Friendship Day 2023: Friendship Building Activities for Elementary Students

Jagran Josh

Friendship Day 2023: Here, we have listed down friendship-building activities for students and teachers. Children of all ages can participate in these activities to make their Friendship Day fun and memorable.

Friendship Day 2023: Every year, the first Sunday of August is celebrated as Friendship Day in India. On this day, friends tie friendship bands to each other, write letters, watch movies, and have lots of fun. Until now, Friendship Day was not given such immense importance in Indian Schools, but slowly the tradition has changed. Play schools and Primary level classes have now started celebrating Friendship Day in schools.

It is an important day for students and in fact, all of us, since friends are an integral part of our life. This day can be used to celebrate the importance of our friendships and build new bonds through various activities. Some friendship-building ideas for youth have been presented below, to make this day a memorable one.

Also Check: 10 Best Friendship Movies for School Students

Friendship Building Activities for Students

(i) DIY Friendship Bands– What is the best way to celebrate friendship day if not by tying friendship bands on each other’s wrists? And this could be all the way more fun and emotional if friendship bands are made by students, using their own creativity.

(ii) Message Heart Bulletin– In this activity, students would be asked to write a message for a friend along with his/her name, on a heart-shaped paper. This paper will then be posted on the message heart bulletin (board filled with heart-shaped messages from one student to another). To make it more interesting, the messages can be kept anonymous.

(iii) Show your friend– In this activity, students will have to bring something related to their closest friends in the classroom and share their friendship story with everyone in the class. The friend that you choose to talk about could be a person, pet, or anything that you are attached to such as soft toys. It should just be someone/something that students share a close bond with and are friends with.

(iv) How well do you know your friend?– As the name itself suggests, this activity will be about asking questions to each other. Here, the teacher or the coordinator of the activity can take answers from the first student and then ask the same question to the other friend. This reveals how much you know about your friend.

(v) Singing Friendship Songs– Here, the entire classroom can together sing their favorite friendship songs loudly. This will fill them with loads of emotions and a sense of friendliness at the same time.

(vi) Compliment Someone– In this activity, each student would be asked to compliment a person he/she has least talked to in the classroom. Who knows, this can start a new friendship.

 (vii) Count Me In– Here, a student will have to stand up and share something interesting about them. This can be your hobbies, your likes or dislikes, or anything else. Any other student who likes to do the same thing can stand up, give each other a hug, and say ‘Count Me In’. This will also make students develop new friendship bonds and teach them what role similarities and dissimilarities play in the life of two individuals.

(viii) Trust Fall – This is an all-time favorite of most of the kids. Here, students should be taken to the ground. Each student must choose a friend. Friend 1 will have to trust Friend 2 and fall blindly into the arms of the second friend. The second friend must save their first friend from falling.

(ix) Changing Roles– Here, two friends would have to interchange their roles and act like the other one. They have to walk, talk, and behave like their chosen friend. Remember, here students have to pick the friend they know the most about.

(x) Create Together– Here students can be divided into groups of 4 to 5 people, depending on the number of students. Then, the group will be asked to create something completely raw, unique, and of their own. The most innovative, creative, and attractive idea would get a prize.

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