GSoC Challenge 2023: Two CoEPTU students selected for Google Summer of Code – Times of India

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PUNE: Two students of the College of Engineering Pune Technological University- Arya Chaumal and Tanmay Patil, have been selected for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) challenge, 2023. Chaumal is a fourth-year student at the institute while Patil is in his third year of engineering.
“GSoC is ‘an annual program in which Google awards stipends to contributors who successfully complete a free and open-source software (FOSS) coding project during the summer’. Tanmay will be working on ‘Add Acrostic Puzzles to GNOME Crosswords’ with GNOME, while Arya will be working on “HPX threading system for LLVM OpenMP” with Stellar Group. This is Arya’s second selection for GSoC. We had one student getting selected each year in 2012, 2014, 2017, 2018, and 2020, and two in 2022. It is delightful to see a continued selection of our students for GSoC,” said the official note from CoEPTU.
The college officials said that the Association of Students of Computer and IT(ASCI) at COEPTU has been playing an important role in educating students on GSoC and the process of application over the last few years. COEP Tech’s Free Software Users Group (COFSUG) has also contributed to this awareness through its various activities organized throughout the year. Abhijit AM, faculty at the Department of Computer Engineering, COEPTU is the faculty advisor for COFSUG, said the official note.

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By bpci

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