesh : Sure. In March 2014, I left my job as a logistics specialist for XYZ Company. I decided that I wanted to take a break from working and see the world. So, I spent the next 7 months backpacking and traveling through Europe and Asia. It was a wonderful experience and I am very happy that I did it.

Interviewer : That sounds amazing. And what did you do when you got back?

Mahesh : When I got back in October 2014, I immediately started looking for a new job. It took me about a month to find a new job, and the start day for the job was two months later. That explains the gap in my employment.

Interviewer : Do you think you will want to take a similar trip again?

Mahesh : No, I don’t think so. It was an amazing trip and I had a lot of fun, but I am focused solely on my career now.

Interviewer : That is good to hear.

Interviewer : I see on your resume that you majored in economics and worked at a bank for 2 years before becoming a computer programmer. Can you explain why you changed career paths?

Mahesh : When I was in university, I was very interested in business and the economy, so I decided to major in economics. After I graduated from university, I got a very good offer to work at Capital Bank. However, while I was working there, I became very interested in computer programming. I started studying and learning how to program in my free time. After a couple of years, I knew that I wanted to be a programmer. It was just a better fit for me.

Interviewer : I see. Are you still satisfied with your decision to change your career path?

Mahesh : Absolutely. Although I am still interested in business and the economy, I love doing programming and creating new and exciting products that people all over the world use. Now, I hope to start programming fun games that people everywhere can enjoy. That is why I am applying to your company.

Interviewer : That is great. And just to clarify, you do not have any experience programming mobile games. Is that correct?

Mahesh : Yes, that is correct.

Interviewer : What are your salary requirements?

Mahesh : I’m expecting to receive somewhere between Rs 50,000 – Rs 60,000.

Interviewer : And how did you come up with that number?

Mahesh : I know that the average pay for an entry-level position is about 42,000 per year. Since I have a few years of experience and a master’s degree, I expect to be paid significantly more than the average entry-level worker.

Interviewer : I see. Would you consider taking a lower salary if it included some stock options or performance incentives?

Mahesh : I’m not sure. I would need to see all of the details, and then I could let you know.

Interviewer : That is understandable.

Interviewer : What do you think our company could do better or differently?

Mahesh : I think that your company offers a wide range of excellent clothing products that are high-quality. However, I think your company could do a better job of marketing to younger people.

Interviewer : That’s interesting. Could you tell me a little more?

Mahesh : Sure. These days, many of your items are becoming popular with young men and women. However, your company continues to mostly advertise through classic mediums like newspapers, TV, and magazines. Young people these days get most of their content through their laptops or mobile devices. Your company should focus more on reaching younger consumers through online marketing. I know I could help your company do this.

Interviewer : You make a good point. Do you have experience in marketing to younger consumers?

Mahesh : Yes. At my previous job, I worked on the marketing team at a website aimed at university students. So, I know a lot about how to effectively market to younger consumers.

Interviewer : That’s great.

Interviewer : What drives results in a company?

Mahesh : In order for a company to be successful, there needs to be solid leadership. I think that leadership is the key factor that drives results in a company.

Interviewer : I understand. Can you tell me a few leadership skills that you think are necessary?

Mahesh : It is crucial that a leader has three things. First, they must have a clear vision and they must be able to clearly explain this vision to their subordinates. Second, a good leader must have good decision-making skills. They must be able to make the right choices under pressure. Last, a leader must be accountable. If there is a mistake or the quality of some work is not up to the company’s standards, then the leader must take responsibility for this.

Interviewer : Do you feel like you have those skills?

Mahesh : Yes, I do. Whenever I am in a leadership position, I use those three skills to guide my actions. Those three things have helped me be successful so far in my career.

Interviewer : What do you do when you are having difficulty solving a problem?

Mahesh : There are a couple things that I do when I am having difficulty solving a problem. First, I like to think about the problem in detail while writing out my ideas. I write down possible solutions, and I make a list of pros and cons for each of the solutions.

Interviewer : I do that too! What else do you do?

Mahesh : After I write down my ideas and think about the problem for a while, I take a break and I do something that is not related to the problem. After some time, I come back to the problem and think about it again. At this time, I am usually able to come up with a solution.

Interviewer : What do you do if you need to make an urgent decision?

Mahesh : If I need to make an urgent decision, then I follow the same steps, but I just shorten the time. For example, I make a quick list of the pros and cons, and then I take a 5-minute walk. After that, I make the decision that I think is the best for the company.

Interviewer : Do you have any outside income?

Mahesh : Yes, I do. I am the part owner of a coffee shop. I own the coffee shop together with three friends of mine.

Interviewer : I see. And do you work at the coffee shop or have any responsibilities there?

Mahesh : No, I do not work or have any responsibilities at the coffee shop. I am merely an investor. A few of my friends came to me a couple of years ago and told me that they were going open a coffee shop. They asked me to invest, and I said yes because they had a good business plan.

Interviewer : I understand. We just want to make sure that you were not currently involved in any other enterprise that would require your attention or time. Anyway, how is business at the coffee shop?

Mahesh : Business is good.

Interviewer : What is the most recent book you have read?

Mahesh : I just finished reading The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt. It was a great read and I really enjoyed it.

Interviewer : I think that I’ve heard about it. Can you tell me what it is about?

Mahesh : It is a psychology book that talks about different great ideas about happiness from great thinkers of the past like Plato, Buddha, and others. Then it compares these ideas to recent psychological research and how people can use them in their lives today.

Interviewer : That sounds interesting. Why did you choose that book?

Mahesh : I am very interested in psychology. I like to study why certain people make decisions and why people do certain things. I also think that it helps me with my work as a product designer. If I can understand psychology better, then I can understand people better. And I can develop a product that people are more attracted to.

Interviewer : I see. So, it also helps you at work. That’s great.

Interviewer : What kind of salary are you looking for?

Mahesh : Well, since this is my first job, I would expect to receive about the industry average for an entry-level employee. And according to my research, that is around Rs 30,000 per year.

Interviewer : Would that be enough for you?

Mahesh : Yes, I would be satisfied with that at first. I am not too worried about my salary at the moment. The most important thing for me is getting some experience at a leading company. As long as I am getting a fair salary, I wouldn’t complain.

Interviewer : That is good to hear. Our entry level employees usually start out at around Rs 30,000 per year, but there are many advancement opportunities. And as a person advances in the company, their salary will also increase.

Mahesh : I understand. I have heard from a few people who work here that the pay system is fair, so I am not worried about it.

Interviewer :  Excellent.

Interviewer : During performance reviews, what criticism do you hear the most?

Mahesh : The criticism that I hear the most is that I work too slowly. This is not because I am lazy or unorganized. It is because I am very careful and meticulous. I like to double check all of my work to make sure that there are no errors.

Interviewer : Was this a problem at your previous jobs?

Mahesh : I would not say that it was a problem, but some of my co-workers at my previous jobs liked to work fast. We just had different working styles, so sometimes there were disagreements. Overall, it wasn’t a major problem and I think that working slowly actually helped my team.

Interviewer : Why do you think it helped?

Mahesh : To be honest, if I had not been on the team, then they would have made many mistakes. My former colleagues all liked to work fast, but they often made mistakes. I was the one who caught these mistakes and fixed them.

Interviewer : It sounds like you would be a good fit here. We like employees who pay attention to detail because we want to provide the best service to our clients all the time.

Interviewer : During performance reviews, what praise do you get the most?

Mahesh : My managers and colleagues most often praise me for my positive attitude, enthusiasm, and hard work. I try to bring a positive attitude to work every day and I try to make both my colleagues and the customers at the store happy. Overall, I am a happy person and I want to make other people happy too.

Interviewer : Do you think this helps your performance?

Mahesh : I do. People enjoy being around positive people and customers like to be helped by employees who smile and are friendly. I am sure that my positive attitude is one of the reasons why my sales are always high and why I consistently get positive feedback from customers.

Interviewer : You also mentioned that you are hardworking.

Mahesh : Yes. If I fail at something, I don’t want it to be because I didn’t try my best.

Interviewer : I like your attitude.

Interviewer : Do you work well with other people?

Mahesh : Yes, I do. I think that working with people is one my biggest strengths. I am good at working with both colleagues and clients.

Interviewer : How has this helped you in your career?

Mahesh : First, it has helped me build strong relationships with my colleagues. When colleagues work well together, they often produce better results. For me, this has been the case. Second, I have been able to build solid and long-lasting relationships with clients. These clients have stayed with me for a long time and they have even recommended me to their friends and business contacts.

Interviewer : That’s great. Why do you think you work so well with other people?

Mahesh : Honestly, I do not do anything special. I just try to be friendly and a good listener. People seem to like that.

By bpci